
11 best girls only schools in USA

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Education information

Nowadays, more and more foreign students choose studying in boarding schools that provide separate education for boys and girls. Such schools attracts a great deal of international students as they allow to study effective courses and programs that were developed specially for girls or for boys. This approach gives a great opportunity to form balanced and interesting programs that will maximize students' results. SMAPSE offers TOP-10 prestigious private boarding schools for girls in the USA where young ladies can get high-quality and advanced education. American boarding schools for girls provide a wide range of courses and programs, such as primary classes, High school programs, IB, etc. 

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts as they are always ready to answer all your questions. 

Advantages of studying in private schools for girls in America

The first girls' schools appeared in America around the middle of the 18th century. Such schools were necessary due to the fact that big families didn't want their heirs to receive education with a rather diverse group of public schools, and the solution to the problem was the opening of closed schools for girls. In general, the history of private educational institutions for girls was rather unstable: schools were either closed during the years of the struggle for equality, or vice versa - they were restored as institutions in different religious communities.

Nowadays, the number of private schools in the USA exceeds 500, 20-30 institutions are boarding schools for girls. In general, the daily routine in these schools is similar to a classic private schools. In middle and high school, girls study the standard educational program and devote time to various types of creativity and physical activity:

  • Painting
  • Dancing
  • The photo
  • Graphic design
  • Ceramics
  • Design
  • Art history
  • Video production
  • Tennis
  • Fencing
  • Cheerleading
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Dancing
  • Yoga, etc.

Many schools also offer horse riding lessons. In high school, teachers help students make a list of priority universities for admission.

Private schools offer students stay in cozy residences on the territory of the educational institution. Usually girls are placed for 1-2 people in fully furnished rooms with a private bathroom or amenities on the floor. Students' meals are organized in the school cafeteria (full board format - three times a day), where they are offered a balanced and healthy menu.

The daily routine in private schools for girls looks something like this: from 8 o'clock wake-up, from 9:00 breakfast, then lessons (1 or 2), lunch break. In the afternoon, one hour is devoted to visiting sports and creative sections, and then again academic classes until evening. From 6 o’clock you can get dinner, and after it students have time for independent work.

For the comprehensive development of students, schools carefully monitor the formation of a cultural and leisure program, so there are various excursions around America and not only. In the evenings there are quizzes, film screenings, creative evenings and other events where you can relax and socialize with classmates in an informal setting.

Studying conditions in private boarding schools for girls in the USA

Private schools for girls in America have their own advantages and key features that distinguish them from co-educational institutions:

  • High-quality education and self-confidence. It is believed that in boarding schools for girls, graduates are better prepared for admission to prestigious universities, since the educational approach have inspired them to achieve any goals.
  • Favourable development environment. The educational program is gender-sensitive. It may seem that this factor isn't so significant when it comes to studying, but the influence of the right approach has quite tangible results. The program helps students maximize their academic and personal potential.
  • More flexible program. In private separate schools, teachers can supplement the curriculum at their discretion - for example, supplement the list of subjects studied with other works.
  • Secular education. In addition to the academic component, boarding schools for girls necessarily include elements of upbringing and social behaviour. This is especially true of elite educational institutions that educate real ladies with excellent education, the ability to keep themselves decent and maintain a conversation on a variety of topics
  • High results in technical subjects. In co-educational schools in mathematics, science or engineering, boys are usually more sophisticated. In institutions for girls there is no need to compete with young people, so girls are immersed in the subject and achieve success in this direction.

For admission to institutions of separate education, foreign applicants must prepare the following documents:

  • Application for studying
  • Report card for the last 2-3 years
  • TOEFL Language Test Results
  • Two recommendations from teachers
  • Motivation letter.

Elite and prestigious schools also conduct interviews with each candidate, since the competition for admission is quite high (either in person or via the Internet).

Simon Kizhner
Regional Admissions representative, EMEA

As for ranking of the best boarding schools, what criteria are used? How accurate is it today?

For rankings, many details and criteria are used, each formula is different: here is the percentage of admission to prestigious universities, the ratio of teachers and students, the number of teachers with advanced degrees, the severity of requirements for graduates and applicants, the quality and variety of educational programs, the percentage of boarders. Even demographics and campus details are taken into account! Out of the rankings can be extracurricular, non-academic life - social events, athletics tournaments.


7 best schools for girls in the USA: tuition fees



Studying programs


Grier school

Tyrone, PA

Grades 7-12:

Secondary school

Old school

Advanced placement


Summer program

47800 $ per year

Westover school

Middlebury, Connecticut

Grades 9-12

High school

Advanced placement


Summer program

$ 49,100 per year

Miss Hall's school

Pittsfield Massachusetts

Grades 9-12

High school

Advanced placement


49850 $ per year

Private School Stoneley Burnham

Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Grades 1-12

Primary School

Secondary school

Old school

45850 $ per year

St. Timothy's School

Stevenson maryland

Grades 8-12

Secondary school

Old school


50 350 $ per year

Linden hall school

Lititz, PA

Grades 6-12

Secondary school

Old school

Summer program

57,560 $ per year

Madeira school

Macklin, Virginia

Grades 8-12

Secondary school

High school

Advanced placement

$ 47,000 per year

The ranking of the educational institution and its location influence tuition fees - the higher the position of the school in the lists of TOP schools, the higher the cost. At the same time, the quality of education is at the same high level.

Check out private schools in Switzerland for girls and private schools in Italy.

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Simon Kizhner
Regional Admissions representative, EMEA

Simon is an expert in the field of secondary education. He has been working in Regional Admissions at Léman Manhattan Preparatory School for more than 5 years. He is a Cornell University and SDA Bocconi graduate. Simon believes that studying at an elite, competitive boarding school is a truly unique experience as pupils forge strong ties with peers and teachers. Living in a boarding school, they can focus more attentively on their studies, which will lead to more serious success - and in their future careers as well.

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