
Top 7 girls only schools in London

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Education information

Private schools in London have a long history. Back in the 17th century, it was considered the norm for girls to receive private education at home. In the future, English society came to the idea that for children it would be more beneficial in socialization and collective learning. Then they began to create private boarding schools for boys and girls.

The first boarding schools were created, as a rule, in Catholic churches. They trained primarily ministers for the church, but they taught not only theology, but also all the necessary subjects for obtaining a complete secondary education. Such education was considered very prestigious.

A boarding school in London with separate classes is rightly considered one of the most elite educational options and an excellent basis for the formation of a free, confident modern woman.

Girls' schools began to appear in London much later than boys' schools, which for centuries have been setting a high educational standard for all Europe. On the basis of successfully formed principles of upbringing, education and tradition, English boarding schools for girls were founded in the nineteenth century.

Today these schools are at the top of all the prestigious rankings. Graduates demonstrate excellent academic achievements, excellent manners, an active approach to life, and with enviable ease enter the best universities of England in technical fields, which is considered for the fair sex a bit more difficult task than the humanities.

Among those who have spent many years in the walls of British schools for girls are such prominent people as Margaret Thatcher (British Prime Minister), Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice (U.S. Secretaries of State), Golda Meyer (Israeli Prime Minister).

Education in London - a great gift of fate (and of course, the merit of parents) for the future lady, regardless of the sphere of activity, which she will be engaged in in the future.

Advantages of schools for girls in London

Girls are not distracted by the attention of young boys - it allows you to focus all the energy and time on academic, sports and creative achievements.

It is a proven fact that girls mature and mature earlier than boys. Accordingly, in girls' schools, the classes are not only of the same age, but also of the same level of maturity. As a consequence, there are higher requirements from teachers for concentration, responsibility, discipline, politeness, assiduity.

In an English school for girls, students are taught to do several projects in parallel, which is less common for boys, whose focus on one particular task does not allow them to act and think more broadly. Girls, on the other hand, can easily handle several tasks at once.

In a segregated school, girls are more successful in non-humanitarian subjects that are traditionally considered "masculine": math, physics, computer science, and chemistry.

The girls enjoy English sports such as soccer, sailing, and tennis. They master carpentry and woodcarving. All this allows you to achieve success in different directions, fully develop and improve.

Young ladies are more responsible, attentive, diligent, industrious, inclined to hard work - these features also make adjustments when drawing up curricula and programs in British boarding schools for girls.

Private boarding schools create a comfortable psychological environment, teachers take an individualized approach and help girls get quality development. The infrastructure is also no exception: the residential residences on the territory of the school, where the girls live, are equipped with all the necessary modern equipment. The students live in single or shared rooms, and the residences have many options in terms of recreation and study.

It is impossible not to mention the location of private schools, most of which are located in rural areas. The schools have beautifully landscaped grounds, their own gardens and parks, and the buildings and classrooms have unique architecture that can be several centuries old.

Most schools offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities:

  • Ceramics
  • Photo 
  • Choral singing
  • Jewelry Club
  • Astronomy
  • Debate
  • Drama
  • Programming
  • Cinema
  • Dancing
  • Swimming
  • Water polo
  • Horseback riding
  • Hockey and more.
Anna Chebotar
Regional Manager CIS

In addition to academic success, what details do parents consider when choosing a school?

Location: Most often, parents consider schools in the city center, but in a calm and safe area. The infrastructure and equipment of the classrooms, the teaching staff and the atmosphere in general. In the end, parents must be sure that the child will be comfortable, they will always be supported and helped!


Features of studying at best schools in London for girl

Girls schools in London are considered some of the best in the world. They are no less in demand and prestigious than institutions for boys. Since English schools for girls appeared somewhat later than the latter, they were able to adopt all the best. Graduates demonstrate good academic ability, have an active life position and easily enter colleges with a physics and mathematics bias.

Accommodation, meals and leisure for girls are organized on the school grounds. A wide selection of clubs and sports sections allows each pupil to find something to her liking.

