
Top 64 boys only schools abroad

This content was developed with active participation of Sarah Jayne Blakemore.


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Education information

By sending your child to a private school for boys, you are giving him a unique opportunity to become a true gentleman. After all, it is no secret to anyone that these institutions welcome tradition and place great importance on discipline and decorum. At the same time, starting from its history in England, today such boarding houses are also found in the United States and some European countries. They vary in their degree of "freedom" and level of instruction, thus allowing the modern parents of future students to make the best choice.

Boys will feel more relaxed and comfortable in a boys' team. Often, boys may feel awkward around girls, but this is not possible in special education institutions. This gives them the opportunity to focus on their studies and devote themselves to the arts, sports and other interests.

At a boys' school, there is a rich educational program that allows you to develop true masculinity. Boarding school education helps to form a child's personality. Teachers are responsible for educating the wards in valuable ways and instilling good manners in the children. A lot of time in school is spent on various sports - the campuses of educational institutions are equipped with modern playgrounds and halls for this purpose. Active recreational activities help students to channel the accumulated energy for health benefits in a positive direction.

School teachers are actively involved in the lives of their students. They carefully monitor the progress of their children and inform parents about the successes and failures of their students. They are always ready to provide the necessary support. In addition, teachers use a professional approach to resolving possible conflict situations.

The school creates an atmosphere of healthy competition. Each student is motivated to be one of the best. Such motivation allows you to excel in school and sports, and also helps to develop perseverance and other qualities that are important for life.

School Facilities for Boys

The well-equipped campus has modern laboratories, a library, a sports center, a swimming pool, tennis and golf courts, treadmills, music and art studios - all of which are offered to children in prestigious foreign schools.

Thanks to the extensive practical education (especially in high school, when there are definitions of areas of interest, career guidance and subject choices), the child leaves his desk already knowing very well what he is going to do next .

Most foreign boarding schools offer children a variety of sports and creative activities: horseback riding, golf, skiing, tennis, soccer, debating, books, history, political clubs, programming, architecture, building, music, design and drawing courses Some educational institutions, the choice of additional extracurricular activities reaches 150.

In some schools, children have the opportunity to study under the guidance of professional teachers and coaches, and then pass professional exams to form a portfolio - all this significantly increases the chances of entering a university, and sometimes, with proper permission, the right to work in a beginner's position in the chosen profession.

What to look for when choosing a school for boys abroad

  • Country. The first step is to determine the country/region where you think the ideal school for your child is located. It can be a private boarding school in the United States or the United Kingdom, or an elite school in Europe. Thus, British independent schools are considered to be the most classical and strict, while European independent schools are the most adapted to the modern world and are liberal in terms of discipline.
  • Types of schools. The most prestigious schools are those that, in addition to teaching, provide accommodation for schoolchildren and organize leisure activities. They are called boarding houses. Each boarding school has its own strict rules and uniforms, which are usually embroidered with the school's logo. In addition, any private girls' school has a leading educational orientation.
  • Institutional Ratings. Like many public universities, a private boarding school has its own status. It can be a small but at the same time sturdy secondary school in the suburbs with a good level of language, or an elite complex with high requirements for the core subjects presented. When choosing the most suitable option for your child, pay attention to the curriculum he will study and correlate it with the level of readiness at the time of entry.
  • Child characteristics. Some children up to a certain age feel more comfortable in same-sex teams. In the absence of boys, many girls are more talented. They are not distracted by the constant attention to their appearance and the importance of proving themselves in a childlike environment, and are fully immersed in their studies. Many of them demonstrate knowledge in the most unexpected "places" such as physics, architecture, sports, etc.

What documents from the current school are required for admission to a foreign boys' school?

Again, there is no single answer to this question - educational institutions provide a complete list of documents on their websites and in applicant handbooks. Many schools will list things like "other documents (if any)" so that you can add to the package.

Nadya Shupta
Regional Marketing & Recruiting Manager at London International Academy (until 2021)

What aspects and criteria do parents consider when choosing a school, in addition to academic success?

Accommodation conditions, sports opportunities, catering and additional clubs and clubs organized by the school, proximity to the school of residences or host families are very important.


Documents required for admission

  • Current school academic record information - sometimes required for the current academic year only, and in some cases for the first two or three academic years. Often, educational institutions will require transcripts, which are excerpts indicating subjects passed, credit hours, and grades.
  • Teacher Recommendations - The number of these documents may also vary. In some places, a letter from the classroom teacher or principal will suffice, in others, letters of recommendation from English and math teachers will be required.
  • Student Behavior Report or Student Profile - Some schools require that student behavior records be released as a separate document that has been carefully reviewed. However, the document may still be referred to as an additional document.

Of course, the document must be translated.

Tuition for boys

Education in public schools is free, but these schools do not accept children whose parents live in other countries. In private boys' schools, you must pay for accommodation and tuition. However, these schools are ready to accept talented children from any country in the world.

The average cost per semester at a private boys' school is approximately $12,000 for high school and $10,000 for a preparatory program. Prices include housing, meals and laundry services. A deposit equal to three months' fees is sometimes required.

The school may offer scholarships to students who excel or excel in music and athletics.

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Jake Wilson
Russia, the CIS and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College

Jake is the CIS, Russia and Europe Students Admission Regional Director at the National Mathematics and Science College. He obtained a Bachelor of Development Economics and Management and MBA degrees with honours. Jake has been working in secondary education for more than 24 years: in academic field and in management and admissions committee. Jake believes that children needs to have great academic freedom - they can explore, question the facts that they are studying, thereby developing independent, analytical, inquisitive thinking.

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