
Study in USA. 1078 best institutions in USA

This content was developed with active participation of Sarah Jayne Blakemore.


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Education information

In today's world, studying in prestigious schools and leading universities in America offers students endless career opportunities. Any international student can pursue secondary education in the USA and become a highly sought-after and skilled professional. SMAPSE is always ready to guide international students through all the necessary steps and preparation stages to enter educational institutions in the USA.

Studying in the USA is considered highly prestigious. The popularity of the best universities in the USA is evident in the global rankings, with 15 out of the top 20 universities belonging to educational institutions in the United States. American colleges and boarding schools have developed educational programs that are well-suited for foreign students who are not native English speakers. Undoubtedly, an American diploma is a valuable investment, promising a successful future and abundant opportunities.

It is worth noting that prestigious universities in America offer specialized educational programs for various fields of activity. Graduates from US colleges and schools can easily gain admission to nearly any university in the world. A degree from a US university provides significant competitive advantages in the international job market, and graduates are highly regarded by employers, especially international corporations.

Advantages to Study Abroad in the USA

Every year, the USA attracts numerous international students looking for quality higher education. Graduating from an American institution often translates to:

  • Lucrative and prestigious job opportunities

  • Competitive salary levels

  • Financial stability, globally recognized

Indeed, the decision to study in the USA is a worthy investment, capable of unlocking a wide range of opportunities for your future.

American educational institutions offer a myriad of professional development programs. The educational institutions in the USA create all necessary conditions for discovering student’s interests, inclinations and career paths from an early age. Most educational programs stipulate a combination of mandatory courses and a wide choice of electives. So, students can tailor their education to their preferences and future goals.

Private schools in America

Additional Benefits: More Than Just Academics

Besides academic prestige and freedom of choice, the educational experience in America is enriched by:

  • Creative potential enhancement

  • Athletic development

  • Nurturing of artistic skills

If you have achieved high results in sports or the arts, you are provided with the opportunity to apply for a scholarship, which covers from 20% to 100% of tuition fee in the USA. In addition to scholarship, American universities provide grants for foreign students, if they achieved outstanding academic results in studying. So, there are several options for reducing the cost of education in the USA.

Work and Studies in the USA

International students on a student visa have the ability to engage in paid work alongside their studies. Typically, students find it straightforward to secure jobs that pay at least $60 a month. During vacations, the opportunity for full-time employment can result in even higher earnings.

Permanent Residency

Graduation from an American university allows you to stay and work in the USA. Foreign students usually are required to obtain a temporary F-1 visa, which is valid during the period of their study. Upon its expiry, graduates have a year to find permanent employment and transition to a work-based visa status.

How to Apply for a Study Permit and Understand Study in USA 

Though the cost of studying in America's top universities can be substantial, various measures can help ease the financial burden. Some institutions offer reduced-duration programs tailored for international students, significantly cutting down costs. Eligible graduates can also enter one-year Master's programs at elite universities.

Admission Requirements to study in the USA

When it comes to admissions, elite American institutions have rigorous standards, especially for international applicants. However, most universities are generally accommodating. If your proficiency in English falls short, you might consider enrolling in language courses offered by many prestigious American universities. Upon course completion, students receive a TOEFL certificate, which is often directly applicable if you decide to continue your education in the USA.

Application Timeline

Leading American universities have three primary enrollment periods: January, May, and September. This flexibility facilitates effective planning and preparation. To ensure a smooth application process, it is recommended to prepare a package of  documents at least six months in advance before starting education. This timeframe is enough for obtaining visas and preparing required documents.

Global Exposure

Many ranking US universities have partnerships with institutions around the world, offering students to participate in exchange programs, which allows them to get acquainted with different cultures.

Valentina Nikitina
Senior Marketing and Recruitment Manager at Kaplan Pathways with a focus on students from Russia and the CIS.

What advice would you give to potential students before entering in USA university and why?

Don't be lazy to explore opportunities and ask tough questions. Remember that choosing the right university is an important step on your path, but not the last. Enjoy this path!


American Educational System

The American educational system is respected for its high academic standards, globally recognized diplomas, and excellent English language preparation. After graduation, the students often successfully gain employment in multinational corporations and grow their career ladder.

