2020-06-10 00:00:39

Valhalla Museum - Famous Germans in the Greek Pantheon

All nations are proud of their sons and daughters, especially those whom he was glorified. “Remembering and being proud is a duty,” says the Germans. To immortalize the most famous figures of Germany, the Valhalla Museum, or Hall of Fame, was built in the Greek style, located on the picturesque left bank of the Danube. To know the country, you need to get acquainted with its main representatives and their exploits. In Valhall, sculptures of people famous in the fields of literature, politics, science and art are collected. If your route passes through the Hall of Fame - rest assured, Germany will remain in your heart for a long time.

Construction History

For the first time, the idea of creating such a structure was expressed by Prince Ludwig in 1807 after the defeat of Germany in the fight against Napoleon. According to the ruler, the Hall of Fame was supposed to preserve the memory of the heroes who fell in battle from the 9th century BC to the 19th century.

The name was not chosen by chance: Valhalla is the name of the castle-residence of the patron god of Germany, Wotan. The Germans believed that during the battles over the battlefields, the Valkyries flew, which, on the orders of God, gave one victory, the other - defeat. The servants transported the fallen soldiers to Valhalla, where they continued their eternal battle, interrupting only at feasts with God.

By 1825, the year of the coronation of Ludwig, 60 busts had already been made. A year later, active work began on the construction of the building:

  • The project was entrusted to the architect Leo von Klenze, who planned to make the Hall of Fame in the form of the Greek Pantheon
  • The king chose a place for the museum - the left bank of the Danube.

In 1830, construction was started, completed in 1842. At the time of opening, the exposition included 96 busts.

People awarded places in the exposition

Ludwig established the main criterion for selection as belonging to German culture. Thus, Germans, Swiss, Austrians, Czechs, Saxons, Franks and others were immortalized in the exposition. Among them:

  • August Strong - King of Poland and Elector of Saxony
  • Johann Bach - composer
  • Albrecht Durer - famous artist, engraver
  • Albert Einstein - scientist, physicist
  • Erasmus of Rotterdam - philosopher, humanist
  • Johann Guttenberg - the first book printer
  • Christoph Gluck - composer
  • Immanuel Kant - philosopher
  • Otto von Guericke - inventor
  • Joseph Haydn - composer
  • Ulrich von Gutten - knight, humanist
  • Jean Paul is a comedian.

Interesting Facts

  • People whose portraits were unavailable were honored on commemorative plaques: rulers, warriors, Christian saints, dukes, bishops, etc.
  • There are 193 busts in the Hall of Fame, 12 of which are dedicated to women.

The object belongs to museums.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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