
3 best summer courses in Dubai

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In the modern world, English is widely spoken in many countries, including the UAE with its unique modern architecture, sights, hot climate, resort holidays and effective study in preparatory courses.

Dubai is a popular destination for many students looking to learn English abroad. There are many educational institutions in the city that efficiently and efficiently conduct various courses in the summer for students of any age. Classes of small fullness, modern interesting teaching methods allow you to get the best results in a short time. A vacation in Dubai is a great chance to gain academic knowledge in an international atmosphere, the practical application of language skills, and experience the hospitality of the local population.

Summer Camps in Dubai. Guide for International Students

Every year, students from different countries come to study at summer camps in Dubai to improve their existing English skills, prepare for the IELTS exam to advance to the next stage of education, learn English from scratch for their enjoyment and self-development. These courses share a common goal:

Development of Language and Communication Skills: Students enhance their language and communication skills.

Improvement in Reading, Pronunciation, Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Comprehensive development in all language aspects.

Sarah Rimini
Head of International Student Recruitment at Inspired Education Group

What is the protocol for medical emergencies, and are there medical professionals on-site?

We have a designated medical team and facilities to handle emergencies. All staff members are trained in basic first aid, and we have protocols in place for contacting medical professionals and parents in case of an emergency.

Summer Language Camps in Dubai

Before the main instruction, all students undergo online testing to assess their English proficiency level. All English instructors are native speakers with the necessary accreditations and certificates. The classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, computers, and self-study rooms, along with internet access. Students have access to all facilities, including libraries, cafeterias, shops, sports facilities, and amenities.

Summer camps in Dubai accept students aged 7 to 60. Classes typically have 10 to 16 students. Classes are divided into several levels based on students' existing skills:

  • Elementary

  • Pre-Intermediate

  • Intermediate

  • Upper Intermediate

  • Advanced

At the end of the course, students receive a certificate of completion.

Summer Language Courses in Dubai

The best summer courses in Dubai for schoolchildren and students with any level of initial preparation offer effective English language learning, all-around development in an interactive and friendly atmosphere.

English + Sports

Summer vacations in Dubai for kids aged 7-17 provide an excellent summer break with English language learning for communication and academic purposes, plus sports. The duration is typically three weeks. The course is designed for both girls and boys, offering a combination of academic knowledge of the English language, overall development, and training in football and fitness. Qualified coaches monitor the proper physical development of children. The camp has its medical facility with experienced staff.

The course offers students various levels of English language lessons tailored to their desires and needs. Before starting, an expert assessment of existing knowledge is conducted to achieve the best learning outcomes. During lessons, students will learn effective communication, debate, develop their writing and speaking skills, grammar, and vocabulary.

For students, numerous educational and developmental activities, entertainment events, trips, and excursions to local attractions are organized to keep them engaged.

Students reside in comfortable dormitories with full board provided, including balanced and healthy meals and snacks throughout the day.

English + Summer Break

Summer learning in Dubai for English language improvement for kids aged 7-17 helps enhance their existing knowledge of English. The duration of the program is three weeks. Classes are held from Sunday to Thursday, with weekends (as well as evenings) dedicated to sports, creativity, various events, and excursions, including short trips to local attractions.

The teaching staff consists of native speakers with the necessary accreditations and extensive experience in working with international students from around the world. Students can choose subjects for study independently, based on their interests. They will learn to communicate freely in English, study grammar fundamentals, and expand their vocabulary.

Students reside in dormitory-style accommodation with full board provided.

English in Dubai`s Summer Camps

Summer language courses in Dubai are designed for older students aged 16-18 who plan to apply to universities and need to improve their English skills. The course helps students develop their academic English, enhance literacy, improve their speaking, reading, and writing skills.

The teaching is conducted by an experienced native speaker, with class sizes limited to no more than 11 students. Individual needs and requests of each student are considered, and lessons are conducted in an engaging and communicative format to facilitate better absorption of the material. The course duration ranges from 2 to 4 weeks.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Read and listen to English texts.

