
Best universities in England UK 2024

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Education information

Actually, British universities are among the best higher education institutions in the world. Universities of Great Britain are considered to be the most prestigious and that's why they are very popular among foreign students. It is worth noting that the number of international students reaches 90% at some of the British universities that always become an excellent career start. Mainly, due to an opportunity of getting practical experience in one of the partner companies.

Specially for you SMAPSE experts have collected TOP-100 British universities where students from all over the world can get advanced higher education. 

Admission Requirements for Top Universities in England, UK

To secure a spot at one of these top universities in the UK, foreign students need more than just the conventional documentation; they also require specific language and academic qualifications.

Required Documents Include:

  • A copy of your passport or ID card.

  • Bachelor’s degree applicants: A school certificate and completion of either the Foundation programme or the International Year One programme.

  • Master's degree applicants: A bachelor's degree diploma and, where necessary, completion of the pre-Masters programme.

  • An IELTS certificate acquired no more than 2 years before the application.

  • Recommendation letters, typically from teachers of English and mathematics. For master's applicants, recommendations may also be sought from school principals or university deans.

  • A comprehensive motivation letter.

  • A Skype interview or an in-person meeting at the chosen university.


Kevin McDonnell
Specialist in International Students of the University of Sussex

What difficulties can await foreigners who have entered a British university?

Basically the same as everyone who moves to a new country! You can miss home, it will be difficult to adapt to a new place, language and culture, the style of teaching in the UK may seem unusual.

However, British universities are aware of these problems and are doing everything possible to help foreigners get used to it!

  • At Suffolk University, we have an airport pick-up service and an introductory international week to help with adaptation. Then you will be waiting for special events where you will get to know each other and find new friends.
  • Most universities have special staff responsible for caring for students.
  • Most student unions include international society and sometimes national communities.
  • Official social media often has "rookie groups" that can be joined before leaving your country – there you'll find plenty of advice on how to adapt more easily in the UK.

Usually the most difficult time is the first semester, and then you already adapt well and get used to it.


Benefits of Studying at the Elite UK Universities

Ranking the top 100 UK universities, spanning across England, Scotland, and Wales, stand out with distinctive advantages over many other esteemed educational institutions globally. Beyond the undeniable international acclaim of Cambridge and Oxford, many other UK university diplomas leave a significant mark on global employers. Here's why pursuing an education in the UK can be a game-changer:

  • Global Recognition: UK universities have an impressive global standing.

  • Efficiency: Shorter program durations in the UK translate to reduced education and accommodation expenses.

  • Skill Development: Enhance English language skills, amplifying employability prospects.

  • Holistic Learning: Emphasis on student-teacher interactions, with the flexibility to integrate various subjects into one course.

  • Financial Aid: A majority of UK universities offer scholarships and funding opportunities for international students, assisting with academic and living costs.

  • Robust Research Facilities: The UK boasts a dynamic research ecosystem.

  • Cost Optimization: The top 100 UK universities often present opportunities for cost savings to international students, including eligibility for specific grants, contingent upon academic, professional, creative, or sports achievements.

With such manifold benefits, it's clear why the UK remains a top educational destination. Equipped with a blend of historic libraries and cutting-edge laboratories, universities in the UK offer a robust academic landscape, marrying tradition with innovation.

Internships at the Top 100 UK Universities

Top universities in England

During their academic higher education in the United Kingdom journey, students at the best universities in England are encouraged to undertake internships. This hands-on experience, both on campuses and in partner organizations, is pivotal for gaining real-world skills in their chosen fields.

Benefits of Undertaking an Internship:

  • Enhances and complements academic studies.

  • Bolsters employability.

  • Enhances CV strength.

  • Develops a global skillset.

  • Increases confidence and skills in a professional setting.

How to Choose University from the UK's Top 100

Selecting from the top universities in the UK is no small feat. While universities in UK fees play a significant role in decision-making, other factors are equally crucial. To begin, identify the desired field of study and match academic qualifications with university requirements. Considering the university's location is also vital, given the varying cost of living across regions.

Although cost is a defining factor in England university ranking selection process, solely focusing on it can be misleading. Overemphasis on price may overshadow other essential factors, possibly diminishing the education's overall value. SMAPSE experts suggest thorough research and are available for personalized consultations.

Most famous Universities in England, UK

The UK boasts an array of prestigious universities, many of which feature in the top 100 list. Based on their foundation era, they can be categorized into five primary groups, each holding its unique traditions.

