
Primary, secondary education in Milan 2024

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Education information

The education system in Milan mirrors the structure of Italy's national education framework, which mandates school attendance for children from ages 6 to 16. The compulsory education in Milan comprises three stages: primary school, lower secondary school, and upper secondary school. Like all major cities in Italy, Milan offers both public and private schooling options. In 2021, there were over 900 schools of various types and levels in Milan, including more than 500 kindergartens and primary schools, 125 middle schools, and over 250 upper secondary schools.

Education System in Milan

Schools in Milan, especially public ones, follow a curriculum designed and monitored by the Italian Ministry of Education. The blend of Italy's rich cultural heritage with modern educational approaches makes Milan an appealing location for expat families who can trust the quality of their children’s education. Public schools dominate the Italian education system, while expats not planning long-term stays often opt for private international schools, despite their high costs and competitive admission processes.

Esther Diaz
Education specialist, career coach and consultant. She worked for Inspired Education Group and directed the admissions department at the International School san Patricio Toledo.

What would you say is the most important when choosing a school?

This is the quality of support and work of the management, the opportunity to study at IB, the prestige of the school and the percentage of successful completion of the diploma stage of IB, recommendations for further universities. It is worth considering the national "recruitment" of campus students, opportunities for extracurricular development and activities, the availability of medical services and consultations, opportunities for language immersion. Is education at the chosen school based on the values you share? Is the school a close-knit community? Is academic support good?

Levels of Education in Milan

According to the national curriculum, schools in Milan are divided into four levels:

  • Kindergarten for children aged 3 to 5
  • Primary School for children aged 6 to 11
  • Lower Secondary School for children aged 11 to 14
  • Upper Secondary School for students aged 14 to 19

At 14, students make a crucial decision regarding their educational path, selecting a specialization that influences their future university studies and career prospects.

Types of Schools in Milan

Public Schools

Public schools in Milan are free for residents and are known for their high-quality education. The medium of instruction is Italian, which may not be convenient for many expat families. However, these schools provide a comprehensive understanding of Italian culture and education, offering a unique learning experience.

Milanese schools, in compliance with national regulations, often include Catholic religious education but respect diverse beliefs. Students can attend non-religious alternative classes covering a wide range of subjects, including human rights and mythology.

Private Schools

Private schools in Milan generally match the quality of public schools since they receive government funding and adhere to approved curricula and educational standards. However, these schools may offer various educational philosophies or religious teachings, such as Catholicism or the Montessori method. Parents seeking a personalized approach to their children's education often choose private schools in Milan for their diverse pedagogical methods catering to individual needs and preferences.

International Schools

Milan hosts several international schools that offer a variety of programs, including the International Baccalaureate, American, British, French, and German curricula. These schools can be expensive but provide a way to bypass language barriers, opening up broader career and educational opportunities for students. They are particularly known for their multicultural environments and comprehensive programs that prepare students for global challenges.

Support for Special Educational Needs

Milan offers institutions that support children with special educational needs. Italy adopts a progressive approach to education, ensuring inclusivity. Students with disabilities are entitled to a wide range of services to guarantee a complete education. Support for special needs students is available across all types of institutions: public, international, and private, including Montessori schools.

Advantages of Studying in Milan

Children of non-Italian residents living in the country permanently are entitled to the same free public education as Milanese residents. Most schools in Milan do not require students to wear uniforms. Milan's strategic location in Europe makes it easy for residents to travel to other EU countries, such as France, Germany, Greece, or the United Kingdom, for short trips during school holidays.

Milan is home to a diverse population of immigrants, professionals, tourists, and students from around the world. The city's cultural diversity means that foreigners can expect a welcoming community in Milan.

School Year and Schedule

The academic year in Milan runs from mid-September to June, aligning with the typical European school calendar. Winter holidays in late December allow students to celebrate Christmas and New Year with their families. Additional breaks occur in February and April, providing short rests between terms. Summer holidays at the end of the school year last about 12 weeks.

Typically, school days in Milan start at eight in the morning, with five hours of classes, from Monday to Saturday. However, modern arrangements allow students to have a shorter week, attending longer classes from Monday to Friday, freeing up Saturdays.

At the end of each semester, students receive report cards called pagella. Grades range from 10 (excellent) to 1 (ungradable), with a passing grade being 6 for each subject.

Learning programs-summary information

Name Meaning Equivalent Min. age Duration,
Next stage Cost
GCSE General certificate of secondary education secondary education (non-accomplished) 14 1–2 A-Levels 15,000 USD+
A-Levels Advanced level secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 15,000 USD+
BTEC Business and Technology Education Board secondary special education 14 2–3 University/ work 15,000 USD+
Oxbridge Preparation Preparing for Oxford and Cambridge secondary education (accomplished) 17 1 University 15,000 USD+
International Baccalaureate International baccalaureate secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 18,000 USD+
Foundation/ Pathway Year Preparatory year admission to the 1st year of university 17 1 University 14,000 USD+
NCUK The Northern consortium 2 year university 17,5 1 2 year University of NCUK 13,000 USD+
Special Preparation (Medics/Math/Business) Specialized training - 14 optional optional 4,000 USD+
Academic English Academic English Language school 8 + 6–12 months School or University 8,000 USD+

Advantages and disadvantages of English schools

Advantages Disadvantages
The opportunity to enter the best universities in England, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Europe, the world Expensive
High quality of education and academic standards Strong workload
Perfect English after graduation The need to change the social environment; it takes time to adapt
Useful contacts The difficulty of choosing the most suitable school for the child, requires a qualified specialist

Top 21 boarding colleges in England 2024

1 Cardiff Sixth Form College
2 National Mathematics and Science College
3 Abbey College Cambridge
4 d'Overbroeck's College
5 MPW London
6 CATS Cambridge
7 Kensington Park
8 DLD London
9 King's College St Michael’s
10 Bellerbys Cambridge
11 Chelsea Independent College
12 MPW Cambridge
13 Bellerbys Brighton
14 CATS London
15 St Clare's Oxford
16 Bishopstrow College
17 CATS Canterbury
18 Bellerbys London
19 Ealing Independent College
20 Cambridge Tutors College
21 Abbey Manchester
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Esther Diaz
Education specialist, career coach and consultant. She worked for Inspired Education Group and directed the admissions department at the International School san Patricio Toledo.
Esther worked as a Head of Admissions, Engagement and Outreach at San Patricio Toledo International School until 2021. She is an expert in primary and secondary education. Esther also has a great deal of experience in teaching, marketing, translating and coaching. She thinks that it is important to consider the environment, educational institutions rankings, historical and artistic heritage, nature of the people, and unique traditions and folklore when choosing a place to study.
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