  • Analyze text structures.

  • Speak and write.

  • Pronounce words and phrases correctly.

  • Think critically.

  • Compose essays.

  • Conduct negotiations.

  • Improve computer literacy.

Accommodation is provided in the educational institution's dormitory-style residences with full board.

IELTS Courses (English)

The best summer courses in Dubai are designed for high school students who want to effectively prepare for exams to successfully enter their desired university. The IELTS test assesses existing English language skills. There are two modules:

  • Academic - for university admission.

  • General - for living and communicating in an English-speaking society.

The final exam consists of four stages:

  • Listening.

  • Reading.

  • Writing.

  • Speaking.

Summer learning in Dubai on preparatory courses is organized depending on the requirements and goals of the students and can last from 2 to 52 weeks. Lessons include the study of general English and preparation for international testing, with 15 hours of instruction per week. Key topics for study include reading, speaking, grammar, listening, and writing. Classes consist of 6-10 students, and students aged 16 and above are accepted. Upon completion of the course, a certificate is issued.

Best Summer Camps in Dubai: Cost, Prices, Discounts

Summer language courses in Dubai offer English language learning along with creative, sports, and entertaining educational activities. The cost starts from $3500 for 3 weeks. Preparation for IELTS exams for older students costs from $250 per week, academic English courses start at £2000 per week.

Admission Requirements

  • English proficiency level from basic to advanced.

  • Age range from 7 to 18 years.

  • Preliminary testing.

Top 35 best UK camps and summer schools 2024

1 Abbey DLD College London
2 Cambridge University Summer
3 Oxford University Summer School
4 Tottenham Football Camp
5 Chelsea Independent College
6 York Queen Ethelburga's Summer School
7 Brighton College Summer
8 Cambridge University IT Camp
9 Eton College Summer
10 Regent Stowe School
11 Rugby School Summer Camp
12 Royal Holloway Summer
13 Oxford Royal Academy St. Peter's College
14 Charterhouse School Summer
15 Harrow Summer School
16 Royal Hospital School
17 Pilgrims Harrow School Summer
18 Oundle School Summer Camp
19 Nike Football Camp
20 Rossall School
21 York Queen Ethelburga's Summer School
22 Stonyhurst College Summer
23 d'Overbroeck's College
24 OISE Newbury Hall
25 Bradfield College Summer Camp Pilgrims
26 Imperial College London Summer
27 Downside School
28 Caterham School Our World English Schools
29 Wycombe Abbey School Our World English Schools
30 Dulwich College Summer School
31 Bell Wellington College Summer
32 Imperial College Summer
33 ACS Cobham Summer
34 EC Cambridge
35 Brunel University Summer

Top 20 best camps and summer schools in USA 2024

1 Yale University Summer School
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Camp
3 FLS Harvard STEM Camp
4 Princeton University Summer
5 University of California Summer
6 University of California Summer
7 Columbia University Summer
8 Yale University Summer
9 Shattuck St Mary's School
10 UC Berkeley Summer
11 Princeton University Summer
12 Stanford University Summer
13 CATS Academy Boston
14 Harvard Summer School
15 MIT Summer Camp
16 Yale University Summer
17 CATS Academy Boston
18 Georgetown University Summer
20 University of Pennsylvania Summer
HI. I have 2 daughter, they are twin. ther are 12. they are in elementary of English. and they want to develop their skills . How much its price ( English + summer break) for 2 person ??
Smapse Manager
Dear Katayoon, Thanks for your enquiry, our specialist will send you all the details
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Sarah Rimini
Head of International Student Recruitment at Inspired Education Group
Sarah Rimini is the Head of International Student Recruitment at Inspired Education Group. She has 14 years' experience in international education. Also, she has experience in PR & Communication, School Management, and International Student Recruitmnet. The desire to share, explain & communicate the pluses and strengths of the International Baccalaureate Programmes to Italian families brought her to the field of education. She enjoys finding the perfect school to match for that specific individual student and allowing them to grow & strive in an international environment until they graduate and head off to their first choice University.
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