
97 best English schools in Oxford

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Education information

Learning Information

Nowadays, Oxford has the status of a world educational center, where the eponymous university is recognized, recognized as one of the best and most prestigious in the world. This reputation the English city received not only because of the presence of a leading university, but also because there is an incredible number of different opportunities for studying English. Due to the list of TOP-50 language schools, colleges and camps located in Oxford, you will fins the most appropriate option. 

Actually, studying English in a city like Oxford is already a kind of guarantee that the time spent here will definitely bring its dividends. In this city there is a huge number of language schools and centers: for children and adults, graduates of schools and students. That is why there is no doubt that in this city every student will be able to find a course that is suitable for him.

Foundations of studying in Oxford

Any programs offered in language schools in Oxford are based on several educational standards, the follow-up of which helps teachers to make the learning process most effective.

  • Modern approach to the studying process

On each of the curricula, the teaching staff of any school uses only modern periodicals from leading institutions such as Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford and many others. In addition to teaching materials, interactive and computer technologies, audio and video materials are actively used in the educational process

  • The principle of individual approach to each student

In each of the Oxford language schools, teachers primarily try to determine the goals and objectives of each student. On the first day, all students are tested, that help to understand what level of knowledge was at the beginning of the class for each student and see his progress, comparing the results at the end

  • Flexibility of the curriculum

This principle is directly related to the previous paragraph, since it depends again on the educational needs of the student. That is, during the training the teacher can easily adjust the programme, add types of training that will help students to better cope with the shortcomings and at the end of the course have the best result

  • The principle of complexity

Each of the Oxford English courses is a comprehensive set of teaching methods, the observance of which helps students achieve the maximum result in the main language indicators. These include the speed and correctness of speech, understanding the speech of the interlocutor, reading and writing. In addition, at each course, regardless of the type (for example, a common English or business course), teachers use a variety of approaches - seminars, presentations, workshops and others

  • Immersion in the language environment

Immersion of a foreign student in an English-speaking environment is one of the most important aspects of teaching in Oxford. Courses and programs here are specially organized in such a way as to comply with this principle. This means that the work of students in the classroom is not limited to studying - an important part here is a cultural and recreational programme. Participation in extracurricular activities of various formats helps the student to better adapt in an unusual language environment, to quickly understand the British culture, to learn its characteristic traditions, and also increases the student's personal motivation and ability to learn quickly.

Advantages of studying English courses in Oxford

Studying English in Oxford has a number of advantages for any category of students:

  • A wide range of studying programs

In Oxford institutions, students and specialists who are striving to improve their language skills for a specific educational or professional purpose, will be able to find a suitable course for themselves. In Oxford, you will find everything from general English to preparing for IELTS testing. At the same time, the quality of any of the programs will be at the highest level, regardless of the status and duration

  • Excellent equipment

All schools and educational centers of this city observe the highest standards for every aspect of the educational process, including technological opportunities. For the most productive study, students need to study in high-tech conditions - and here they are created. These are spacious light classrooms, interactive whiteboards, wireless Internet access and much more. In addition, the campuses of schools and centers are organized in such a way as to be as convenient as possible for study and recreation

  • Saturated extracurricular programme

Perhaps, this point can be called one of the most striking differences of the city of Oxford, since there are unique places and attractions that you will no longer find anywhere in the world. In their free time, students of language schools can visit as part of the excursion programs all the universities that are in this city, including the famous university of the same name, whose reputation is known far beyond its homeland. In the list of unique and traditionally English activities here you can choose to walk on the gondola, visit the magnificent botanical garden, or you can just wander through the colorful city streets in the company of your fellow students and friends

  • The advantage of entering the UK high school

Oxford is one of the places where you can best prepare for entering the leading universities of the country and the world. All teachers have excellent qualifications, perfectly understand what requirements are in preparation for IELTS and other tests, and support each student at all stages of studying. In addition, most of Oxford's language schools and courses cooperate with British universities and colleges, which means that graduates of these educational institutions can take advantage of people who have completed a course of language and academic studying in Oxford institutions. And first of all, this cooperation, of course, refers to the University of Oxford.

