
Higher education in Boston, Massachusetts 2024

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Education information

Boston is one of the largest cities in the USA and the New England region, a financial, banking and scientific centre. Boston is known in scientific circles as a city of research, discoveries and achievements, it is one of the largest educational centres in the world. Boston is one of the world's leaders in achievements in engineering, biotechnology, medicine, physics and mathematics.

On the territory of Boston and nearby territories there are about a hundred universities known all over the world. Boston University is famous for its graduates - human rights activist Martin Luther King, actress Julianne Moore, author of the discovery of a new DNA structure Maxim Davidovich Frank-Kamenetsky studied here. Northeastern University is known for a unique program of combining theory and practice: the students study eight semesters, after that work full-time for two or three semesters. The partners of the university are leading American companies, many students find high paid jobs while studying. In Boston there are located Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Among graduates, staff and teachers Harvard University alone has 150 Nobel Prize laureates. Due to the high quality education and brilliant achievements in science, Boston is often called "the most intelligent city in the USA" and "Athens of America".

Why Foreign Students Choose Boston for Higher Education

Boston, a city teeming with youthful energy, is intrinsically tied to the world of academia. The Charles River Bridge effortlessly connects Boston to Cambridge, a neighboring city renowned for its prestigious universities. Known as the intellectual and scientific hub of the United States, Boston offers a welcoming atmosphere.

Boston's cultural significance cannot be understated. It is home to world-renowned institutions like the Museum of Fine Arts, the Boston Museum of Science, the MIT Museum, and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. The Boston Public Library stands as one of the most exquisite libraries globally, with a groundbreaking history of providing books to homes, and a resounding message of "Free for everyone" etched on its building.

With a strong emphasis on cycling and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, Boston boasts hiking and cycling trails on campuses, in parks, and throughout the city. A remarkable 15 percent of Boston residents choose to walk to work, a high percentage by U.S. standards.

Universities in Boston possess robust study facilities, with millions invested in local laboratories and research centers. The city itself is lush and green, dotted with numerous parks and gardens. Spring and autumn in Boston are particularly picturesque, and university campuses are often set in scenic locations; for instance, Harvard's campus sprawls across 85 hectares in Harvard Yard Park.

Boston's public transportation system is well-developed, making it convenient to reach university campuses via buses and the metro. Just an hour away from the city lie the stunning beaches of Gloucester, a popular destination for students.

Sam Jones, Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia), emphasizes that students should consider various factors when selecting a university, such as their preferred subjects, the value in the eyes of employers, and the percentage of graduates employed in the first year after graduation. Rankings, course costs, university location, size, and graduates' career paths should all be weighed in the decision-making process.

Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

What firstly should be considered when choosing a university? Subjects, employer value, percentage of employment in the first year after graduation?

It depends on the student - everyone determines the most important criteria for himself. I would advise you to take several rankings and compare them with each other, plus take into account the cost of the course, the location of the university and its scale, the percentage of graduates' employment. See where graduates continue their studies or where they go to work.


Interesting Facts About Universities in Boston for Foreign Students


  • The renowned "Boston Tea Party," a pivotal event in the American Revolution, unfolded in Boston.
  • Boston is often affectionately referred to as "Beantown," owing to its residents' love for baked beans.
  • The Freedom Trail, a four-kilometer walking route, connects 16 historic landmarks in the city, offering an engaging historical journey.
  • Yale University, another prestigious institution, is located just 200 kilometers away from Boston.
  • Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), both among the world's most expensive universities, offer scholarship programs and grants that make these elite institutions accessible to many foreign students.


Enrollment Requirements for Higher Education in Boston

  • To prepare for admission to Boston's universities, prospective students should meet certain requirements, including:

  • Maintaining high grades during the last four years of middle school.

  • Attending academic classes in Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate programs over a 4-year period.

  • Practicing for SAT or ACT exams, which are prerequisites for enrollment in prestigious Boston universities.

  • Crafting a compelling motivation letter.

  • Earning an international language certificate.

Best Universities in Boston for Foreign Students

  • Harvard University:

    • Harvard, a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was founded in 1636. It is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States and one of the most prestigious in the world. Harvard University's commitment to excellence in teaching, learning, and research has produced leaders across a multitude of disciplines.

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):

    • MIT, a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was established in 1861. It has played a central role in shaping modern technology and science, earning its place among the world's foremost academic institutions. The strong connection between industry and research has enabled MIT graduates to create over 30,000 active companies, generating 4.6 million jobs and approximately $1.9 trillion in annual income.

  • Boston University:

    • Boston University is a private research university with 17 schools and colleges offering Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate, Doctor of Medicine, Dentistry, Business, and Law degrees. With over 4,000 faculty members and approximately 34,000 students, it stands as one of Boston's largest employers.

Higher education in Boston. Cost and Fees for foreign student

Tuition and Fees. The cost of tuition and fees for international students in Boston can range widely. On average, you might expect to pay between $30,000 and $60,000 per year for undergraduate programs. Graduate programs, especially in fields like business or engineering, may have higher tuition costs.

Living Expenses. Boston is known for its relatively high cost of living. This includes accommodation, food, transportation, and other personal expenses. On average, living expenses for international students can range from $15,000 to $30,000 per year, depending on the lifestyle and housing choices.

Health Insurance. Many universities require international students to have health insurance, and this cost is usually an additional expense. Health insurance costs can vary but may range from $1,000 to $3,000 per year.

Books and Supplies. The cost of books and supplies will vary depending on the program of study. On average, students may budget around $1,000 to $2,000 per year for these expenses.

Miscellaneous Expenses: Miscellaneous expenses may include personal items, entertainment, and other unforeseen costs. It's advisable to budget an additional amount, perhaps around $2,000 to $5,000 per year, for these miscellaneous expenses.

Learning programs-summary information

Name Meaning Equivalent Min. age Duration,
Next stage Cost
GCSE General certificate of secondary education secondary education (non-accomplished) 14 1–2 A-Levels 15,000 USD+
A-Levels Advanced level secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 15,000 USD+
BTEC Business and Technology Education Board secondary special education 14 2–3 University/ work 15,000 USD+
Oxbridge Preparation Preparing for Oxford and Cambridge secondary education (accomplished) 17 1 University 15,000 USD+
International Baccalaureate International baccalaureate secondary education (accomplished) 16 2 University 18,000 USD+
Foundation/ Pathway Year Preparatory year admission to the 1st year of university 17 1 University 14,000 USD+
NCUK The Northern consortium 2 year university 17,5 1 2 year University of NCUK 13,000 USD+
Special Preparation (Medics/Math/Business) Specialized training - 14 optional optional 4,000 USD+
Academic English Academic English Language school 8 + 6–12 months School or University 8,000 USD+

Top 15 best universities in Switzerland 2024

1 Glion Institute of Higher Education Switzerland
2 Les Roches International School Montana
3 César Ritz Colleges Switzerland
4 IHTTI School of Hotel Management
5 Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne
6 Geneva Business School
7 EU Business School Montreux
8 HIM Hotel Institute Montreux
9 Swiss Hotel Management School
10 Webster University Geneva
11 Business and Hotel Management School
12 Luzern IMI
13 Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS) Caux
14 International University in Geneva
15 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland
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Sam Jones
Recruitment Director for Partnership with INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia)

Sam is the Regional Director of Student Admissions at INTO Universities (Europe and Central Asia). Sam has nearly 20 years' experience in international education. Also, he has experience in student recruitment for institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand and is a qualified EFL teacher with many years of experience teaching abroad. He understands the challenges faced by international students and is aware of all these difficulties and have vast experience in helping foreign students.

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