The British have been studying gender education for a long time and collecting valuable statistics. So, according to statistics, schoolgirls who study in comfortable conditions do better with exams and know most of the subjects at a deeper level.

Several girls schools in London have topped the rankings over the years and are considered some of the best private schools in the UK. The performance of their graduates in passing the A-level exams is on average 10% higher compared to graduates of all other private British schools. In addition, pupils of women's boarding schools often become famous personalities, achieving heights in business, in the political arena or in creativity.

Accommodation at  private schools in London for foreign students

Your child lives in the residence of a private school, where there are educators who provide parenting and work with the wards. Depending on age, rooms can accommodate from 2 to 5 children. Younger children live in rooms for up to 5 people, high school students - in rooms for up to 2-3 people.

As a rule, the residence has bedrooms for students, a common recreation room, a kitchen - these are prerequisites. Depending on the school, there may be computer labs, libraries, game and sports halls, separate dressing rooms.

Life in the residence is subordinated to the general daily routine: time is allocated for class, for eating, for doing homework and free time. As a rule, in the residences there is a general hang-up time.

Today in England there are more than 850 private schools, which educate more than 180 thousand children.

How to get into an English school for girls?

First, it is worth remembering that in most prestigious schools you should apply for admission long before you start school. Sometimes you need to do it a few years, but most often 1-2 years. And the selection of schools should be concerned at least 2-3 years before admission.

Entrance procedures, as a rule, do not differ from the requirements of other English schools. But, of course, it is necessary to understand the nature, temperament, interests of the child before deciding on the option of a school. Not all children are suited to separate schools.

Experienced consultants in the field of British education strongly advised to reconnaissance battle and try to start by attending one of the vacation programs on the basis of an English school for girls.

Then be sure to carefully read the conditions of admission, the requirements for the level of English, and only then prepare all the documents for the study British visa.

Tuition fees at a private boarding school

The price paid by students of private boarding schools can be different: it depends on the rating and prestige of the institution, its popularity and elite, location and historical significance. You can be guided by the amount from 30 to 47 thousand sterling for an academic year: it is tuition and accommodation on a full board, free use of all campus infrastructure, additional extracurricular activities, clubs and sections.

There are also more budgetary options, for example, with the cost of 17500-19000 sterling per academic year - these are good, rated schools with high results of graduates.

TOP-10 best British schools for girls according to the results of the A-Level exam

  • Wycombe Abbey school
  • St Mary's school
  • Cheltenham Ladies' College
  • St Swithun's school
  • Downe House school
  • St Catherine's school
  • Benenden school
  • Woldingham school
  • Mayfield school
  • Truro High School.

One of the best schools in London for girls — St. Paul's School for Girls.

St. Paul's School for Girls is a closed private school located in West London in the Hammersmith area. The school is a unique example of a combination of the classical English secondary education system with the achievements of world pedagogy.

The official opening of St Paul's Girls' School - Hammersmith took place back in 1904. Even then, at the beginning of the 20th century, the school abandoned the obligatory uniform and wearing insignia. Each director brought her own unique leadership style, while considering the main task to preserve the individuality of each girl.

From early childhood, the pupils are instilled such qualities as responsibility, independence and independence. The course of the school curriculum includes such non-childish subjects as Latin or Chinese. A wide range of sports, music and dramatic activities in extracurricular activities allows the child to reveal hidden talents and contribute to diversified development.

According to the results of passing the GCSE and A-level exams, St Paul’s Girls ’School - Hammersmith occupies a leading position among UK schools, and in 2014 it even topped these ratings. In 2016, 88% of girls passed the final exams with A - C marks.

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Joel Venson
Russian and the CIS Students Admission Specialist at Myddelton College and Adcot School

Joel is the Key Regional Contact for Europe & South America at Myddelton College and Adcot School. He has been working in secondary education for more than 2 years and has a great experience in primary education. He started working in the educational field right after graduation: while still studying, he realized how important a representative is able to guide students throughout the entire learning process. So he decided to expand his personal experience by helping students find their own route and the ideal educational institution for them.

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