
Study in Cologne 2024

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Education information

Studying in Cologne will give you a lot of positive emotions, the experience of living in one of the most developed countries in the world, acquaintance with an amazing culture, high-quality and deep knowledge. Germany is a stable and developed country with numerous cultural, historical and economic centers. Berlin, Munich, Hannover, Freiburg, Frankfurt and many other German cities invite students from all over the world to undergo effective programs with different target orientations. Today we will talk about Cologne, about living and studying in the city, advantages and prospects.

Studying in Cologne - Benefits for foreign students

Studying in Cologne is a great solution: it is a worthy city with excellent conditions for students. Let's talk more about the city and its top educational institutions.

1. Security

Germany occupies a leading position in the ranking in terms of safety and quality of life. Living in Cologne, the country's oldest city, will provide a great opportunity to live in a modern European city and plunge into a unique culture.

2. High quality education

German educational system is one of the best in the world: it will allow you to receive prestigious certificates that will give significant advantages in employment and admission to TOP universities.

3. Prestige

Studying in Germany will allow you to take prestigious courses in the best educational institutions in Europe. You will be able to receive an education recognized as one of the most effective in the world - the certificates of such institutions are highly valued and provide additional benefits for admission to universities. Even certificates obtained in short-term courses will add to your benefits when you enter the TOP universities in Germany. In addition, acquaintance with leading European educational institutions in short-term programs is an excellent start for studying abroad.

4. About price and quality

For Russians, studying abroad is always fraught with tangible costs. The cost of studying in Germany can vary greatly depending on the type of educational institution, but living and studying in Cologne will prove to be an expensive pleasure even when choosing a budget program. However, the prices here will turn out to be quite affordable for education of a similar quality, especially if we compare Germany with the elite schools of Englandthe USA and Switzerland.

5. Excellent conditions

The Germans are very hospitable towards arriving from abroad, and living conditions are at their best. Creative and purposeful students come here who want to take everything from education - they diligently study, earn extra money, get acquainted with German culture.

6. Local flavour and identity

Studying in Germany is very interesting: a rich cultural heritage, stunning nature, friendly people will make the experience of studying abroad unforgettable.

Education in Cologne - types of programs and courses for international students

Pupils and students who choose to study in Cologne often have a whole list of questions - which school or university to choose? How much does it cost to study? Will the child live in comfortable and safe conditions? Do schools provide assistance and support for adaptation?

The principles of studying in educational institutions of Cologne:

  • The Germans carefully monitor the discipline and sequence of instruction of children and students, therefore special attention is paid to order and discipline.
  • An individual approach has been universally recognized due to the fact that teachers strive to provide support and pay enough attention to each student - in such circumstances, the guys feel more comfortable and can better realize themselves. Therefore, educational institutions strive to create classes with a small number of students in groups. Thus, private boarding schools in Germany and language centers strive to create groups of no more than 10-12 people. Taking into account the level of knowledge, attentive attitude on the part of the teacher and small groups make learning more effective.
  • Creating intercultural second environment where students develop communication skills and expand horizons.
  • Many educational institutions have developed special courses for foreign students, which allow them to gently adapt to the new academic and language environment. For example, in language centers, teachers can devote all their attention to foreign students, support them, place emphasis on removing the language barrier and developing a communication skill. In private schools and universities, the situation is similar.


Popular programs in Cologne for foreign students 

Course Name

Language requirements

Average cost, in euro (year)

Summer programs for children


500-800 (week)

Language programs


250-300 (week)

Private schools



Undergraduate programs

Test DAF 4 / IELTS 6.0


Master's degree

Test DAF 4 / IELTS 6.5

Doctoral studies

Test DAF 4 / IELTS 6.5


Education in Cologne in summer camps for foreign students

Education in Cologne can take place at different educational stages. The city provides foreign students with leading German schools with an impeccable reputation and numerous advantages:

  • Quality, effective programs
  • An opportunity to study in English
  • Modern technical equipment
  • Qualified, experienced educators
  • Modern teaching methods
  • Safe, comfortable stay.

The city has TOP international schools that have branches around the world. Studying is very prestigious and more comfortable for a foreign student. In addition, international schools are suitable for those who plan to leave the country and get higher education in the English-speaking world, since they can study not only in German programs, but also in British and American, and the language of instruction is usually English. TOP international schools in Germany:

On the basis of prestigious universities and schools in the summer, children's language camps are opened:

Studying in Cologne: Higher Education for foreign students

For students, studying in Cologne is no less promising - there are leading universities with excellent studying conditions and prices. University education is positioned as free for all, foreign students pay only registration fees and other fees. The only detail that in this case you will study in German is English-language programs, on the contrary, paid in almost 100% of cases.

The city is considered to be a large educational, cultural center, in which you can get an education in popular specialties from a variety of fields:

  • Humanities
  • Mathematicians
  • Natural sciences
  • The rights
  • Philosophy
  • Medicine
  • Economics
  • Sociology.

The city is proud of its universities with a rich history: here is the University of Cologne, founded in the distant 1338, which is now the largest university in the country.

General statistics on education in Cologne

General information about Cologne

Country Germany
Region North Rhine-Westphalia
Region 2 Regierungsbezirk Köln
Region 3 Cologne, Urban District
Region 4 Cologne
Region 5 Innenstadt, Cologne
Population 963,395
Time Zone Europe/Berlin

Cost of living in Cologne

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 276 354
Food 177 368
Transportation 78 210
Communications and utilities 98 153
Clothing 26 99
Sports and leisure 18 84
Total 673 1,269

Coordinates Of Cologne

Time Zone Europe/Berlin
GMT +1
DST +2
Latitude 50.933330000
Longitude 6.950000000
Elevation (STRM3) 58 m.

Accommodation in Cologne

Shared room outside of centre 279
Shared room in city centre 358
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 469
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 535

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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