
Top 231 German courses in Germany

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Education information

German language courses in Germany will give you an excellent opportunity to learn the language, master communication skills and get rid of the language barrier. Germany is a modern country with diverse regions, each of which has its own unique look, so for those who are looking for a language school in Germany  there are plenty to choose from: port cities in the north, cultural centers like Dresden and Berlin in the east, The "Black Forest" and Bavarian pubs in the south. Prestigious language schools in Germany are located throughout the country, where you can take German language courses with a large selection of high-quality programs: in Berlin, Dresden, Cologne, Frankfurt and other cities.

The education system in Germany remains at a high level and competes with such leaders in education as the UK and the USA. But at the same time, the principles of education in the country have unique features peculiar to the country of order and discipline: attention to detail, responsibility and high quality. In order to receive a quality German education, your child may need to take a German language course in Germany

German courses in Germany: 3 reasons to study for foreign students

German language courses in Germany can be found in major cities of the country in schools with an impeccable reputation, excellent technical equipment and professional teaching staff. Studying in Germany has many advantages:

1. Quality

Needless to say: learning a language in its homeland is a great success and a necessity when it comes to confident language proficiency. Students can hone their conversational skills in a domestic school for years and achieve some success, but without the practice of speaking it is difficult to improve the language. Programs in language centers are focused on the needs of foreign students: a great emphasis is placed on speaking, comfortable conditions are created in which students can prove themselves and get the most out of their studies.

2. Culture

Learning a foreign language is always associated with getting to know another culture, mentality and traditions. When we travel with clear educational goals, language becomes the key to a deep understanding of another nation.

3. High living standards

A modern, stable and rich country will allow foreign students to travel peacefully and comfortably throughout Europe. Germany borders on the most interesting European countries, often students go on excursions to neighbouring countries.

German: language features

1. Gender

The most complex to explain phenomenon in German. The gender does not coincide with the meaning of the word: for example, the word Mädchen (“girl”) refers to the middle gender, because Marx Twain wrote: “Girls do not have gender in German, but turnips also have it.”

2. Words

German has many interesting and funny words that reveal the characteristics of German culture and humor. Drachenfutter ("food for the dragon" - a gift to the wife from the guilty husband), Das ist nicht dein Bier! (“This is not your beer!” - a hint to the person that he is not getting into his own business), and the most popular affectionate word sounds like Schatz, or “treasure”.

3. German and English: similarities

German and English belong to a common group of Germanic languages, therefore, you can often trace the significant similarity of the two languages in sound, spelling and meaning. For example, the word “mouse” and “house”: Maus - mouse, Haus - house.

4. German and English: differences

Despite the similarities, these are two different languages, therefore, occasional stories arise. For example, the English word "fog", Mist, in German means "bird droppings, manure." Not surprisingly, Irish toilet water called “Irish Mist” was not popular in Germany and was soon renamed “Irish Moose”, or “Irish Moss”.

German courses in Germany - about schools and programs for foreign students

In order for the German language courses in Germany to bring maximum benefit and joy, it is recommended that you carefully approach the choice of the educational institution and its location. Germany is a diverse and diverse country, acquaintance with it can begin from the northern or southern regions:

  • Berlin is the largest city and capital, the scientific and educational center of the country. In some places, he retained the features of medieval buildings; in the rest, the city appears in the beauty of modern buildings and architectural masterpieces. The Germans love and know how to build, relate to urban planning with special care and love. During the Second World War, the city was badly damaged, but today it shines with numerous buildings, parks, museums and other attractions.
  • Cologne is an equally popular destination among tourists and students, which will charm you with its well-groomed streets, warm Bavarian pubs, and masterpieces of Gothic and Romanesque architecture. The city is especially famous among university students: there are excellent higher education institutions with reasonable tuition fees, among them the University of Cologne, the country's largest university.
  • Frankfurt is the only city in the country that has the status of an alpha city and is considered a city of paramount importance for the global economy. Picturesque architecture and excellent educational institutions have become the hallmark of the city. The city has a mild climate, it is comfortable here at any time of the year. The population is not more than 700 thousand people: it is calmer here than in the busy capital or millionaire-Cologne, which is probably why the city is so loved for its private boarding schools . Here you can find TOP private boarding schools: Gymnasium Weierhof , Hermann-Lietz-Schule Schloss Bieberstein and Kurpfalz-Internat.
  • Those who want to live and study in Germany quietly and measuredly choose Freiburg . This is not a tourist city, which will provide an excellent opportunity to enjoy the beauties of nature and the warm climate. Freiburg is considered a university city: it attracts students from all over the world thanks to leading educational institutions, including the prestigious language school Sprachschule zum Ehrstein Freiburg.

The country's largest educational center has top schools and centers that make up quality programs for students of any age. Here is the summer camp GLS Berlin Westend with programs for schoolchildren aged 14-17, the famous Alpadia with a variety of German language courses for high school students, and the prestigious Humboldt Institut Berlin, which invites students and specialists to master the language with confidence.

List of programs and tuition fees for foreign students

The name of the program

Number of lessons per week

Number of students per week

Language requirements

Average price in Euros per week

Standard course

15 to 20

To 10


From 240

Intensive course

About 30



From 250

Super Intensive

Up to 40



From 490

Preparation for the language exam


Up to 15


From 270

Business Courses


To 10


From 270

Studying and living with a teacher at home




From 1450

Pre-university programs


Up to 12


From 295

Individual courses 




From 60 per lesson

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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