
1 best private schools in Karlovy Vary 2024

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10 18 36 72

Education information

Today, Karlovy Vary is one of the most popular destination for educational tourism. SMAPSE offers you the best private school in Karlovy Vary where international students can get high-quality and balanced education. Actually, Carlsbad International School allows to choose from a wide variety of courses and studying programs that will definitely meet all your requirements. Students can find everything necessary for successful studying and pleasant rest in Karlovy Vary.

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts at any time as they are always ready to help you and answer all questions.

Advantages of studying in Karlovy Vary: tuition fees and rankings

Karlovy Vary has its own flavour and a wide range of advantages for foreign students:

  • Calm atmosphere. Karlovy Vary is a spa town where life flows smoothly and measuredly, which gives a strong contrast compared to the Czech capital.
  • Small area. The total area of the city is small enough, which is convenient for students of educational institutions: to get from the hotel or residence to the place of study will not take much time - everything is within walking distance, 10-15 minutes.
  • A lot of international students. Karlovy Vary is popular among foreigners as a place to move. That is why students from all over the world will be able to meet many fellow nationals here and quickly adapt in a new environment
  • Financial expenses. This is the most compelling reason to choose the city of Karlovy Vary for education in the Czech Republic - secondary, higher or summer language camp. Compared to Prague, student support in Karlovy Vary for foreign students turns out to be budgetary in terms of accommodation, meals and other expense items.

As for the size of financial expenses for studying in the city of Karlovy Vary, the price ranges is approximately the same: from 800-900 euros per week and about 25.000-20.000 € per year. Several factors influence the formation of prices - an educational institution, duration of study, full-time study or boarding school, additional options offered by the school. Mandatory expenses for foreign students also include insurance and visas, as well as the purchase of air tickets in both directions.

Esther Diaz
Education specialist, career coach and consultant. She worked for Inspired Education Group and directed the admissions department at the International School san Patricio Toledo.

What would you say is the most important when choosing a school?

This is the quality of support and work of the management, the opportunity to study at IB, the prestige of the school and the percentage of successful completion of the diploma stage of IB, recommendations for further universities. It is worth considering the national "recruitment" of campus students, opportunities for extracurricular development and activities, the availability of medical services and consultations, opportunities for language immersion. Is education at the chosen school based on the values you share? Is the school a close-knit community? Is academic support good?


Advantages and disadvantages of English schools

Advantages Disadvantages
The opportunity to enter the best universities in England, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Europe, the world Expensive
High quality of education and academic standards Strong workload
Perfect English after graduation The need to change the social environment; it takes time to adapt
Useful contacts The difficulty of choosing the most suitable school for the child, requires a qualified specialist

Top 35 best schools in the USA - 2024 Smapse rankings

1 North Broward Preparatory School
2 Phillips Academy Andover
3 The Storm King School New York
4 Red Bank Catholic High School
5 Windermere Preparatory School
6 Shattuck St Mary's School
7 Cheshire Academy
8 Cate School
9 Ross School
10 Deerfield Academy
11 The Village School
12 Amerigo Los Angeles – Bishop Montgomery High School
13 Webb Schools
14 Kent School USA
15 The Winchendon School
16 Darlington School
17 Marian Catholic High School Amerigo Education
18 Grier School
19 The MacDuffie School
20 CATS Academy Boston
21 The Cambridge School of Weston
22 Milton Academy
23 Amerigo Education Napa Valley
24 American Hebrew Academy
25 Northfield Mount Hermon School
26 Mater Dei Catholic High School San Diego Amerigo Education
27 American University Preparatory School Los Angeles
28 Webb Schools
29 Kent School USA
30 Groton School
31 Maine Central Institute
32 The Lawrenceville School
33 Grand River Academy Ohio
34 Saint John Paul II Academy
35 Chicago North Shore

Top 14 best schools in Switzerland 2024

1 College Du Leman
2 St. Georges School Montreux
3 Institut Monte Rosa
4 Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz
5 Saint-Charles Collège et Lycée
6 Leysin American School
7 Hochalpines Institut Ftan AG High Alpine
8 Aiglon College Switzerland
9 Institut Le Rosey School
10 Institut Montana Zugerberg
11 Champittet College
12 Brillantmont International School
13 Surval Montreux
14 Ecole Pre Fleuri
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Esther Diaz
Education specialist, career coach and consultant. She worked for Inspired Education Group and directed the admissions department at the International School san Patricio Toledo.
Esther worked as a Head of Admissions, Engagement and Outreach at San Patricio Toledo International School until 2021. She is an expert in primary and secondary education. Esther also has a great deal of experience in teaching, marketing, translating and coaching. She thinks that it is important to consider the environment, educational institutions rankings, historical and artistic heritage, nature of the people, and unique traditions and folklore when choosing a place to study.
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