
Best language schools in Sweden 2024

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Scandinavia in general and English schools in Sweden in particular attract pupils and students from all over the world. Nature, culture, history and numerous monuments of Sweden leave a positive impression on a person who has visited here. Thousands of people come to Stockholm and other cities for linguistic classes, gaining prestigious knowledge for further education and career.

The international students can choose English language courses in Sweden at universities or in private institutions for schoolchildren and students. The first offers in-depth classes for the summer, lasting up to 3 months. You can also study Swedish, which gives advantages in the further choice of specialties, if you plan to enrol in a higher educational institution of this northern country.

Language schools in Sweden. How to apply for foreign students?

Language schools in Sweden offer diverse programs, some as brief as a week, making them perfect for students aiming to enhance their skills amidst a foreign backdrop. For complete beginners, top language schools in Sweden provide courses lasting four weeks or more, ensuring a deep dive into the language. These programs equip learners with fundamental vocabulary and grammatical proficiency, enabling them to converse confidently on various topics, whether it's asking for directions or ordering takeout.

Upon course completion, students have the option to take exams and secure certificates like TOEFL or IELTS for English, and TISUS or Swedex for Swedish. These certifications can pave the way for university admissions, not just in Sweden but globally. It's worth noting that many, after experiencing the warmth of the Swedish people, prefer to pursue their education in Sweden. A Swedish degree is esteemed at par with credentials from France, Austria, the UK, and Switzerland.

Vacation Language Programs in Language schools in Sweden

These immersive language programs in Sweden combine language learning with cultural immersion. Many of these schools are nestled in the scenic locales of Sweden, away from bustling urban centers. It's not uncommon for classes to happen in the heart of nature or for instructors to organize picnics and hikes, turning them into dynamic language lessons. The result is a learning experience that's both engaging and enjoyable.

Benefits of Enrolling in Top Language Schools in Sweden

  • Full Immersion: Since the majority of Swedes are bilingual, students are consistently surrounded by their target language, promoting round-the-clock practice.

  • Engaging Curriculum: Swedish language programs prioritize student engagement, ensuring lessons are captivating and fatigue-free.

  • Diverse Classroom: Teachers form groups with a mix of nationalities, reducing the likelihood of students reverting to their native languages and encouraging foreign language communication both in and out of the classroom.

  • Personalized Attention: Most language programs in Sweden maintain small group sizes (5-10 students), enabling instructors to cater to each student's needs.

  • Cultural Exposure: Interacting with peers from different backgrounds, students gain insights into global traditions, a valuable asset for careers in international spheres.

  • Exploration Opportunities: Beyond lessons, students have the chance to explore Sweden's rich historical and natural landmarks. For those on extended programs, weekend trips to neighboring European countries are feasible.

Laura Galindo
Marketing Director

What are the most important factors parents should consider when choosing a school?

That the school views their students as individuals instead of cash flow. Unfortunately, there are institutions whose main priority is to sell their programs and lose sight that this is a big step for the students and their families. Embarking on a new journey in a new country can be frightening, so having the support of the staff members and students will be vital to a successful studying-abroad experience. 


Enrollment Process for English Language Schools in Sweden

Gaining admission to English language schools in Sweden is straightforward. While no entrance exams are mandated, a proficiency test during the application phase determines the appropriate course placement. It's prudent to initiate the application process and documentation collection 3-4 months in advance. For courses exceeding 90 days, a Swedish residence permit is obligatory, while shorter programs simply necessitate a student visa.

Language Schools in Sweden. Tuition Fees for International Students

Fees vary based on the school's location, reputation, selected program, and extracurriculars. On average, language programs in Sweden charge around 2,000 USD for a 2-week course.

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1 Kaplan New York Empire State
2 OISE Boston
3 English Language Center (ELC) UCLA Los Angeles
4 St. Giles International New York
5 EC New York
6 Kaplan Boston Harvard Square
7 English Language Center (ELC) Boston
8 LAL NESE Boston
9 Kaplan Washington
10 OHC School Miami
11 EC Boston School
12 Rennert International New York
13 Kaplan School Miami
14 LAL Fort Lauderdale
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16 OHLA Orlando Florida
17 Kaplan San Diego
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27 Stafford House Boston
28 LSI New York
29 The Language Academy
30 Stafford House San Diego California

Top 40 best language schools in the UK 2024

1 OISE London
2 EC London Covent Garden
3 OISE Oxford
4 London School of English
5 OISE Cambridge
6 UIC Oxford International
7 Kaplan International English London Covent Garden
8 Regents University London
9 LAL London Summer School
10 Home Language International
11 Oxford International Study Centre
12 Regent Oxford School
13 Stafford House School of English London
14 EC London Euston
15 Living Learning English
16 The Language Gallery
17 Skola London English Summer School in London
18 Harrow House International College
19 Brighton Language College BLC
20 Kaplan International English London Leicester Square
21 Frances King School of English London Kensington
22 Regent Scanbrit Bournemouth
23 Stafford House School of English Canterbury
24 Malvern House London
25 Wimbledon School of English
26 UIC English London Greenwich
27 Studio Cambridge
28 Alpadia Keele
29 EC Cambridge
30 Cavendish School of English
31 EC Brighton
32 EC Manchester
33 Oxford International UIC Brighton
34 EC Bristol
35 EC Oxford
36 St. Giles International London Central
37 Twin Group
38 Burlington School of English
39 Hampstead School of English London
40 St. Giles London Highgate

Top 20 best language schools in Canada 2024

1 ILAC Vancouver
2 Toronto University Summer Camp
3 ILAC Toronto
4 Home Language International
5 EC Montreal
6 ILSC Toronto
7 McDonald International Academy
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9 BLI Canada Summer
10 Kaplan Vancouver
11 CLLC Ottawa Canadian Language Learning College
12 Royal Canadian Institute of International Studies
13 EC Toronto
14 University Canada West
15 St. Giles International Vancouver
16 Canadian College of English Language Vancouver
17 OHC School Toronto
18 UIC Toronto
19 EC Montreal
20 Eurocentres Vancouver
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Laura Galindo
Marketing Director
Laura has been in the international education industry since 2016. She has been at OHLA Schools for 7 years and it has been a gratifying experience for her to see the positive impact they have had in students’ lives. Giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better by coming to study in the US.
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