
Best language schools in Belgium 2024

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Give yourself or your child the opportunity to study at the leading and rating language schools in Belgium. Especially for you, our company has collected a number of the best and accredited prestigious institutions for Russian children, schoolchildren, teenagers and foreign students for familiarization. Information about the top language school, their rating, features and cost of training, requirements for admission, documents for submission you can read by clicking on the photo or name. Detailed information about the prices and description of international study programs is available by clicking on the educational program itself. FREE services and assistance in enrollment in partner institutions, the number of places is limited.

To enroll a child in language courses in Belgium means to give him high-quality foreign language training, comfortable living in a prosperous country, give him the opportunity to make friends around the world. The requirements of qualified teachers in language schools in Belgium are high, but the learning outcome is also high - schoolchildren and students will forget about language problems in a secondary school or university, will receive the joy of communicating with peers. In addition, the study of languages in Belgium is an opportunity to combine study with excursions to the picturesque mountains, visit the healing mineral springs, get acquainted with the traditions and culture of the European state.

For schoolchildren and students who want to learn several languages at the same time, Belgium is the most suitable country. The local population speaks four languages at once:

Many language schools in Belgium offer multilingual programs – you can take courses in 32 languages! Among them are Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic. And communication with native speakers, especially if it is a homestay, will make it possible to speak two or more languages in a short time.

Best language courses, linguistic schools in Belgium: types and programs

Students who live in Belgium have an opportunity to combine basic education with classes in a language school. A flexible schedule for building lessons allows you to qualitatively learn one or more languages without compromising general education. Of course, teaching in a language school also implies independent work outside the classroom, but the bulk of the material is worked out in the classroom.

Among Belgians and schoolchildren, students from other countries, the following language schools in Belgium are most popular:

  • Language schools at universities
  • Language schools based on organizations teaching foreign languages
  • Individual courses offered by linguistic centers.
Laura Galindo
Marketing Director

What are the most important factors parents should consider when choosing a school?

That the school views their students as individuals instead of cash flow. Unfortunately, there are institutions whose main priority is to sell their programs and lose sight that this is a big step for the students and their families. Embarking on a new journey in a new country can be frightening, so having the support of the staff members and students will be vital to a successful studying-abroad experience. 

Academic programs for foreign students in Belgium

Education in Belgian language schools is conducted all year-round: spring, autumn, winter and summer. The duration of studies in a language school varies from 1 week to several years. Classes are taught by certified teachers, in the official languages in Belgium - their native speakers. Most of the methods are their own unique developments of prestigious language schools, but international programs are often used in international linguistic centers.

The table shows the popular training programs, additional classes offered by the best language schools in Belgium.

Type of a language program

Description, features

Intensive - 5-7 days a week for 4 lessons

  • Day courses for children, students to choose from - day or evening
  • The basis of training is a communication technique
  • Speaking skills are worked out with a parallel study of grammar, phonetics.
  • Intermediate testing, written workshops
  • Levels - from Beginner to Advanced
  • Preparation for international language exams, admission to universities abroad 

Language immersion

  • Communication in the language of instruction all day - during classes, joint meals with teachers
  • Full board - the possibility of living in a separate room, meals
  • Self-study with a curator
  • Active cultural program - sightseeing tours with trips to neighboring cities
  • Sports activities - horse riding, rock climbing, golf, team games
  • Access to free internet, computers, gym classes

Individual lessons with a teacher

Prestigious language schools in Belgium offer private lessons. This provides continuous speech practice, analysis of weaknesses, checking difficult aspects, an ability to develop topics for personal needs. For students - bias in the future specialty, for children-foreigners - the practice of everyday speech, assistance in adaptation among peers

Family programs (free attendance courses or accommodation at a teacher's house)

  • Some of the elite language schools in Belgium offer family education courses.
  • Joint activities between children and parents help study a new language faster.
  • The practice of communicating outside the classroom at home
  • It is easier for children to absorb material with the help of parents.

Some language schools in Belgium, specializing in teaching foreign languages for business, provide internships at enterprises for foreign students.

Language groups are formed at the initial level: to assess knowledge, students undergo initial testing (and often it is carried out twice - remotely (online) and after arriving at school). Take into account the age of future students. Sample groups:

  • children - 9-11 years old
  • teenagers - 12-15 years old
  • older schoolchildren, students - 16-20 years old.

