
Study in Russia. 1265 best institutions in Russia

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Education information

Nowadays, Russian schools and universities attract a great deal of foreign students due to high-quality educational services. SMAPSE offers 100 best Russian educational institutions where international students can get high-quality education and study interesting courses and programs. The Russian educational system has a number of advantages, including comprehensiveness and scale. Famous scientific schools in Russia remain among the most powerful and popular in the world.

Today, Russian schools meet the highest international standards of education. Many foreign students choose studying language and vocational programs in Russian schools and colleges as it's a great opportunity to get acquainted with local culture, customs and sights.



Structure of Russian educational system

Education in TOP-100 Russian schools is divided into general, professional and additional. The first involves the passage of preschool, primary, and secondary school preparation. The professional stage involves obtaining a working profession and a degree (Bachelor, Master, Doctor).

A separate category is language studying: education of foreign students always begins with Russian language courses. On the other hand, today branches of several international schools and centers are open in the country, where you can take courses in English, German, French, Eastern languages. Studying in Russia allows you to save money: language courses in Moscow and in other regions is cheaper than in foreign schools.

General education in Russia includes preschool and school education, aimed at comprehensive development of the child and personality, responsibility, acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. Secondary schools teach according to standard educational programs. More advanced educational institutions, where in-depth studying of certain disciplines is conducted, have a status of lyceums, gymnasiums.

The general education system consists of several stages:

  • Kindergarten for children aged 3-6 

  • Primary school – lasts for 4 years

  • The second stage – grades 5-9

  • The third stage – grades 10-11.

After the 9th grade, state exams are passed, and as a result, a certificate of basic general education is awarded to students. Having such a certificate the foreign student has the opportunity to continue education in school or enroll in college. After the 11th grade and passing final exams, a certificate of secondary general education is awarded to graduates. The results of the Unified State exam are counted by the admission commissions of universities. In cases of high results, the graduate can enroll in prestigious educational institutions around the world. 

Over the recent years the network of private and international schools is actively developing, where foreign students are offered ample opportunities for studying. 26 educational institutions in Russia offer to foreign students the effective program of International Baccalaureate. After the 9th grade, students who decide to leave school enroll in colleges. After 2-3 more years they receive a secondary professional education and after their studying, graduates start working. Frequently, in Russia, college graduates are working and at the same time receive higher education by correspondence.



5 advantages of studying in Russian schools and universities

The number of foreign students in 100 best Russian educational institutions and universities is also constantly growing:

  • The level of academic disciplines remains traditionally high.

  • Large universities of the country are not only educational institutions, but also authoritative scientific schools.

  • The most powerful fields of knowledge are mathematics and natural sciences. Russian students regularly become winners of international scientific olympiads in these disciplines.

  • For all foreign students, all conditions for comfortable living and affordable education are created.

  • A huge number of educational institutions and language schools where everyone can choose a specialty and direction according to their preferences and abilities.


Higher education in Russia for international students

Educational institutions in Russia are popular among foreign students as state and private institutions offer high quality higher education. In 2014-2018 reorganization was conducted, resulting in reducing the number of universities and branches and increasing the effectiveness of studying. 

There are 3 stages of higher education:

  • Bachelor – 4 years of studying

  • Master – 1-2 years of education

  • Doctorate program – 3-6 years of education after graduating Master program.

In Russia, a degree Specialist is still awarded to graduates after 5 years of studying. However, this degree loses its relevance. The effective preparation in technical and exact sciences, oil and gas business, mechanical engineering, instrument engineering, and aerospace industry is provided to foreign students in Russian universities. Every year the number of international students increases. 

Additional education in Russia for schoolchildren and students

Specialized courses offer additional education in various sciences and disciplines. Also foreign students can enroll in business courses, master classes and language courses. When starting studying, courses of Russian language are organized for international students.

Today in Russia, branches of several international educational centres are opened where foreign students can pass courses in English, German, French and Eastern languages. At the end of the program students receive an international standard certificate.

Prestigious Russian school and universities: ranking, tuition fee

According to data from QS, THE, and ARWU, Russian universities show confident positions in sciences in the rankings of best educational institutions. Among the best there are the celebrated MSU, MSTU and other institutions, which are famous research centres, namely: Tomsk Polytechnic University, which for the last 5 years rose from the group of 600+ to 373rd place according to QS World University rankings.

Compared to Great Britain, USA and Canada, tuition fees in Russia are significantly lower.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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