
Top 6 boys only schools in London

This content was developed with active participation of Chris Skidmore.



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Education information

What are the goals of best schools in London for boys today? Definitely, traditional boys' schools are raising the gentlemen of the 21st century. Many of the skills and characteristics that gentlemen of the past centuries should have possessed are very useful for today's youths. Versatility, liveliness of mind, sociability, benevolence and nobility are even more relevant and valuable in our time than in the Middle Ages.

Perhaps that is why the gentleman's type of upbringing and behaviour is still popular all over the world, and not only in Great Britain itself. In renowned British schools (Harrow School, Bedford School, Eton College, Winchester College, Dulwich College), the best human qualities are brought up in boys, they form character and the ability to work in a team. Often the companionship and friendship that developed during the school years persist until the end of life. Because, where else but here in the boarding house, you can recognize a person, being around around the clock, overcoming difficulties, sharing the bitterness of defeat and the joy of victory.

Any private schools in London is a real school of life and, although the question of the expediency of same-sex education remains open, most often parents choose male schools for their sons because they believe in their advantages. And not in vain, because pupils of private schools for boys enter the best universities in England, America and Europe, make a brilliant career in such areas as business, law, medicine and military affairs; occupy leading positions in world politics, diplomacy, media, culture and art. At one time, the graduates of British men's schools were prime ministers, presidents, bankers, famous playwrights, poets, writers, artists and other prominent personalities of Great Britain and other countries.

The best private boarding schools for boys in London are in high demand among Britons and foreigners. Especially carefully selected programs, taking into account age and gender characteristics, excellent conditions - that's what awaits students in these educational institutions. Of course, there are pros and cons of this type of eduaction, and ultimately it is up to you to decide.

Important reasons why boys schools in London are so in-demand among international students:

  • Deeper and more systematic education. In private schools in London, more subjects are taught, each subject is considered more deeply.
  • An individual approach to education. Since there are fewer children in the classrooms than in regular schools, the teaching is practically individual. Each child is given close attention. Here, the more smart will always be given additional material, and the laggards will be helped to catch up with the excellent students. Homework is also supervised by a teacher. As a rule, there are 10 students per 1 teacher in a private school, while in ordinary secondary schools there are 18-20.
  • Much attention is paid to the upbringing of a child, the formation of general principles of humanism, the development of communication and a constructive dialogue. Private schools in London teache them to think independently, make choices and make decisions, which contributes to the upbringing of self-confidence in children and spurs the child's personal growth. Self-confident people achieve great success!
  • In private schools in London, they pay attention to the development of the child's creative potential, as well as instill a love for sports and an active lifestyle.


The best private boarding schools for boys in London: features of education

The best private boarding schools for boys in London reflect the British tradition in one of the most popular forms of education - separate education for children. For several centuries, private boarding schools have been creating a special environment for the quality, fundamental education of young gentlemen and ladies.   In such institutions, young men and women can focus entirely on development and learning, studying etiquette and academic subjects. Due to the high quality, elite segregated schools are constantly at the top of the ratings and tops.

This type of education exists in London alongside mainstream schools, giving rise to in-depth research. For example, in 2000, there was serious research on the effectiveness of such schools, and it turned out that this form of education is even more effective for boys than for girls. Boys benefit from private schools-they are more comfortable and do not suffer from the inferiority complex associated with high achievement among girls. Boys in them show the best results, including in languages and literature.

For many parents, studying in a private boarding school is a difficult decision, because for the child boarding school will be a second home, the student is living in a foreign environment thousands of miles away from home. But the value of such institutions is that children get an indispensable experience of independent life, which usually teaches better than any teachers. In addition, children are taught in excellent conditions in a safe and secure facility under the supervision of experienced teachers 24 hours a day. No less valuable is the atmosphere of peers from the best families in England and Europe. The requirements to the students are very high: the students live and study in the conditions of strict discipline, and those who break the rules are severely reprimanded, up to exclusion.

To channel their energy in a positive direction, the students spend a lot of time studying and participating in a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs. Thanks to the excellent sports infrastructure and experienced teachers and coaches, outstanding people emerge from the schools - politicians, diplomats, athletes, and military men. Many students realize their potential in creative spheres.

As a rule, foreigners enter secondary (grades 6-12) and high school (grades 12-13) programs abroad. The composition of the teaching staff is very responsible: the best teachers with extensive experience and academic degrees work at the school.

The ratio of teachers to students is about 1 teacher to 8 students. Some schools have a rich history. The curriculum and schedule of extracurricular activities are very much focused on the interests of young men.

The schools have a large campus and well-developed infrastructure:

  • Spacious classrooms
  • Libraries
  • Laboratories
  • Robotics classrooms
  • Computer classrooms
  • Team sports fields
  • Creative studios
  • Comfortable residential residences
  • Dining halls
  • Laundry facilities
  • Swimming pools
  • Tennis courts
  • Sports fields
  • Concert halls and more.

