
Study economics in Germany - 16 institutions

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Education information

Economic education in Germany is a great option for those schoolchildren and students who decide to get the best education in this specialty. When choosing a country for training, the level of its development is important - an indicator that speaks for itself confirms that the country has excellent training of personnel capable of managing companies and the state budget. From this point of view, Germany is one of the best places to learn from experience: the developed industrial sector and the sector of the national economy have elevated the country to the top of the TOP industrialized countries of the world. The state does not rest on its laurels and continues to improve thanks to the work of the best specialists and teachers.

The peculiarity of the mentality and traditions will help the student not only to get intellectual development, but also education - students of schools and higher institutions will be able to acquire a lot of useful habits: punctuality, hard work, time management skills and much more. You can study here in German or English, while, as a rule, Russians do not have problems with adaptation.

Our portal contains the most up-to-date information about studying economics in Germany: schools and universities, course descriptions, rating, prices and admission conditions. The company's managers provide free professional assistance in terms of the selection of an educational institution and academic load. This article discusses the main options for specialized training for foreigners: university courses, prestigious schools with a bias and academic camps.

Study Economics in Germany for international students

Universities and schools in Germany are leaders in the field of educational tourism, this is confirmed by the high rankings of educational institutions. The main features for studying for international students are:

  • Strong theoretical background, internships
  • Modern approaches to training, technical equipment
  • A wide range of opportunities for further employment.

Leading universities and schools in Germany have developed various options for foreign students - higher education in the areas of: foreign trade, taxation, accounting, analysis and audit, finance and credit, statistics, information technology. You can get high-quality and serious preparation even at the stage of school education, thereby collecting great advantages when entering university. In addition, the country has opened many academic camps that are suitable for adults and children.

Consider the main directions with an economic bias:

  • Academic camps with courses in business, economics
  • High schools: classes with a profile bias
  • Universities (higher economics).

Academic camps in Germany - courses for adults and children from abroad

Academic camps are summer holiday camps for foreign students with a great choice of subjects. This option is suitable for students with a fairly high level of language proficiency, it will be extremely useful for children who intend to enter schools or universities abroad.

It is worth noting that some academic camps operate on the basis of prestigious business schools and have little in common with children's summer camps. So, courses at Gisma Business School are appropriate to improve skills: leading companies and enterprises send their employees here to increase their productivity. The main form of training is seminars; Included modules on finance, accounting, entrepreneurship, startups, leadership, management, agribusiness. The cost is about 1,500 euros per week.

German high schools for international students

The leading private boarding schools in Germany are accredited to top-level courses and invite experienced specialists from narrow areas in order to give the best specialized preparation. In German educational institutions you will find a wide selection of courses in the national and British educational systems, which require in-depth study of special subjects. High school certificates confirming the completion of the course will give a student serious advantages when entering the best educational centers in the world, where admission requirements are quite strict. 

Some schools have special courses focused on quality preparation for entering a higher educational institution abroad. The Business Bridging Program within the framework of Foundation program is one of such courses, (duration 1 semester). The course includes various types of academic activity: lectures, seminars, interactive lessons, project work, independent work, group classes. The Business Bridging Program includes the following blocks: Business English, introduction, study abroad skills, communication skills, management fundamentals, introduction to law, business, society. Foundation with a special bias can be found at EU Business School Munich.

For foreign students, the best option would be to go to a private boarding school in one of the following areas: GCSE, A-Level, IB, Foundation.

Course name

Age requirements

Approximate prices



14-16 years old graduates of grades 8-9

4600 euro / term

St. George's School Aachen


16-18 years after grades 9,10,11

10000 euro / term

St George's International School Cologne

Das deutsche Abitur

16-19 years old

2500 euro / month

Internat Schloss Buldern


14-18 years old

374,000 euro / year

Berlin Brandenburg International School BBIS



4150 euro / semester

EU Business School Munich



2340 euro / year

German Language School (GLS Berlin)

Leading universities in Germany: higher education for foreign students

Universities invite you to study according to the proven and proven options that are considered timeless classics - this is a proven option that you can not lose.

Economics is a huge area with many specialties. In German universities there are two main blocks of disciplines: enterprise economics and political economy / social economic theory. Most majors are derivative.

  • Enterprise economics is a very popular area that every educational institution has: it involves the study of taxes, marketing, management, accounting, finance, etc.
  • Political economy requires more extensive study: here students are engaged in issues of state and private budgets, and the international economy. Related disciplines that provide excellent knowledge in two directions at once are equally relevant: computer science / mathematics / pedagogy.

Specialists in economic informatics are very in demand: their salary for beginners starts from 3000 €, and the field of activity is the introduction of corporate management systems, the use of IT technology. Those who want to work in a bank should take a closer look at the direction of “economic mathematics” - their salaries are also high (from 3300 €). The most popular specialty is engineering economics, which is associated with the field of mechanical engineering, information and communication technology, project management. The salaries of specialists start from 4000 €.

Studying involves lectures and practical classes in the best German companies, where interns receive good salaries, and most receive an invitation to work. Leading universities have close cooperation with large enterprises, so studying in business schools gives good chances to get a good job.

The cost will depend on the chosen university, its location, most offer education only on a fee basis for foreign students. Business schools are international educational institutions where courses are conducted in English, so the cost in them may be higher than in universities. However, these investments in their future quickly pay off at the end of their studies: largely due to high salaries. The average salary of an experienced graduate is 5,000 €.

TOP German universities and Business Schools to study economics for international students

According to the QS World University Rankings international ranking, the TOP-10 of the best universities in 2017 included:

  • Strong specialties: accounting and finance, economics

1. Universität Mannheim Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2. Technical University of Munich

3. Universität Frankfurt am Main

4. University of Cologne

5. WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management.

  • Strong specialties: business and management

6. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

7. Freie Universitaet Berlin

8. WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management

9. RWTH Aachen University

10. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

You can enter German universities without passing exams - most are accepted taking into account the average mark of the certificate. However, foreign certificates are not accepted because of the difference in educational systems, so international students can enter a German university only after studying at a domestic university (two semesters). In addition, you must confirm the level of language proficiency with an appropriate certificate.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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