Key Features

  • International students typically study for 6-7 years.

  • Education begins at age 5, followed by 5 years in primary school.

  • Secondary school spans 3 years, leading to 4 years of university preparation.

  • Colleges and universities constitute higher education, with colleges often offering 2-year practical courses.

  • Universities offer bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, which comply with the globally accepted Bologna system.

Deciding on studying in the USA can be considered as investments, which positively impact both personal and professional development. Due to the mix of high quality of education, flexibility, and offered opportunities for academic and extracurricular growth, studying in the USA should be considered as an interesting educational journey.

The Cost of Studying in the Top 100 U.S. Educational Institutions for International Students

Study in USA Fees: An Overview

The cost of study in the USA for foreign students is influenced by various factors. Firstly, the type of educational institution plays an important role in tuition pricing. Obtaining education in private secondary schools will require between $40,000 to $80,000 per year, including meals. The obtaining of university education in the USA will cost from $30,000 to $60,000 per year. Pay attention that this sum does not include living expenses like food and transportation.

Location and Specialization Matter

Secondly, the cost varies not only based on the institution's reputation but also its geographical location. Thirdly, your area of study also impacts the cost. Fields like medicine and law tend to be among the most expensive.

The Value of American Education

Despite the high costs of studying in the USA, you make a profitable investment in your future. The degree of American university is highly regarded globally, providing the graduates with bright job prospects and career potential.

Schools in the USA

Approximate Costs by Program

How to Apply for a Study Permit and Scholarships in the USA

Studying in the USA is characterized by the high tuition fee. So, it's recommended to consider scholarship options. There is an opportunity to apply for scholarships through educational grants, among which are Fulbright, E. Maskie's program, or the AAUW Educational Fund. To increase your chances, prepare a compelling motivation letter and excel in the required tests.

Athletic scholarships are also popular, although they usually last for only one academic year. To continue receiving financial aid, students need to maintain or improve their performance.

Additional Costs During Your Stay

Apart from tuition, you should budget for:

  • Food

  • Rent

  • Educational materials

  • Mobile phone

  • Household items

  • Airfare

  • Consular fees and taxes

American Educational System

Early Education in the USA

In the USA, children aged from 5 to 8 years old usually start education. At the age of 18-19 years the students complete their education. Education begins in elementary school, further children go to a prestigious secondary school.

Best Programs to Study in USA: College and University

After completing studies in high school, students are offered two options for choice: to attend a two-year college or a four-year university. After studying for four years at a university, students are awarded a bachelor's degree. With a bachelor's degree, they can continue their studies on a master's or doctoral program.

Specialty Programs

Primary education mainly focuses on arithmetic, reading, and writing, and is generally taught by a single teacher except for subjects like music, fine arts, and physical education.

Secondary and High School Programs in the USA

At the age of 11-14 years old students usually start education in secondary school. School program stipulates studying of core subjects, namely English, math, social and natural sciences, and physical education. In addition to it, the students are offered to choose 1-2 additional subjects, generally in the arts, foreign languages, or technology. Schools often stream students into advanced or regular tracks based on academic performance.

Controversies in the American Educational System

Some critics argue that streaming students based on academic performance can be demotivating for those in lower-performing tracks.

High School Diploma Program

The high school program stipulates studying from 9th to 12th grade, offering a wide range of subjects. To successfully graduate from high school, students must meet the minimum requirements set by their school board.

Higher Education in the USA for International Students

Exploring the Options for Elite Higher Education in the USA

In the United States approximately 4,500 prestigious universities are located, inviting international students for studying. Every year, more than 500,000 foreign students decide on studying abroad in the USA, wishing to obtain higher education at top-ranking American universities. As an interesting fact, over half of these foreign students come from Asian countries.

Cost and Fees to Study in USA

The tuition fee in the USA fluctuates from $5,000 to $40,000 per academic year. The difference in cost of studying is mainly determined by the institution's ranking, location, and status—whether it's public or private. Considering the high tuition fee, the foreign students will be surprised to know that the majority of prestigious educational institutions offer academic grants and scholarships, helping to offset study in USA fees.

Types of Elite Educational Institutions in the USA

Elite higher education in the USA is generally divided into three main categories, differentiated primarily by the academic atmosphere and student population size:

  • Colleges: Usually smaller, private institutions where the focus is on intensive teaching rather than research. These programs typically last four years.

