
15 best English schools in Glasgow

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Education information

Education in Glasgow for schoolchildren, teenagers and students is famous primarily for the fact that the best, leading and prestigious secondary or higher schools in Scotland are located here. Foreign students usually choose the best private schools in Glasgow for secondary education, where excellent conditions for studying are created. These prestigious educational institutions, in addition to providing accommodation for the period of study, have several more advantages compared to public schools:

  • A rich academic program covering various subjects;
  • An opportunity to realize the creative potential of children;
  • A busy academic schedule, and hence the constant employment of children in courses, sections or excursions;
  • Personal education is provided, which can significantly help students in the future.

In addition to annual programs, the best boarding school in Glasgow offers not only general English courses, but also business English courses, as well as specialized language courses aimed at preparing students for international language exams or for admission to universities in Scotland or the world. During the studying, students are completely immersed in the language and cultural environment, which allows them to achieve the most effective results and in a short time to qualitatively improve the level of English proficiency.

Also, the foreign students are attracted here by the opportunity to touch the local culture, traditions and everyday life, combining a new experience with learning English. In Glasgow the foreign students will find many language schools and language centers where excellent quality educational courses are available for students of different ages. Local educational institutions have campuses with comfortable conditions for studying and living.

Advantages of studying in English school in Glasgow for foreign students

  • High quality

The learning process in prestigious schools in Glasgow is based on effective methods and reflects a rich pedagogical experience.

  • Prestigious certificates for foreign students

 Certificates of leading schools in Glasgow confirm the high level of studying and current knowledge of students.

  • Comfortable environment, support and attention from teachers
  • International environment and cultural diversity

 Representatives of various countries and nationalities study in educational institutions: studying in such an environment will allow the student to learn more about the culture and traditions of the country and find friends from all over the world.

  • Education and development of personal qualities

A busy schedule and ample opportunities for leisure activities will help students to acquire independence, responsibility, and develop leadership qualities.

  • The ability to master the language at the native speaker level

According to the National Statistical Agency, the Scots can be called the most highly educated nation in Europe – about 40% of the population has a higher education (bachelor's degree or its equivalent). Five Scottish universities are among the top 250 universities in the world - this is the best result in terms of per capita of the country and an absolute indicator of the quality of Scottish education, which local residents are proud of.

Glasgow educational institutions are double accredited – by the local government agency Education Scotland and the British Department of Education, and are also controlled by the national educational Qualifications service Scottish Qualification Authority. At the same time, they can set different conditions for admission of applicants, including foreign students, than in England.

Schools and universities in Glasgow have brought up many world celebrities, including outstanding Scots. They own the great inventions and scientific discoveries that began in the era of the Scottish Enlightenment (the end of the 18th – 19th century) and continued in the 20th century and in our time. Watt's steam engine, which actually marked the beginning of the industrial revolution and urbanization, Lindsay's long-term electric lamps, Macmillan's bicycle, color photography and Maxwell's principle of electrodynamics, Dunlop's pneumatic tires, Dewar's thermos, Bell's telephone, Bard's first TV, Harrison's refrigerator, Aister's antiseptic, Fleming's penicillin, Mackintosh's waterproof rubberized fabric, Smith's political economy, the new principle of the Macadam pavement, Wood's syringe is only a small part of what the Scots came up with.

TOP English boarding schools in Glasgow – stages of studying

The studying process in the boarding schools in Glasgow includes the following stages:

  • Primary school (age of students 5-12 years)

Emphasis is made on the development of basic skills (writing, reading), classes in basic school disciplines at the basic level in the format of games, etc.

  • Secondary education (age of students 12-18 years)

Compulsory secondary education is designed for students aged from 12 to 16 years old.  It is stipulated the study of the main school disciplines, at the end of the stage it is necessary to pass the final exam, according to the results of which a certificate of secondary education is awarded.

"Sixth grade" is the highest level of secondary education, designed for students aged from 16-18 years old. This stage is compulsory for students who subsequently plan to enroll in higher education institutions– at this stage, in-depth study of disciplines and preparation for admission to universities continues; at the end a Higher Grade certificate is issued.

The main specific feature of the Scottish education system is a wide list of opportunities for self–realization and self-improvement provided to the students. As an interesting fact, the first four universities on the island were founded in Scotland: these are the University of St Andrews, the University of Glasgow, the University of Aberdeen and the University of Edinburgh. Thousands of students come to Glasgow from year to year to study at the best private schools and colleges. The number of foreign students in schools and colleges is up to 15%, and the share of foreign students in the most prestigious and renowned private schools and universities reaches 45%!

The best English schools in Glasgow fees for foreign students

Secondary education in the best boarding schools in Glasgow will cost the foreign students from 25,000 to 35,000 GBP per academic year. The tuition fee varies due to the location of school, its ranking, chosen educational program, number of extracurricular activities.

Enrolment requirements in boarding schools in Glasgow for foreign students

The boarding schools in Glasgow are selective and adhere strictly to the selection of the foreign students. All applicants must:

  • Pass an interview;
  • Provide a package of documents;
  • Take entrance tests.

Students must demonstrate a strong academic background, confident command of English, and positive personal qualities.


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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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