The main skills that are practiced in language schools in Belgium: speaking, learning vocabulary, pronunciation and phonetics, grammar, writing and reading. At the end of the language courses, final testing is mandatory and certificates are issued.

Vacation courses in language schools in Belgium: studying and rest

Studying programs in language centers and schools in Belgium include many leisure activities - for children's groups, foreign students, for children studying with their parents. Excursions to medieval castles, boat trips along the canals of Northern Venice in Bruges, hiking in the mountains, acquaintance with unique monuments, for example, the world famous “Manneken Pis” or the “Transparent Church”.

After visiting museums in Belgium, this word will no longer cause boredom among students. They will be delighted with the Museum of Cocoa and Chocolate, where you can try yourself as a confectioner, and they will want to return to the Children's Museum more than once - after all, you can at least for an hour there, but become a designer of a spaceship or learn how to grow plants.

Methodists and teachers of language schools in Belgium rightly argue that an active extra-curricular life is necessary for learning languages - this is the practice of live speech, the perception of new vocabulary by ear, and the elimination of language barriers.

Top 30 best language schools in USA 2024

1 Kaplan New York Empire State
2 OISE Boston
3 English Language Center (ELC) UCLA Los Angeles
4 St. Giles International New York
5 EC New York
6 Kaplan Boston Harvard Square
7 English Language Center (ELC) Boston
8 LAL NESE Boston
9 Kaplan Washington
10 OHC School Miami
11 EC Boston School
12 Rennert International New York
13 Kaplan School Miami
14 LAL Fort Lauderdale
15 EC Miami
16 OHLA Orlando Florida
17 Kaplan San Diego
18 Kaplan San Francisco Berkeley
19 OHLA Miami
20 English Language Center (ELC) Santa Barbara
21 EC Los Angeles
22 EC San Diego
23 Kings College Los Angeles
24 Sprachcaffe Miami
25 CEL Language Centre LA
26 Talk English School Boston
27 Stafford House Boston
28 LSI New York
29 The Language Academy
30 Stafford House San Diego California

Top 40 best language schools in the UK 2024

1 OISE London
2 EC London Covent Garden
3 OISE Oxford
4 London School of English
5 OISE Cambridge
6 UIC Oxford International
7 Kaplan International English London Covent Garden
8 Regents University London
9 LAL London Summer School
10 Home Language International
11 Oxford International Study Centre
12 Regent Oxford School
13 Stafford House School of English London
14 EC London Euston
15 Living Learning English
16 The Language Gallery
17 Skola London English Summer School in London
18 Harrow House International College
19 Brighton Language College BLC
20 Kaplan International English London Leicester Square
21 Frances King School of English London Kensington
22 Regent Scanbrit Bournemouth
23 Stafford House School of English Canterbury
24 Malvern House London
25 Wimbledon School of English
26 UIC English London Greenwich
27 Studio Cambridge
28 Alpadia Keele
29 EC Cambridge
30 Cavendish School of English
31 EC Brighton
32 EC Manchester
33 Oxford International UIC Brighton
34 EC Bristol
35 EC Oxford
36 St. Giles International London Central
37 Twin Group
38 Burlington School of English
39 Hampstead School of English London
40 St. Giles London Highgate

Top 20 best language schools in Canada 2024

1 ILAC Vancouver
2 Toronto University Summer Camp
3 ILAC Toronto
4 Home Language International
5 EC Montreal
6 ILSC Toronto
7 McDonald International Academy
8 ILSC Montreal
9 BLI Canada Summer
10 Kaplan Vancouver
11 CLLC Ottawa Canadian Language Learning College
12 Royal Canadian Institute of International Studies
13 EC Toronto
14 University Canada West
15 St. Giles International Vancouver
16 Canadian College of English Language Vancouver
17 OHC School Toronto
18 UIC Toronto
19 EC Montreal
20 Eurocentres Vancouver
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Laura Galindo
Marketing Director
Laura has been in the international education industry since 2016. She has been at OHLA Schools for 7 years and it has been a gratifying experience for her to see the positive impact they have had in students’ lives. Giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better by coming to study in the US.
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