
Study in Singapore. 23 best institutions in Singapore

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Education information

Nowadays, Singapore is the focus of financial flows that attracts the best minds and provides high living standards. That is why studying in Singapore is a confident step into the future, a reliable investment in professional and personal growth. Studying here will help students to obtain useful knowledge and skills, a diploma that is highly regarded in the world, as well as practice bilingual communication.

Educational system in Singapore

Like in most countries, education in Singapore is divided into preschool (kindergarten), primary school (6 steps), middle (5 steps) and professional high school stage. Children of school age are required to attend school (general education, at home or religious) - it is regulated by the Ministry of Education, which determines the highest level of literacy of the population.

The majority of citizens speak English fluently - it is included in the list of official languages of the country. Education in most educational institutions includes bilingual practice - in English and in Chinese, Malay, Tamil: this allows students to be prepared for international activities and careers. For foreign students it is a chance to increase their competitiveness in the world labor market - Chinese is now one of the main business languages of the world.

Higher education in Singapore is represented by 4 national universities and 5 institutes: the first Medical College, working on the university system, was opened in 1905. Also in the country there are full-fledged representations of many world universities, in particular British ones. They are very popular: it is an opportunity to get high-quality professional education and a prestigious diploma at a lower cost than in the United Kingdom.

Natural sciences, mathematics and technical specialties - and, of course, various business areas: finance, banking, administration and management, retail, are especially popular with foreign students in Singapore.

Studying in TOP-10 schools, colleges and universities in Singapore for international students

It should be noted that the state carefully monitors the educational system, comprehensively develops and supports it. All curricula and programs are coordinated by the Ministry of Education, the school stage for all is mandatory by law. Schools are continuously upgraded, they are all equipped with modern computer technology for a more intensive and functional educational process. Education is very well subsidized: the citizens pay a purely symbolic sum for primary and secondary schools (about $13) - the exception is private schools: the preparation programs in them can be more complete and voluminous, include a large number of sports and creative electives, but the cost of studying will be significantly higher.

There is a wide range of educational and support programs for gifted students, developed and large scholarship funds - a foreign student who has demonstrated outstanding results in studies can apply for a scholarship.

In addition, there is a sufficient number of educational institutions for children with disabilities of different plans - they are also controlled by the Ministry. In general, 20% of the national budget is calculated for educational needs: Singapore relies on qualified specialists.

If you have not decided yet, whether to get an education in Singapore and which school to choose - try to visit a variety of language camps: there are a huge number of them in the country, especially in the summer. You will get acquainted with excellent level of teaching and qualifications of teachers in language centers, high living standards and at the same time low prices for accommodation and food, technological ability of the state, unusual cleanliness of streets and almost complete absence of crime.

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts at any time, as they are always ready to answer all your questions.


General educational statistics in Singapore

Singapore - General information

Region Southeast Asia
Capital Singapore
Language English, Malay
Currency Singapore Dollar
Population 5,399,200
Students 1,353,000
Foreigner students 3.9%

Statistics - Rankings

Arts and Humanities 41
Engineering and Technology 38
Life Sciences and Medicine 28
Natural Science 34
Social Sciences and Management 30
Mathematics 25
Physics 18
Chemistry 19
Computer Science 19
Economics & Business 17

Statistics - Education

Popularity rating in the world 20
Ranking of universities in the world 15
Academic Reputation 38
Employer Reputation 36
Quality of teaching 33
International Faculty 28
International Students 27
Citations per Faculty 26

Statistics - Universities

Universities in top 100 2
Universities in top 200 2
Universities in top 500 2
Universities in top 1000 3
Universities in top 5000 9

Cost of living in Singapore

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 635 1,126
Food 211 371
Transportation 57 98
Communications and utilities 65 80
Clothing 23 88
Sports and leisure 43 115
Total 1,035 1,879

Accommodation in Singapore

Shared room outside of centre 641
Shared room in city centre 1,137
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 1,123
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 1,710

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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