  • Public Universities: These are state-funded institutions, which offer a high standard of education. However, they often lag behind private universities in terms of prestige.

  • Private Universities: These institutions are often considered the top of American higher education, demonstrating research and teaching excellence.

How to Apply for a Study Permit in the USA

One important step for foreign students is understanding the process of applying for a study permit in the USA. The admission process for students from out-of-state or foreign countries is highly competitive, so effective academic preparation is key to success.

Challenges of Studying at Elite American Universities

While elite education has numerous advantages, it also has some drawbacks, such as:

  • Large class sizes

  • Bureaucratic complexities

  • Limited individual attention to students

Key Considerations for Parents: Choosing the Best Programs to Study in the USA

When choosing a school, parents often ask many questions to understand if the institution complies with their child’s needs, interests, academic level and aspirations. The following factors are considered: class size, alumni success, student community demographics, and location.

Spotlight: Leman Manhattan Preparatory School

As one of the first independent schools in Lower Manhattan, Leman Manhattan Preparatory School has earned an impeccable local reputation, guaranteeing the demand for graduates on  a global labor market. The school is located amidst New York City's core cultural attractions. As for educational courses, the students can take an International Baccalaureate (IB) program, which is recognized as the gold standard for college and university preparation globally. Graduates from this institution are confident, purpose-driven global citizens.

By understanding the different options, fees, and process of applying for a study permit in the USA, foreign students can make informed decisions about where to obtain  their prestigious higher education. When you make a decision on studying at a top high school or university in the USA, remember to consider not just for tuition but also for the cost of living, and begin your scholarship search well in advance.

Overview of Education in the USA

The Historical Roots of Education in America

The history of education in the USA traced back to the early 17th century. Despite the initial struggles faced by colonists, the United States quickly began to establish its educational framework. During this period small local schools and larger educational centers were created, which was a base for the diverse education system we have today. An important stage in the development of the educational system was reached in 1636 when Harvard University was founded, which is now recognized as a world-renowned institution.

Structure of Secondary Education: A Focus on Boarding Schools

Considering obtaining secondary education in the USA, pay attention that the majority of boarding schools are state-owned. Funding of these schools is conducted through a mix of federal and local state budgets, offering students various educational opportunities. However, in the USA there are diverse types of secondary schools, which are available for those interested in studying abroad in the USA.

Higher Education in the USA: Attracting Global Talent

One of the distinctive features of higher education in the USA is the predominance of private universities. These institutions invite foreign students for studying, who are attracted by the prestige of American education. The studying process is focused on providing world-class education and contributes to the best programs to study in the USA.

Navigating the Financial Aspect: Study in USA Fees

Understanding the cost of study in the USA is an important part of the planning process of education. Funding for education varies depending on the type of institution—state-owned or private—as well as the level of study. Information about study in USA fees is often provided on university websites, allowing prospective students to make informed decisions.

Which specialties are most in demand in the United States?

What programs of study are available to international students in the United States?

What are the different types of educational institutions in the United States?

What are the characteristics of education in the United States compared to other countries?

What are the exchange programs for students in the USA?

What are joint programs between universities and colleges in the United States?

How often are curricula at American universities updated?

What are the SAT and ACT and what role do they play in university admissions?

What are the employment prospects after graduation for international students in the United States?

Can I transfer from a university in the United States to another university?

General educational statistics in USA

United States - General information

Region North America
Capital Washington, D.C.
Language English, Spanish
Currency US Dollar
Population 317,579,000
Students 21,000,000
Foreigner students 3.5%

Most Affordable Universities in America

Cost University State Ranking
6,187 USD Delta State University MS 92
6,224 USD Minot State University ND 106
8,134 USD Bemidji State University MN 99
8,293 USD Oklahoma Panhandle State University OK RNP
8,312 USD West Texas A&M University TX 80
8,894 USD Mayville State University ND RNP
9,563 USD Northern State University SD 47
9,703 USD Midwestern State University TX RNP
9,795 USD South Dakota State University SD 18
9,804 USD Wayne State College NE 84