Students feel more comfortable and relaxed in a masculine team, and teachers strive to create an environment that strengthens masculine qualities and character in general.

Advantages of attending boarding schools for boys in England

  • Boys will feel more relaxed and comfortable in a male group. Usually in the presence of girls, boys may feel shy, but in a special educational institution this is excluded. This gives boys the opportunity to concentrate on their studies, to devote themselves to the arts, sports, and other interests.
  • Schools for boys in Britain have rich educational programs that allow for the development of truly masculine qualities. Education in an English boarding school contributes to the formation of a child's personality. Teachers care for the upbringing of their charges and impart excellent manners to them. In schools much time is given to practice different kinds of sports - campuses of educational institutions are equipped with modern playgrounds and gyms. Active leisure helps pupils to spend their energy in a healthy way and channel it into positive activities.
  • Teachers in British schools are actively involved in the lives of their students. They keep a close eye on children's progress and keep parents informed about students' successes and failures. They are always ready to provide the necessary support. Teachers also take a professional approach to dealing with possible conflict situations.
  • British boarding schools create an atmosphere of healthy competition. Every student is motivated to become one of the best. Such an incentive allows achieving high results in studies and sports, and also helps to cultivate perseverance and other qualities important for life.
Anna Chebotar
Regional Manager CIS

In addition to academic success, what details do parents consider when choosing a school?

Location: Most often, parents consider schools in the city center, but in a calm and safe area. The infrastructure and equipment of the classrooms, the teaching staff and the atmosphere in general. In the end, parents must be sure that the child will be comfortable, they will always be supported and helped!


Tuition fees at a private boarding school

The price paid by students of private boarding schools can be different: it depends on the rating and prestige of the institution, its popularity and elite, location and historical significance. You can be guided by the amount from 30 to 47 thousand sterling for an academic year: it is tuition and accommodation on a full board, free use of all campus infrastructure, additional extracurricular activities, clubs and sections.

There are also more budgetary options, for example, with the cost of 17500-19000 sterling per academic year - these are good, rated schools with high results of graduates.

Most famous boys schools

  • St Paul's School Junior
  • Haberdashers Aske's Boys' School
  • King's College Junior School
  • Merchant Taylors' Prep School
  • The Perse Prep
  • Westminster Cathedral Choir School
  • City of London Freemen's School.

Winchester College

Just an hour and a half from London - and you find yourself in the oldest boarding school, which has more traditions than students. Winchester College was created in 1382 by William Wyckham, Bishop of Winchester Abbey, and he did it for boys from poor families, which is rather ironic, considering from which families boys have a chance to get there today. However, it is not easy to enter here anyway - despite the fact that teenagers are studying at school from the age of 13, the first exam must be passed at 11 (and in Prague), and parents must have time to enroll in this boarding school while their son is from 8 to 10 years. Think about it - last year the registration of applicants for 2020 ended! But on the other hand, they study and teach here, in the end, the really best of the best and the luckiest of the lucky ones.

Tuition fee - £ 36 678 per year.

Eton College

Ever since King Henry VI founded the most famous boarding school for boys in 1440, Eton has remained the favorite school of the royal family and the entire British aristocracy: not only Princes William and Harry studied there, but also 20 British Prime Ministers. People graduated from here are versatile, like Leonardo da Vinci. Any boy who graduates from Eton turns into a man not only well educated, but also making progress in football, cricket, rowing, pottery, theatrical and literary skills, philosophy, rhetoric and even fishing, that is, literally in everything.

Tuition fee - £ 37,602 per year.

Tonbridge school

The boarding school, founded in 1553 by Sir Andrew Judd, has been producing well-educated young men for centuries, 99% of whom go to universities, and 24% to the best ones - Oxford and Cambridge. Among the majestic Victorian buildings, about 780 young men aged 13-18 years old study and grow up, who devote time and energy to academic knowledge, foreign languages ​​(including Greek and Latin), sports - ranging from cricket to rock climbing - and musical instruments with which you are not ashamed join local jazz bands, rock bands and even a symphony orchestra. There are 40 hectares of playing fields around the school, where not only happy schoolchildren train, but, it happens, even Olympic champions.

Tuition fee - £ 37,539 per year.

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Joel Venson
Russian and the CIS Students Admission Specialist at Myddelton College and Adcot School

Joel is the Key Regional Contact for Europe & South America at Myddelton College and Adcot School. He has been working in secondary education for more than 2 years and has a great experience in primary education. He started working in the educational field right after graduation: while still studying, he realized how important a representative is able to guide students throughout the entire learning process. So he decided to expand his personal experience by helping students find their own route and the ideal educational institution for them.

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