Best language schools in Oxford courses: tuition fees

Actually, in Oxford students can find language courses of varying duration and functionality: it can be one week, a month, a summer language course, a preparatory programme for some kind of testing or a course of preparation for admission to a university, and so on. All programs can be roughly divided into short-term (up to three weeks) and long-term (more than a month).

In addition, the indicator is also relevant here, as programs with different levels of complexity, which are designed for students of different ages. So, for students who begin to study English, SMAPSE experts recommend choosing courses with initial and intermediate level of language complexity (from Elementary to Pre-Intermediate). But students who already have a certain vocabulary, can be trained at the advanced level (Advanced), as well as highly specialized language programs, business or academic English.

Equally important is the choice of an educational institution in which a foreign student will take one or another course. The methodological approach and the atmosphere of a particular institution can play an important role in the quality and productivity of studying.

Next, SMAPSE experts will tell you about several schools, courses and training centers that have already proven themselves in the eyes of students from other countries.

  • CES - Center of English Studies

Since 1989, this educational institution, the campus of which is located in a small village of Wheatley, a few kilometers from the center of Oxford, teaches English to students from more than 15 countries. The school itself is rather small - within one calendar year (including summer months), no more than 100 people study here. At the same time, the equipment of the institution is traditionally for England at the highest level. To accommodate students, there are two options - either a host family, which usually resides near the campus, or a room in the apartments that the school itself offers.

  • UIC - Oxford International schools

It appeared in Oxford relatively recently - in 2011. This institution has an advantageous location in the center of the academic city. From the windows of the educational buildings there is an excellent view of several old and famous Oxford colleges. Convenient location allows students in minutes to be in a shop, shopping center, cafe or bar, and also reach by public transport right before entering the school grounds. At UIC - Oxford International, about 300 students are enrolled every year, aged 21-26. There are also language programs for teenagers and schoolchildren 12-16 years old.

  • Oxford International Language School

It invites everyone who wants to learn English in the heart of his homeland. The age of students of this school starts from 14 to 30 years, English language teaching programs take place both in summer and throughout the academic year. The school is also located in the central area of Oxford, where you can easily go for a walk or go in for sports or creative activities: golf, diving, squash, dancing, music, yoga, table tennis, swimming, football and so on.

  • Educational network of Kings

Since 1957, foreign students from all over the world study English at this institution. In Oxford, Kings has two campuses - St Michaels and St Josephs. The first today is a renovated building in the historical center, decorated in accordance with the most modern standards. In the second campus, the school usually holds summer programs and seminars on design and art. The most popular in this school is the intensive English course, within which you can choose any language specialization - conversational practice, business English, IELTS testing, preparation for Cambridge exams and so on.

  • College of International Education (CIE)

It was founded in 1974. The campus of the educational institution - CIE's Bocardo House - is located in the city center, very close to the famous Oxford Union. In addition, within the framework of CIE summer language programs, classes take place not only on the campus of the school, but also at the premises of the Oxford University (Lady Margaret Hall). In total, during the academic year, the institution can accept up to 300 students of various ages - there are programs for students from the age of 10 to programs for students and adults.

  • The British Study Center

It is a language school in Oxford, which is located in the heart of the city in a historic district called St. Giles. Just a few minutes walk from the building is the famous college of Christ Church, which was filming the story of Harry Potter. Fans of the film will certainly appreciate such a good neighborhood. The British Study Center campus is characterized by modern design and equipment, convenient infrastructure and excellent living conditions. This school receives some of the best reviews about living in a host family. In addition, the institution offers students accommodation in the residence (renting a room in the hostel).

As for the cost of studying in the Oxford language schools, everything here will depend on the specific institution. On average, the price for 2 weeks in the listed language schools varies from 430 to 685 pounds sterling. The price includes studying, a cultural programme and extra-curricular activities, sometimes it is accommodation and meals. Also the final price will be influenced by the chosen course - ordinary English or business, standard programme or intensive (more hours = higher cost) and other factors.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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