Statistics of English courses in the USA

Programs Intensity Group Language requirements Cost of the week
General English 15-20 8-10 Beginner 375 USD+
Intensive English Course 28-30 6-12 Elementary 430 USD+
Super Intensive English Course 35-40 6-10 Intermediate 475 USD+
Exam Preparation Courses 20-25 6-12 Intermediate 525 USD+
Business English 20-25 7-10 Intermediate 525 USD+
English plus hobby 10-15 5-10 Intermediate 550 USD+
Study & Live in your Teacher's Home 25-30 2-3 Beginner 1,000 USD+
Vacation English 10-15 5-10 Beginner 415 USD+
One-to-One lessons individual 1 Beginner 70 USD+ - 1 lesson

Students Accommodation Options in the USA

Accomondation Meals Number of people per room Cost per week/min Cost per week/max
Homestay full Board or half Board 1-3 225 USD 450 USD
School residence full Board 1-3 300 USD 550 USD
Appartment without meals 1-2 30 USD/day 400 USD/day
Hotel with/out meals 1-3 250 USD 650 USD

Estimated Costs

Estimated Costs Min., $ Average $
Consular fee of the embassy 160 USD 160 USD
Flight (Moscow - New York - Moscow) 700 USD 900 USD
Medical insurance 25 USD 35 USD
Study material 35 USD 75 USD
Delivery of invitations by express mail 55 USD 95 USD
Transfer/Escort 140 USD 200 USD
Additional payment for accommodation per week, during the high season 35 USD 65 USD
Additional payment for tuition per week, during the high season 75 USD 105 USD

Language-General statistics

Official language English
English Speaker Percentage 96%
Average course cost per week ~ 430 USD
Visa Application Deadline ~ 2 weeks

Foundation - General statistics

Country Min cost Max cost Accommodation per year
UK 15,000 USD 35,000 USD ~ 14,750 USD
Ireland 12,000 USD 30,000 USD ~ 12,000 USD
USA 25,000 USD 45,000 USD ~ 14,500 USD
Canada 15,000 USD 35,000 USD ~ 12,000 USD
Australia 15,000 USD 25,000 USD ~ 13,500 USD
Germany 2000 USD 25,000 USD ~ 10,400 USD
Hello! For family reasons, I am moving to the United States. I graduated from the 9th grade of school and now I am studying in the first year of college in Belarus. Do I have a chance to enter an American college with my secondary education?
Smapse Manager
Good afternoon, Maria. Yes, there is such a possibility. We will contact you by e-mail.
Hello, is it possible to enter the American University and study in America
Vasila, good afternoon! Of course, you can go to an American university. Any educational institution will require students to know English. If a student cannot confirm a sufficiently high level of language proficiency, he is offered to take a preparatory language program. As soon as the student reaches a high level of language proficiency, he will be transferred to the main academic course at a US university.
Hello, and after grade 11 can I study at an American school for free, or only for a fee?
Good afternoon, Aya! After grade 11, you can go straight to university
Hello. Tell me about the training procedure for a doctoral. Do you take into account the candidate degrees obtained in the Russian Federation, can you defend your candidate in Russia to enter a doctoral program at a US university?
Smapse LTD
Good afternoon, Alexey! Unfortunately, we do not enroll for doctoral programs. You need to contact directly with the educational institution and look for a supervisor who is interested in the topic of your doctoral dissertation. Best regards, SMAPS
Kate Batrak
Good day! I would like to know whether it is possible to study in the US for free? I finished 1 year at Washington University. Continue further training became financially unavailable.
Manager Smaps
Good, Kate! Free to study in the US is possible if you get a scholarship. Getting a scholarship depends on your knowledge. In principle, if you are already studying at the University of Washington, you could apply for a scholarship. At you thus there should be differences in study. If there is no possibility to get a scholarship, then consider a transfer to a cheaper institution.
Lena, thank you very much for your reply!
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Kevin McDonnell
Specialist in International Students of the University of Sussex

Kevin is a Specialist in International Students at University of Sussex. Earlier, he worked at University of Suffolk. He is a Bangor University graduate and has been working in higher education for more than 14 years. Kevin realizes the usual challenges of adapting to a new country, culture, and teaching style, so he recognizes the importance of supporting international students by organizing an orientation week and numerous events and societies to help them settle in and make friends.

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