
Study in Nice 2024

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Education information

Do you dream about studying in France? Today, France attracts a great deal of foreign students with high-quality educational services, high living standards and amazing nature. SMAPSE offers TOP-10 prestigious schools, colleges and universities in Nice where foreign students can get high-quality primary, secondary and higher education. Moreover, language schools and centers in Nice provide various language courses and programs that will meet all your needs. 

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts at any time as they are always ready to answer all your questions. 

Studying in private boarding schools in France

School education in France is supported by the state and is a priority of domestic policy. One of the main tasks is to create equally comfortable conditions for local students and foreign ones. It is worth noting that the country has unified educational standards, but at the same time, educational institutions have the right to partially change the curriculum. Private boarding schools in France usually enjoy this privilege and seek to improve conditions and make the adaptation of foreign students quick and comfortable: for example, special language courses have been developed for children with zero knowledge of the language, which students can attend in addition.

Another advantage of private boarding schools in France is the opportunity to study according to any educational system of their choice. The most popular academic programs in Nice:

The name of the program



The British version of grades 8-9, consisting of compulsory and optional disciplines.


A biennial British program, the end of which will allow you to get a prestigious British certificate of secondary education. The main objective of the course is to prepare the student for academic loads at the best universities in Europe. Most foreign students begin studying abroad from this step, which is considered as the "gold standard" of the British educational system.

International baccalaureate

IB is an opportunity to get a certificate of secondary education of international level. The course is designed for two years, the main tasks are preparation for the university and development, education of free and creatively thinking individuals. The IB diploma is recognized by leading universities in the world.

The recommended age for moving to another country is 12-14 years: during this period, the guys become quite independent, strive to be independent, willingly learn languages and other cultures. Familiarity with the traditions of another country will benefit the younger generation + with a certificate of a leading school in France it is much easier to enter the best universities in Europe and the world.

Higher education in France - TOP universities in Nice

In Nice, you will find high-quality Master's and Bachelor's programs in French. For international students there are the same benefits as for the local population: material assistance for renting housing, accommodation in a dormitory, meals in the dining room, student benefits for transportation and visits to cinemas and museums are very good bonuses for living abroad.

As for admission conditions, the university of Nice have the right to establish requirements for foreign students themselves. So, some universities in France accept students immediately after graduating from a domestic school (after grade 11), and some will require a special pre-university course. You may need to study several semesters at a university in you country and after that transfer to a university in France. In addition, you will need to demonstrate high language proficiency at the interview and present a certificate of passing the language exam.

Nice language courses for international students

Nice language schools offer a wide range of programs for foreign students:


20 lessons per week, the goal of the course is to develop the basic language skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening comprehension.

250 $


26-30 lessons per week aimed at maximum immersion in the language environment and the development of speaking skills.

450 $

French / English for children for the summer

The classic French language study program is combined with a rich entertainment component, sports and excursions.

950 $

Activities and outdoor activities

The language part of the program is built on standard French lessons, and the active recreation program includes several areas: cooking, winemaking, style, fashion, travel, etc.

490 $

Language + Sport

Language learning is combined with attending sports events: golf, tennis, diving, surfing, fitness, etc.

390 $

Professional courses

The course is perfect for specialists in narrow areas: lawyers, doctors, diplomats, hotel industry and tourism workers.

670 $

For business

Students master modern business vocabulary, learn to understand processes and conduct their activities in the business sphere.

750 $

DELF Exam Preparation

An intensive area aimed at improving skills and updating knowledge, regularly completing tasks and monitoring academic performance.

1140 $ in 12 weeks

Individual sessions

Additional classes to the standard intensive direction. The advantage of this option is an individual curriculum.

390 $

General educational statistics in Nice

General information about Nice

Country France
Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Region 2 Département des Alpes-Maritimes
Region 3 Arrondissement de Nice
Region 4 Nice
Population 338,620
Visitors 2,266,000/year
Time Zone Europe/Paris

Cost of living in Nice

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 278 366
Food 275 507
Transportation 27 154
Communications and utilities 81 109
Clothing 28 104
Sports and leisure 28 116
Total 717 1,356

Accommodation in Nice

Shared room outside of centre 281
Shared room in city centre 369
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 494
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 635

Coordinates of Nice

Time Zone Europe/Paris
GMT +1
DST +2
Latitude 43.703130000
Longitude 7.266080000
Elevation 25 m.
Elevation (STRM3) 18 m.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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