
Study in New York 2024

This content was developed with active participation of Mary Bousted.


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Education information

Actually, studying in New York - a real gift for lovers of big cities, residents of the metropolis and lovers of urban rhythm. In this city everyone will find opportunities for development, will be able to realize their talents and potential - it is a mixture of world cultures, religions, nationalities and styles, attractive for everyone.

Many foreign students choose study foreign languages in language schools in NY, in prestigious colleges or high schools, enter universities for getting Bachelor's or Master's degree. One of the most famous and prestigious universities is Columbia University: it was founded in 1754 and is now part of the legendary Ivy League. Education from Columbia University is an investment in a successful international career and a step towards a successful future.

In addition, you can choose studying in various language camps: apart from quality English, they offer interesting leisure and excursion activities, already included in the price. Vacation courses is a great opportunity to get acquainter with NY,  its features, sights and monuments, to visit world-famous museums and theaters.

You can choose the most suitable option for yourself, based on the description of the school and the programme, for the specified price and student feedback. Due to the list of TOP-50 schools, colleges and universities in New York you can find the best option. 

Studying Abroad in New York. Guide for foreign students

If you're considering pursuing your education in New York, one of the world's premier destinations, you'll discover a multitude of benefits as a high school student or foreign student. Here's a comprehensive look at why studying in New York is a fantastic choice:

1. World-renowned Education: Education in America is globally acclaimed, with American educational institutions consistently ranking at the top in international evaluations.

2. Practical Learning: Many renowned companies offer hands-on experiences, ensuring a practical approach to your studies.

3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: New York's educational institutions are equipped with modern technology and cutting-edge teaching methods to enhance the learning experience.

4. Customized Education: Individualized education allows students to tailor their classes and curriculum to align with their interests and goals.

5. Scholarships: International students have the opportunity to earn scholarships for achievements in academics, sports, or the arts at select U.S. universities.

6. Diverse Selection: New York offers a diverse array of schools, universities, colleges, and programs, ensuring everyone can find their ideal path.

7. Global Recognition: U.S. school certificates are widely recognized around the world.

8. Independence and Cultural Immersion: Living abroad fosters independence and cross-cultural understanding, exposing students to diverse traditions and customs.

9. Inside Perspective on American Culture: Immersing yourself in New York provides a firsthand experience of American history, culture, and traditions.

Academic Programs for International Students in New York

New York boasts an extensive range of programs catering to students across various disciplines, from conventional majors to specialized fields. Whether you opt for language schools affiliated with international networks, prestigious colleges, or universities offering Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctoral programs, New York has it all. Columbia University, a prestigious Ivy League institution founded in 1754, is one of the city's standout options, promising a bright international future.

Furthermore, New York offers numerous year-round courses designed to prepare students for admission to educational institutions worldwide, as well as international language proficiency exams.

Language Camps in New York

For a unique learning experience, consider New York's language camps. These programs not only provide high-quality English courses but also offer engaging leisure and sightseeing activities included in the package. These programs cater to various interests:

  • Creative Camps: Combine language learning with your favorite hobbies such as music, dance, acting, literature, or art.

  • Sports Camps: Improve your English while honing your skills in sports like football, basketball, or rugby under the guidance of internationally recognized coaches.

  • Scientific Camps: Dive into subjects like robotics, design, law, and more with guidance from international experts.

  • Adventure Camps: Ideal for active explorers who relish new experiences.

Studying Abroad in New York. Cost and Fees forย  International Students

Tuition fees in New York vary based on the program, duration, institution prestige, and location. On average, studying at a school, college, or university ranges from $45,000 to $55,000 per year. Vacation programs typically cost between $1,300 and $1,800 per week.

Explore the most prestigious educational institutions in New York on SMAPSE's website. You can make an informed choice by considering program descriptions, prices, and student reviews. SMAPSE's experts are available to answer your questions and assist you in selecting the right option for your educational journey in the vibrant city of New York.

Svetlana  Iakovleva
Director of International Enrollment Management

Is it hard to get a scholarship if you are a talented student? What are the usual discounts?

Another good thing about US education is that the schools and colleges  are interested in talented and high achieving students  and offer good scholarships, but the student needs to be outstanding academically to be qualified for a merit scholarship.

General statistics on education in New York

General information about New York City

Country United States
Region New York
Population 8,175,133
Visitors 12,300,000/year
Time Zone America/New_York

The cost of living in New York City

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 845 1,536
Food 361 638
Transportation 93 206
Communications and utilities 95 104
Clothing 24 85
Sports and leisure 43 166
Total 1,461 2,736

Accommodation options in New York City per month

Shared room outside of centre 853$
Shared room in city centre 1,551$
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 1,456$
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 2,336$

Coordinates Of New York City

Time Zone America/New_York
GMT -5
DST -4
Latitude 40.714270000
Longitude -74.005970000
Elevation 10 m.
Elevation (STRM3) 57 m.

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Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

Sam is the Regional Director of Student Admissions at INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia). Sam has nearly 20 years' experience in international education. Also, he has experience in student recruitment for institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and is a qualified EFL teacher with many years of experience teaching abroad. He understands the challenges faced by international students and is aware of all these difficulties and have vast experience in helping foreign students.

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