
Best public schools in France 2024

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Education information

Secondary education received in France is an opportunity to master one of the most beautiful languages perfectly, study according to advanced pedagogical methods and get a certificate that opens the doors to most universities in the world. No schools in the world pay as much attention to innovation as French ones. If you are planning to send your child to the public schools in France, then this section will help you learn about the secondary education system in France, the specifics of curricula and admission conditions for the foreign students.

The advantages of studying in the schools in France:

  • Prestigious European education;
  • High academic standards;
  • Excellent equipment of buildings and the extraordinary history and culture of the country;
  • Opportunity to obtain education in French and English (International and French Baccalaureate).

Educational system in public schools in France

The French secondary education system is considered one of the most progressive in the world. Trying to give children the best, schools in France strive to use innovative approaches in pedagogy and psychology. At the same time, the general structure of education remains traditional for all European countries that have signed the Bologna Agreement, and includes 3 stages.

The first educational stage, primary schools in France, involves studying for 5 years in a wide range of disciplines. The secondary school is called college: students study here for 4 years. The first grade of secondary school is called adaptation – education is in general subjects, children begin to learn a foreign language. The second and third years of college – the central cycle – are characterized by a large number of subjects. At this time, the students are determined with their future professional field. The last year of high school is the year of vocational guidance. Studies are conducted in one of three directions: general education, technical class or professional. At the end of secondary school, the foreign students take an exam and receive a certificate of Diplôme National du Brevet. This is where compulsory education ends. High school graduates enter the Lyceum of general education (those who want to enter a university) or professional.

The duration of study in lyceums of general education is 3 years. The first year students study according to the general program, from the second – specialization begins. The result of the third year is the BEC exam, which is taken either in the literary profile (L), the profile of natural sciences (S) or economics (ES).

Despite the fact that public schools in France accept foreign citizens, most international students still strive to get into private educational institutions. After all, their diploma opens the doors to most of the top universities not only in France, but also in other countries.

Elementary schools in France – specifics of studying

Studying in the primary school in France starts from 6-6.5 years and consists of 5 courses:

  • Preparatory courses (cours préparatoire or CP);
  • Initial course of 1st year (cours élémentaire 1ère année or CE1);
  • Initial course of 2nd year (cours élémentaire 2ème année or CE2);
  • Average course of 1st year (cours moyen 1ère année or CM1);
  • The average course of the 2nd year (cours moyen 2ème année or CM2).

Enrolment requirements in schools in France for foreign students

The international students need to provide the following documents:

  • Fill out a questionnaire according to the school's form and write a motivation letter.
  • Attach to the questionnaire a statement of progress for the last 1-2 years and characteristics from teachers.

Then, when the school confirms the potential availability of a place, it's time for exams. Each school has its own requirements: some may limit themselves to the data of the international language test (IELTS/ TOEFL or DALF/TCF) and a Skype interview, others will ask to take tests on the main school subjects and come to school in person. You will also need a medical card with a history of vaccinations.

Pay attention that some schools in France have such a high competition among applicants, especially in high school, that there is a queue! In this case, the documents must be submitted 1-2 years in advance.

Tuition fee in schools in France

The most budget-friendly education options are public schools in France. In fact, the payment in this case will be only for the services of the boarding house, which will cost about 10,000 euro per year. Private contract schools receiving subsidies from the state cost 15 000-20 000€. The most expensive will be studying at a free private boarding school according to an international program - from 25,000€ and above.

Yvette el helou
I need to know more details about the fees in order to register my daughter ..she will be grade 11 by the year 2023 /2024
Manager SMAPSE
Our managel will contact you as soon as possible by email.
Dear Sir or Madam, I am Selena Tokovic, I am 16 and I am from Belgrade, Serbia. I am very interested in boarding schools, but there is one question which is bothering me all the time. I am going to Mathematical grammar school in Belgrade and as you probably know this school is really good especially for maths. A lot of students from this school go to the Mathematical Olympiad or physical olympiad, but also chemical olympiad and a lot of other competitions. So I wanted to ask if you know any school that is as good and as hard as Mathematical grammar school in Belgrade. Yours faithfully Selena Tokovic
Manager SMAPSE
Dear, Selena Thank you for contacting us! Our manager will contact you to help solve your problem.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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