Ancient Universities: The crème de la crème, these institutions, founded before the 16th century, are renowned worldwide. They have unique traditions and structures, making them distinct. Notable mentions include:

  • University of Oxford (1117)

  • University of Cambridge (1209)

  • University of St Andrews (1413)

  • University of Glasgow (1451)

  • University of Aberdeen (1495)

  • University of Edinburgh (1583)

Red Brick Universities: These universities, established pre-World War II, are anchored in industrial hubs and lean towards practical training. The term "Red Brick" comes from their distinct architectural style. Prominent members include:

Top universities in England

Red Brick Universities: These universities, established pre-World War II, are anchored in industrial hubs and lean towards practical training. The term "Red Brick" comes from their distinct architectural style. Prominent members include:

    • University of Liverpool;
    • University of Bristol;
    • University of Sheffield;
    • University of Birmingham;
    • University Of Leeds;
    • University of Manchester.
    • University of Wales;
    • University of Nottingham;
    • University of Wales;
    • University of Exeter;
    • Queen's University of Belfast;
    • University of Swansea;
    • University of Newcastle Upon Tyne;
    • Cardiff University;
    • University of Hull;
    • University of Wales;
    • University of Reading;
    • University of Leicester;
    • University of Dundee;
    • University of Southampton.

Plate Glass Universities: Born in the 1960s, these institutions heralded a fresh perspective on British higher education. The name originates from their architectural preference for large glass sheets.

New Universities: While these institutions have existed for a while, they only received university status in 1992. Before this, they functioned as colleges. The Further Education Act granted them equality and state funding.

Recently Created Universities (2005): This category welcomed former colleges, where students primarily earned bachelor's degrees, into the university fold.

Top universities in England

Notable institutions include:

    • University of East Anglia;
    • University of Surrey;
    • University of Kent;
    • University of Sterling;
    • Aston University;
    • Brunel University;
    • University of Ulster;
    • University of Bradford;
    • Heriot-Watt University;
    • University of York;
    • Keele University;
    • University of Bath;
    • Loughborough University;
    • University of Sussex;
    • University of Essex;
    • University of Strathclyde;
    • Cranfield University;
    • University of Salford;
    • City University;
    • Lancaster University;
    • University of Warwick.
    • Coventry University
    • University of Gloucestershire
    • Anglia Ruskin University
    • Bournemouth University
    • Kingston University
    • Napier University
    • Oxford Brookes University
    • Edge Hill University
    • London Metropolitan University
    • Sheffield Hallam University
    • University of Northampton
    • University of Greenwich
    • De Montfort University
    • Manchester Metropolitan University
    • University of Northampton
    • University of Greenwich
    • Robert Gordon University
    • University of Abertay Dundee
    • Middlesex University
    • University of Teesside
    • University of Bolton
    • University of the West of Scotland
    • Glasgow Caledonian University
    • Liverpool John Moores University
    • Northumbria University
    • University of Glamorgan
    • Staffordshire University
    • University of Portsmouth
    • University of Westminster
    • University of Portsmouth
    • University of Hertfordshire
    • Southampton Solent University
    • University of Lincoln
    • University of Sunderland
    • Nottingham Trent University
    • York St John University
    • Queen Margaret University
    • Canterbury Christ Church University
    • University of Winchester
    • University of Chester
    • University of Cumbria
    • University of Chichester

9 Tips for Choosing a University in the UK

Navigating the list of universities in the UK can be a challenging task given the rich academic landscape. If you aim to study at top universities in the UK, follow this comprehensive guide to make an informed decision:

  • Know Your Options: Explore the profiles, specializations, and programs of various UK universities. Narrow down your choices to those that align with your goals.

  • Consult Renowned Rankings: Refer to reliable UK university ranking sources like "The Complete University Guide" and "The Times Subject Tables" to gauge the institutions' standings.

  • Location Matters: Choose a university location that is convenient for you, considering factors like accessibility, travel costs, and personal preferences.

  • Research Facilities and Opportunities: Investigate the resources, research infrastructure, and opportunities each university provides to its students. A solid academic and material foundation can enhance your learning experience.

  • Policies for International Students: Understand the university's stance on international students. Check if there are scholarships or financial aid options available for your course of study.

  • Quality Assurance Checks: Review the outcomes of official audits by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. This provides insights into the university's adherence to academic excellence.

