
Adult language courses abroad

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Education information

Nowadays, a good level of foreign languages is essential for everyone. Language schools in Europe, UK, US, and Canada help foreign students to get essential knowledge and skills to travel, work and study in other countries. Do you need to learn the language quickly and comfortably? Foreign courses will help: they allow you to adapt to the new environment, to develop skills necessary for daily communication or solving special tasks.


What is the difference between a language course and a language camp?

What are the advantages of language courses for university entrance?

Can I enroll in a course with zero or beginner's level of English?

What is the optimal length of the courses?

Is a certificate issued upon completion?

What do language schools offer besides language classes?

Are there any special programs or courses for specific purposes, such as business language or test preparation?

What teaching methods and materials are used in foreign language courses?

How much do foreign language courses at language centers usually cost?

What is the difference between a language course and a language camp?

What are the advantages of language courses for university entrance?

Can I enroll in a course with zero or beginner's level of English?

What is the optimal length of the courses?

Is a certificate issued upon completion?

What do language schools offer besides language classes?

Are there any special programs or courses for specific purposes, such as business language or test preparation?

What teaching methods and materials are used in foreign language courses?

How much do foreign language courses at language centers usually cost?

What are the advantages of studying English abroad?

In which countries can you effectively study English abroad?

What types of language programs are available for students wishing to study English abroad?

How long does an English study abroad course usually last?

What is the difference between a language course and a language camp?

What are the advantages of language courses for university entrance?

Can I enroll in a course with zero or beginner's level of English?

What is the optimal length of the courses?

Is a certificate issued upon completion?

What do language schools offer besides language classes?

Are there any special programs or courses for specific purposes, such as business language or test preparation?

What teaching methods and materials are used in foreign language courses?

How much do foreign language courses at language centers usually cost?

What are the advantages of studying English abroad?

How to choose Language Courses Abroad

Are you contemplating enrolling in language courses at an international school? If you find yourself uncertain about which language course to select in foreign lands, the guidance of SMAPSE experts can help dispel your doubts.

Here are some straightforward questions to ponder:

1. Language Learning Duration: Have you been learning a foreign language in your home country for over a year, achieving a reasonable level of understanding and conversation?

2. Slow Progress: Do you feel like your language learning progress has been sluggish?

3. Language Barrier: Have you encountered challenges breaking through a language barrier?

4. Unfulfilled Results: Have you attempted to learn a foreign language previously but failed to attain your desired proficiency?

5. Costly Private Tutoring: Are private language classes proving to be too expensive for your budget?

6. Learning Style: Do you prefer engaging, exciting educational processes over rote memorization?

7. Language Immersion: Are you interested in fully immersing yourself in a language environment, even if you're starting from scratch?

If you've answered "yes" to three or more of these questions, embarking on a journey to study languages in foreign countries emerges as a rational and highly effective alternative to local language centers or private tutors. Language courses in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada consistently offer a more effective and engaging learning experience compared to the best language schools in your home country.

How to apply to Language Courses Abroad? Key Tips

Setting Clear Objectives

Begin by defining your goals. Clearly identifying the purpose of your language study will help you choose the appropriate program type and level. Programs designed for those starting from scratch, seeking skill improvement, or preparing for an international exam or university entry vary significantly. Taking a professional approach to program selection will streamline your preparations. In our catalog, you can explore English courses abroad (as well as other languages) aligned with your foreign language proficiency and academic objectives. Use the curriculum type filter available in the left panel of the page for a more tailored search.

Selecting the Ideal Study Location

You have the option to prepare for your language studies at a specialized school, private center, college, or even opt for language camps in foreign countries. In our catalog, you can choose the most suitable option based on your preferred educational institution type or even select a seasonal program, such as a summer or winter camp abroad.


How to choose Language Courses Abroad

Unrivaled Expertise and Qualifications

One of the standout advantages of language courses in Europe is the exceptional professionalism and qualifications of the instructors. These courses are designed and led by experienced educators who excel in their field, ensuring students receive top-notch language education.

