2018-07-30 11:57:13

Studying in Switzerland after grade 8,9,10 for foreign students at the age of 14,15,16 years

Studying in Switzerland after grade 8,9,10 for foreign students at the age of 14,15,16 years

Among the possible options for studying abroad for schoolchildren, Switzerland - one of the most interesting, fascinating and effective. It is a country with a stable economy and four (!) national languages. Education in Switzerland after grade 8.9.10 is quite popular with students at the age of 14.15, 16 years.

Here you can find the standards of elite education, as well as schools and universities at relatively affordable prices. But, of course, Switzerland is for those who love quality in everything and do best to make great investments in their future.

Studying in Switzerland after grade 8,9,10 for students at the age of 14,15,16 years: advantages for schoolchildren

  • Educational institutions in Switzerland are known for their teaching methods, combining the ideas of reform pedagogy, laid down by outstanding teachers, and the latest technology. The educational system is based on the ideas of reformatory pedagogy of world-famous authors: Johann Pestalozzi, Jean Piaget and Rudolf Steiner. The basic principles of education in Switzerland include the student's personal development
  • Swiss educational system has absorbed all the best from the American, British, French and German . There is no other country with such a wide choice and variety of curricula
  • Each child is a unique person with his own development plan, therefore the educational process strives to combine freedom and discipline. These ideas begin to be realized at the pre-school stage and reach the heyday of the secondary school. All this makes the Swiss education system very effective, rich in results, therefore diplomas of Swiss educational institutions are so appreciated all over the world.

Options and effective programs for international students

It is believed that for getting education abroad the most suitable age is 12-14 years. If you start studying at school well before the final exams, then there will be more time to adapt to the new language and academic environment, you can properly bring up your knowledge and linguistic skills.

For foreign students it is worth taking into account differences in the educational programs of the home country and Switzerland. It is important to start studying in Switzerland as early as possible because they can qualitatively prepare for admission to the university, because one of the requirements of the university for foreign students will be the passage of special pre-university courses.

Education in Switzerland after the 8.9.10 class for children 14.15, 16 years old allows you to catch two birds with one stone: finish school and apply with a Swiss school diploma to the university without having to go through pre-university courses.

1. Admission after grades 8-9 to the Swiss school

  • Foreign students can enter the educational centers of the country at any age
  • In Swiss schools you can find flexible programs in 4 languages: English, French, German and Italian, intensive sports programs
  • After grades 8-9, a foreign student enters the second educational stage - Secondaire II - the final stage, which will result in the receipt of a certificate of secondary education
  • There is a wide variety of academic programs in schools conducted in:
  • Swiss
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • American
  • English 

2. Admission after the 10th grade in Switzerland often means the choice of International Baccalaureate. This is one of the most effective and intensive programs, which guarantees a high level of preparation and a successful admission to the leading universities. In addition to age requirements, students must demonstrate a high level of language proficiency and good academic preparation.

Leading private boarding schools for foreign students after grades 8,9,10 in Switzerland

  • The international College Du Leman has a wide range of programs: Swiss Federal Maturite, French Baccalaureate, IB, GCSE, A-Level. The college offers an elite education for foreign students with excellent living conditions. The cost of studying in the semester will be from 41000CHF.
  • Lemania college Lausanne is a popular school in Lausanne, an excellent place to study. Students can enjoy nature of extraordinary beauty and mild climate that will make living during study very comfortable. The price of studying will be from 30825 CHF per semester.
  • TASIS American school in Switzerland invites everyone who wants to get an education and a certificate of the American model. The campus is located on a picturesque mountainside, around forests, mountain peaks and Swiss lakes. Tuition fees in the semester start from 36000 CHF.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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