
Study in Berlin 2024

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Education information

Today, Germany attracts a wide range of foreign students from all over the world with high-quality educational services and interesting culture. Many international students choose studying in Berlin as it's a great opportunity to combine effective courses with exciting rest. SMAPSE offers TOP-20 prestigious schools, colleges and universities located in Berlin where international students can get high-quality and balanced primary, secondary and higher education.

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts as they are always ready to answer all your questions. 

Study in Berlin. Guide for Foreign Students

In Germany, school education adheres to a national standard, covering a wide range of subjects including mathematics, languages (German, English, Spanish), and sciences (physics, chemistry, biology). Additionally, the curriculum incorporates music, art, and computer science. Completion of this education culminates in the national Abitur exam, a prerequisite for entering higher education in Germany.

High School Education in Berlin

Berlin welcomes international students aged 15-18 to its high schools. These institutions offer full board residence with costs starting at 11,900€ per year.

Summer Language Programs in Berlin

Berlin's language courses for young learners (10-17 years) blend English and German studies with exciting activities. Costs start from 805€ per week. For those interested in sports, Berlin offers German language football and tennis camps for 7-14 year-olds, with prices beginning at 1,640€ per week.

Pre-University Programs in Berlin for International Students

Foreign students can prepare for university with two key programs: Studienkolleg and Pathway University. The former is a pre-university course costing from 2,340€ per year, while the latter, a preparatory program for university entrance, starts at 3,300€ for 17 weeks.

Higher Education in Berlin

Berlin's universities offer a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in both German and English, including MBA programs. Costs for undergraduate programs start at around 633€ per year, while Master's programs begin at approximately 1,000€ per year. English-language programs and MBAs have higher fees, starting from 15,000€ and 16,000€ per year respectively.

Jamie Perfect
Director of the International School of Bremen

Why are German schools considered so special?

German schools, especially international ones, have a reputation for rigorous academic programs, holistic education, strong emphasis on languages, and a globally recognized curriculum. The blend of a German base and international standards makes them attractive.

Language Courses for Adults in Berlin

Berlin's language schools offer year-round German and English courses for adults, with prices beginning at 130€ per week. These programs range from standard to intensive courses, with options for individualized learning.

Specialized Language Test Preparation in Berlin

For those aiming to pass language proficiency tests like TestDaF or the Goethe certificate, Berlin schools provide specialized training starting from 520€ for a four-week TestDaF course and 340€ for a two-week Goethe certificate course.

Business German Courses in Berlin

Adult learners can enhance their professional German language skills through business courses, which focus on developing presentation and negotiation skills. These courses start at 800€ per week and are tailored to individual learning needs.

Whether it's primary, secondary, or higher education, language courses, or specialized test preparation, Berlin offers a plethora of opportunities for students from all over the world. From the basics of the German language to advanced business skills, studying in Berlin can be a transformative experience for any learner.

General statistics on education in Berlin

General information about Berlin

Country Germany
Region Berlin
Region 2 00
Region 3 Berlin, Stadt
Region 4 Berlin
Region 5 Bezirk Mitte
Population 3,426,354
Visitors 4,925,000/year
Time Zone Europe/Berlin

The cost of living in Berlin

Expenses - USD/Month. Min. Med.
Accommodation 268 378
Food 178 338
Transportation 71 210
Communications and utilities 91 140
Clothing 24 90
Sports and leisure 19 81
Total 652 1,237

Accommodation options in Berlin per month

Shared room outside of centre 271$
Shared room in city centre 382$
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre 426$
1 bedroom apartment in city centre 602$

Coordinates Of Berlin

Time Zone Europe/Berlin
GMT +1
DST +2
Latitude 52.524370000
Longitude 13.410530000
Elevation 74 m.
Elevation (STRM3) 43 m.
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Jamie Perfect
Director of the International School of Bremen

After dedicating 25 years to teaching in Hampshire, UK, where he held various leadership positions in both public and special education needs Schools, also advising private Schools, he moved to international education by assuming the role of Director at the International School of Bremen in April 2018. With a Degree in Geology and a rich history of leading various academic and pastoral teams, he has taken a lead in both national and international educational arenas. Jamie believes it's crucial to recognize and celebrate the diverse backgrounds and experiences that each student brings in an international setting.

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