
Study in Lisbon 2024

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Education information

For those who need education abroad to meet requirements such as accessibility, high quality and the opportunity to broaden their horizons, it is worth considering studying in Lisbon. It is a city of wide tourist opportunities with beautiful nature, climate and ecology, which meets the highest requirements of students and parents.

Arnold I. Szepesi
Global Direct Sales Manager in EHL Hospitality Business School

Any advice for potential applicants to  schools?

My top recommendation is to visit the schools and interact with the staff to ensure it feels right for you. Look into the location, curriculum, and post-graduation opportunities. Talk to the admissions team and the head of the school, and check out their social media for a comprehensive view. If possible, tour the campus in person or virtually.


Studying in Lisbon: benefits for international students

Studying in Lisbon will turn out to be an unforgettable journey for a foreign student. It does not matter which program you choose - short or long term - studying in the capital of Portugal will bring a sea of impressions and benefits thanks to prestigious educational institutions with proven programs.

One of the main advantages will be the acquaintance with this amazing city, its culture and rich history. Lisbon is older than most European popular cities such as London and Paris. A variety of architectural styles found in it a harmonious combination, creating a unique picture of the city. In Lisbon, you can find a legacy of the following architectural styles: Gothic monasteries, Baroque palaces, Manueline and Baroque styles.

Walking around the city, located on steep hills, you can enjoy the local architecture and city life - tiles on houses, windows with flower pots, tiny balconies, as well as listen to the sounds of the famous Portuguese fado romance and the sound of the melodious Portuguese language. The city has a Mediterranean climate with a long summer season: the average summer temperature will be +24C, and +9C in winter.

The average temperature in Lisbon





+ 9 ° C

+ 15 ° C

+ 24 ° C

+ 15 ° C

Variety of entertainment, as well as magnificent sandy beaches add special colour to the city. The TOP sights of Lisbon include:

  • Jeronimos Monastery is the most visited attraction in the country
  • Belen Tower, built during the Great Geographical Discoveries
  • Castle of St. George
  • Lisbon Cathedral
  • Baixa District in Lisbon
  • 28 tram in Lisbon
  • Pena National Palace
  • Lisbon Aquarium
  • National Carriage Museum.

Education in Lisbon: programs and prices for international students

Education in Lisbon for foreign students is represented by a wide range of programs - both short and long term - that are very popular. The main advantages of educational institutions in Portugal:

  • Great environment for foreign students

Students and schoolchildren like to study in this country: it has an excellent climate, picturesque landscapes, sandy beaches and a large range of leisure activities. Thanks to a flexible curriculum, students will be able to combine productive studies with work or travel. Students who live in private boarding schools remain satisfied with the conditions and level of technical equipment. Thanks to the hospitality and friendliness of the locals, students easily adapt and learn with pleasure.

  • Availability of studying 

Tourists will be pleased with the prices of programs and low expenses for accommodation and meals - this is what distinguishes Portugal from other European countries.

  • Simplified Educational System

Prestigious universities and schools in Portugal do not meet international students with exaggerated requirements. So, when entering a university, many institutions do not require high language skills and prestigious certificates, a number of educational institutions even accept students with basic language proficiency. Teachers patiently and with understanding treat foreign students, allow insecure language skills at first.

  • Effective studying and comprehensive development

The best schools and universities in Portugal are creating educational programs using advanced, internationally recognized teaching methods. Much attention is paid to balanced learning, so that children and young people can graduate from educational institutions not only with the necessary level of knowledge, but also with a set of practical skills, social and creative skills.

In Lisbon, you will find a wide range of educational institutions that offer training in the most popular and relevant programs. Programs for summer camps, which have extensive experience in organizing children's vacations , are very popular for children. If you are looking for a summer program for a student, SMAPSE experts recommend that you pay attention to Village Camps Summer. Every year, the Village Camps Summer conducts excellent programs for teenagers: " English + water sports" and "Summer English + adventures."

For those who are looking for a language program in order to raise their tongue for children outside the summer period, Portuguese language schools that have developed excellent Standard English / Portuguese programs are suitable. In Lisbon, a popular and globally recognized Home Language International program operates, which will allow you to take individual lessons in the teacher's family and achieve great results.

Schoolchildren and their parents who are looking for long-term programs in English or Portuguese study in private and international schools, while students study in undergraduate or graduate programs at prestigious universities in Portugal that offer Portuguese and English courses.

Types of programs

The name of the program


Required Language Proficiency


Cost in Euros

Summer language camps for children

From 2 weeks

Beginner and above


550-1200 per week

Language schools

1-12 weeks

Beginner and above


500-1500 per week

High schools

1-12 years old



0-27800 per year

Pre-university courses

12 months

Above the average


About 4,500 a year


3 years

Above the average


900-6500 per year

Master's programs

2 years



1500-8000 per year

Doctoral studies

1 year



12000-36000 per year

Business schools

3-5 years



3000-9000 per year

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Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

Sam is the Regional Director of Student Admissions at INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia). Sam has nearly 20 years' experience in international education. Also, he has experience in student recruitment for institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and is a qualified EFL teacher with many years of experience teaching abroad. He understands the challenges faced by international students and is aware of all these difficulties and have vast experience in helping foreign students.

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