Creating the Right Learning Environment

Unlike studying in a native-speaking environment, European language programs offer the unique benefit of immersing students in an environment where the language is not the mother tongue. This creates an ideal atmosphere for effective language acquisition and learning.

Cutting-Edge Resources for Enhanced Learning

European language programs boast modern material resources that enhance the learning experience. Each student is provided with textbooks and methodological materials, bolstering the effectiveness and success of their studies. Furthermore, classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and projectors, embracing innovative teaching tools to engage students.

Small Class Sizes and Personalized Instruction

With small class sizes limited to a maximum of 10 students, European language courses prioritize an individualized approach to teaching. This ensures that each student receives the attention and guidance they need for effective language acquisition.

Efficient Teaching Techniques and Swift Adaptation

European language programs employ highly efficient teaching methods that facilitate rapid adaptation for students. These methods are tailored to help learners quickly become comfortable and proficient in their chosen language.

Balancing Education with Excitement

In addition to rigorous language education, European language programs offer an active leisure program. This means students can enjoy a well-rounded experience that combines learning with exciting extracurricular activities, excursions, and entertainment.

Language Courses abroad for international students

Delve into the world of language learning with our selection of prestigious language courses, offered by the top 100 language schools both in the European Union and beyond. These programs cater to a variety of criteria, with diverse types of language courses to choose from:

Intensive Language Courses

These rigorous programs entail a minimum of 24 lessons per week, with a strong focus on honing communication skills. Students engage in discussions on current events, converse with native speakers, study vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. Intensive courses involve both oral and written assignments, as well as reading practice.

Standard Language Courses

Ideal for those seeking a balanced language learning experience, standard courses typically comprise 10 to 20 lessons per week. These courses emphasize vocabulary expansion, fundamental grammar comprehension, and the development of communication skills.

Examination Preparation Courses

These specialized programs equip students with the skills needed to excel in international tests of various levels, such as TOEFL, IELTS, or the Cambridge exams.

Specialized Language Courses

Tailored for professionals in various fields, including pedagogy, business, medicine, law, and more.

When it comes to affordable language courses of high quality, our SMAPSE experts recommend considering Malta (with prices ranging from 100 to 200 euros per week) or Spain (with costs ranging from 130 to 200 euros per week). While the United Kingdom boasts numerous budget-friendly language schools, living expenses may be higher.

For children, language courses are often offered through international language camps that provide an all-inclusive experience, encompassing accommodation, full-board meals, excursions, sports activities, and transfers.

Within the SMAPSE directory, you have the freedom to choose from a multitude of programs. Whether you're interested in English courses abroad or courses in other languages, a wide range of options awaits.

Many prestigious European language schools have branches not only within a single country but also abroad, offering students the opportunity to study in bustling metropolises or tranquil provinces, catering to their preferences.

Among foreign students, the United Kingdom remains a perennial favorite. England, home to top-ranking and prestigious schools, offers foreign students effective and advanced English courses.

Malta has earned recognition as an English language learning hub, with teaching methods based on the British educational system. Notably, tuition fees in Malta are more budget-friendly compared to the United Kingdom.

Prestigious schools in Canada and the United States offer a myriad of programs encompassing leisure, excursions, and extracurricular activities, ensuring a high standard of academic and language proficiency. Canada also provides international students with effective French language courses.

For those aspiring to learn German, Austria and Switzerland are the ideal destinations. These international countries offer high-quality education in English, German, French, and Italian, accompanied by a comfortable living environment. International students can engage in sports competitions, captivating excursions, and leisurely walks through picturesque landscapes at the foothills of the Swiss Alps.


How to choose Language Courses Abroad

Are you contemplating enrolling in language courses at an international school? If you find yourself uncertain about which language course to select in foreign lands, the guidance of SMAPSE experts can help dispel your doubts.

Here are some straightforward questions to ponder:

1. Language Learning Duration: Have you been learning a foreign language in your home country for over a year, achieving a reasonable level of understanding and conversation?

2. Slow Progress: Do you feel like your language learning progress has been sluggish?

3. Language Barrier: Have you encountered challenges breaking through a language barrier?

4. Unfulfilled Results: Have you attempted to learn a foreign language previously but failed to attain your desired proficiency?