  • Entry Requirements: Familiarize yourself with the admission criteria, especially for international students. Determine if you require any additional preparatory courses to study in the UK.

  • Budgeting and Fees: Analyze universities in UK fees for your chosen course and any supplementary programs. Ensure the costs align with your budget.

  • Comfortable Living: Investigate the living conditions in university residences. Understand their accommodation policies and the amenities they offer to ensure a comfortable stay during your academic journey.

Remember, while rankings and fees are essential, your personal preferences, career aspirations, and comfort should also play significant roles in your final decision.

General statistics on education in the UK-ratings, specializations, universities

Top 50 best universities in the UK 2024

1 Cambridge
2 Oxford
3 St Andrews
4 London School of Economics
5 Imperial College London
6 Loughborough
7 Durham
8 Lancaster
9 University of Bath
10 East Anglia (UEA)
11 University College London
12 Warwick
13 Exeter
14 Birmingham
15 Bristol
16 Edinburgh
17 Leeds
18 Manchester
19 Southampton
20 Glasgow
21 King's College London
22 Nottingham
23 York
24 Newcastle
25 Royal Holloway, University of London
26 East Anglia (UEA)
27 Aberdeen
28 Queen's University Belfast
29 Sheffield
30 Heriot-Watt
31 Cardiff
32 Dundee
33 Swansea
34 Liverpool
35 Surrey
36 Queen Mary, University of London
37 SOAS University of London
38 Leicester
39 Reading
40 Sussex
41 Essex
42 Harper Adams University
43 Aston
44 University for the Creative Arts
45 University of Stirling
46 Nottingham Trent
47 Kent
48 Arts University Bournemouth
49 Oxford Brookes
50 Lincoln

Higher education in UK-statistics

Name Bachelor
Deadline March
The probability of admission 63%
Duration 3-4 years
Average cost £15,000
Expulsion statistics 21%
Language of tuition English
Minimum level of English IELTS 6.5
Job opportunity 30%
Percentage of students enrolled in the master's program 47%

Best accounting and finance universities in Britain 2024 | Complete University Guide

Rank Institution
1 London School of Economics
2 Bath
3 Warwick
4 Glasgow
5 Manchester
6 Leeds
7 Edinburgh
8 Exeter
9 Queen's, Belfast
10 Strathclyde
11 Durham
12 King's College London, University of London
13 City, University of London
14 Loughborough
15 Liverpool
16 Bristol
17 Southampton
18 Newcastle
19 Cardiff
20 Lancaster
21 Nottingham
22 Birmingham
23 Heriot-Watt
24 Aberdeen
25 East Anglia (UEA)
26 Sheffield
27 Aston
28 Surrey
29 Reading
30 Ulster
31 Swansea
32 Royal Holloway, University of London
33 Queen Mary, University of London
34 Nottingham Trent
35 Bangor University
36 Sussex
37 Leicester
38 Northumbria
39 Aberystwyth
40 Kent
41 Dundee
42 Stirling
43 Glasgow Caledonian
44 Liverpool John Moores
45 Portsmouth
46 University of Chester
47 Lincoln
48 SOAS University of London
49 Plymouth
50 University of Worcester

Top 3 best universities in Oxford 2024

1 Oxford University
2 Oxford Brookes University
3 Ruskin College

Statistics - Universities

Universities in top 100 16
Universities in top 200 26
Universities in top 500 49
Universities in top 1000 76
Universities in top 5000 139

Cost of living in United Kingdom

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 306 398
Food 177 391
Transportation 59 180
Communications and utilities 74 104
Clothing 20 77
Sports and leisure 25 88
Total 662 1,239
Accommodation in United Kingdom USD/Month.
Shared room outside of centre 309
Shared room in city centre 402
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 596
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 723
Armine Dallakyan
Hello. I live in England. Russian language specialist with a confirmed PhD. Please consider my candidacy and recommend which university you need a Russian teacher. thanks
Good afternoon Armine, unfortunately we do not deal with employment issues.
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Kevin McDonnell
Specialist in International Students of the University of Sussex

Kevin is a Specialist in International Students at University of Sussex. Earlier, he worked at University of Suffolk. He is a Bangor University graduate and has been working in higher education for more than 14 years. Kevin realizes the usual challenges of adapting to a new country, culture, and teaching style, so he recognizes the importance of supporting international students by organizing an orientation week and numerous events and societies to help them settle in and make friends.

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