
Top 59 summer schools, courses in Germany

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Education information

Every year Germany attracts a great deal of international students due to high standards of living and high-quality educational services. SMAPSE offers more than 40 best language schools, camps, colleges and language centers in Germany where international students can study advanced language courses during summer. Language courses in Germany provide a great opportunity to get deep knowledge, improve command of foreign languages and get essential skills for future studying abroad. Due to descriprions of schools, tuition fees and students' reviews, you will find the most appropriate option. 

Best Summer Camps in Germany for Kids

Are you looking for a rewarding and educational experience for your child this summer? Germany offers a diverse range of language programs in summer camps that cater to kids of all ages. With a focus on high-quality education, these camps present various teaching methodologies, durations, and accommodation options to suit every child's needs.

Types of Language Programs at Summer Camps in Germany

These summer camps in Germany provide a multi-faceted approach to language learning. The camps offer:

  • Academic lessons with a minimum of 20 hours per week

  • Game-based learning activities

  • Skill development in communication, particularly in conversing with other kids who are also there to study a language

  • Professional teachers specialized in teaching either English or German

Course Duration and Age Requirements

  • Average course duration: 2-4 weeks

  • Age range of students: 7 to 18 years old

  • Cost: Between 805 to 1300 € per week

  • Language proficiency: From elementary to higher levels (Specific admission criteria may apply for specialized programs)

Combining Language Learning with Sports

These summer camps go beyond language learning by offering programs that combine academic language courses with sports training. The result? A well-rounded experience focusing on both language proficiency and physical well-being.

Leisure Activities at the Best Summer Camps in Germany

To ensure an enriching and fun experience, various types of leisure activities are organized:

  • Excursions to popular tourist destinations like museums and parks

  • Visits to local attractions including farms and privately-owned productions

  • On-campus games and projects

  • Various sports activities

  • Family-friendly leisure options like board games and movie nights

For an unforgettable summer experience, consider enrolling your child in one of the best summer camps in Germany. It’s not just about language learning; it's about broadening horizons and fostering lifelong skills.

Read here about french summer camps.

Sian Thomas
International Student Recruitment Specialist at Inspired Education Group

What is the camp's philosophy or mission, and how does it guide the program's activities?

Our camp's mission is to provide a fun, educational, and culturally enriching experience for campers. We prioritize personal growth, teamwork, and global awareness through a variety of engaging activities and excursions.

Cost and Fees at summer camps in Germany

Summer camps in Germany offer a range of activities and educational experiences for children and teenagers, but the costs can vary substantially depending on various factors. The type of camp, its duration, location, and the range of activities offered all contribute to the overall price. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from 200 to 1,000 Euros per week for a residential summer camp, which usually includes accommodation, meals, and activities. Day camps, which typically run from morning to late afternoon without an overnight stay, are generally less expensive and can range from 100 to 400 Euros per week.

Location plays a significant role in determining the cost of summer camps in Germany. Camps located in or near major cities like Berlin, Munich, or Frankfurt are generally more expensive due to higher operational costs and increased demand. On the other hand, camps in rural areas might offer a more budget-friendly option but could incur additional travel costs. Specialized camps that focus on specific activities like sports, arts, or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) often have a higher price tag due to specialized equipment or instructors.

Apart from the base fee, there could be additional costs to consider. Many camps offer optional extras like field trips, specialized workshops, or even language courses that can add to the overall cost. Also, while some camps include meals and supplies in their base fee, others may charge extra for these. Always check what is included in the initial price and what might require an additional payment. Some camps also charge a registration or application fee, and if you're coming from abroad, don't forget to factor in travel expenses and potential visa fees.

Financial aid and scholarships are available from some organizations and camps to help offset costs, particularly for families with financial constraints. These are often based on need, merit, or both, and usually require a separate application. Additionally, early-bird rates and sibling discounts are common, so it can be advantageous to book well in advance or send more than one child to the same camp.

In summary, the cost of summer camps in Germany can vary widely depending on a range of factors including type, location, duration, and additional activities. While there are options to suit various budgets, additional costs for meals, excursions, and materials can quickly add up. Financial aid and discounts are available to help mitigate these costs. As always, it's crucial to read the fine print and understand what is and isn't included in the listed price to accurately budget for the experience.

Location and Booking

The camps are situated across various cities and even within nature reserves and historical locations. Due to high demand, it's advisable to book the best summer camps for kids at least 6 to 12 months in advance.

Accommodation Options

In addition to traditional camp stays, there are also homestay options available. These offer an invaluable opportunity for complete cultural immersion and constant language practice. Alternatively, hotel stays allow international students to manage their leisure time independently.

Top 10 best camps and summer schools in Germany 2024

1 OISE Heidelberg
2 Humboldt-Institut Munich
3 Humboldt Institut Freiburg
4 Humboldt-Institut Munich
5 Louisenlund Summer Camp
6 Salem International Summer School Spetzgart
7 Schule Schloss Salem
8 GLS Munich Intensive
9 Humboldt Institut Kempten
10 GLS Berlin Westend

Top 35 best UK camps and summer schools 2024

1 Abbey DLD College London
2 Cambridge University Summer
3 Oxford University Summer School
4 Tottenham Football Camp
5 Chelsea Independent College
6 York Queen Ethelburga's Summer School
7 Brighton College Summer
8 Cambridge University IT Camp
9 Eton College Summer
10 Regent Stowe School
11 Rugby School Summer Camp
12 Royal Holloway Summer
13 Oxford Royal Academy St. Peter's College
14 Charterhouse School Summer
15 Harrow Summer School
16 Royal Hospital School
17 Pilgrims Harrow School Summer
18 Oundle School Summer Camp
19 Nike Football Camp
20 Rossall School
21 York Queen Ethelburga's Summer School
22 Stonyhurst College Summer
23 d'Overbroeck's College
24 OISE Newbury Hall
25 Bradfield College Summer Camp Pilgrims
26 Imperial College London Summer
27 Downside School
28 Caterham School Our World English Schools
29 Wycombe Abbey School Our World English Schools
30 Dulwich College Summer School
31 Bell Wellington College Summer
32 Imperial College Summer
33 ACS Cobham Summer
34 EC Cambridge
35 Brunel University Summer

Top 20 best camps and summer schools in USA 2024

1 Yale University Summer School
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Camp
3 FLS Harvard STEM Camp
4 Princeton University Summer
5 University of California Summer
6 University of California Summer
7 Columbia University Summer
8 Yale University Summer
9 Shattuck St Mary's School
10 UC Berkeley Summer
11 Princeton University Summer
12 Stanford University Summer
13 CATS Academy Boston
14 Harvard Summer School
15 MIT Summer Camp
16 Yale University Summer
17 CATS Academy Boston
18 Georgetown University Summer
20 University of Pennsylvania Summer

Top 9 best camps and summer schools in Scotland 2024

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Sian Thomas
International Student Recruitment Specialist at Inspired Education Group

Sian Thomas is International Student Recruitment Specialist at Inspired Education Group. She has over 14 years' experience in international education. Sian was Head of International Recruitment for a UK based International Boarding school prior to joining Inspired Education. She has a BA Hons Degree in Business Management from Birmingham University with a year studying overseas at San Diego State University (Erasmus programme). Sian has seen first hand how a good educator can change a young person’s life for the better and has a passion for helping students find the perfect school to achieve the best foundation for their academic careers.

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