5. Costly Private Tutoring: Are private language classes proving to be too expensive for your budget?

6. Learning Style: Do you prefer engaging, exciting educational processes over rote memorization?

7. Language Immersion: Are you interested in fully immersing yourself in a language environment, even if you're starting from scratch?

If you've answered "yes" to three or more of these questions, embarking on a journey to study languages in foreign countries emerges as a rational and highly effective alternative to local language centers or private tutors. Language courses in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada consistently offer a more effective and engaging learning experience compared to the best language schools in your home country.


Benefit from SMAPSE Expertise

SMAPSE's catalog features the TOP-100 language schools in Switzerland, Europe, USA, and Canada, serving as a user-friendly tool for program selection. You won't need to independently scour through dozens of schools and centers; SMAPSE experts have streamlined the offerings from service providers around the world.

Our project is international, and we have direct partnerships with language schools and centers. Consequently, the information presented in the catalog is first-hand. SMAPSE exclusively recommends proven options for obtaining high-quality education.

Our company's specialists are always available to assist clients in selecting the best schools and programs in foreign countries. You can reach us through various channels, including email, Skype, telephone, or a convenient online chat. Rest assured, consultations via any of these methods are offered free of charge.

Language Program Types Abroad 

The finest language schools in European countries offer a broad array of educational programs tailored to foreign children, students, and adults. Language programs can vary in the following aspects:

  • Study Direction

  • Program Duration

  • Intensity of Study

Regardless of the specific prestigious language program you choose, you can count on a high standard of educational services.

General language courses are favored among foreign students due to their versatility and affordability. These courses can span from one week to an entire year, typically comprising 15-20 academic hours of lessons per week. Intensive English courses, in contrast, may involve 30-35 academic hours of lessons per week.

The primary demographic for language courses in Europe consists of international students around 16 years old. These students often opt for preparatory language courses designed to facilitate success in international language exams such as TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, and DALF. These language certificates are essential for gaining admission to top-ranked universities worldwide.

Today, prestigious schools in Europe offer language courses tailored to professionals from various fields. "Foreign Language for Business Communication" programs facilitate the expansion of professional terminology and the development of communication skills within the international business community. Such courses for entrepreneurs, specialists, and managers are typically customized based on individual characteristics, foreign language proficiency levels, field of expertise, and the student's capacity. Distinguished specialists and experts in specific business areas are typically recruited to instruct top managers. These lessons generally entail 8 to 10 sessions per week.

Language programs combined with sports, hobbies, or educational activities are also in high demand. Students and adults alike can explore activities such as golf, tennis, rafting, yachting, rock climbing, dance, painting, and theater arts. Additionally, courses for adults often integrate language learning with culinary exploration and wine tourism, offering a delightful blend of culture and education.

European Language Courses. Cost and Fees for foreign students

The cost of language courses varies based on several factors:

  • Country of Study

  • Season of Study

  • Intensity of Language Program

  • Student's Age

  • Extracurricular Program Intensity (Including Excursions and Entertainment)

  • Type of Language Course

It's important to note that upon arrival in a foreign country, international students typically undergo a placement test, the results of which determine their language proficiency level. These tests assess reading, writing, grammar, listening comprehension, and spoken language skills.

Accommodation Options at Language Courses and Programs Abroad for International Students

Many language courses offer various accommodation options to cater to the diverse preferences of international students:

  • On-Campus Accommodation: Students can reside on campus in comfortable school residences, fostering close connections with peers from around the world.

  • Host Families or Teacher's Families: Living with a host family or a teacher's family provides a unique opportunity for cultural immersion and a deeper understanding of local life.

  • Hotels or Apartments: For those seeking more independent accommodation, hotels and apartments are often available as options.

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Laura Galindo
Marketing Director
Laura has been in the international education industry since 2016. She has been at OHLA Schools for 7 years and it has been a gratifying experience for her to see the positive impact they have had in students’ lives. Giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better by coming to study in the US.
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