2020-10-07 00:00:23

TOP surprising facts about the New York subway

The New York subway is a special transport with its own flavor and rich history. As in any big city, this is the most popular form of transport and the most convenient. Here are 10 interesting facts about the legendary Big Apple subway.

Did you know? History, traditions and facts about the New York subway

  1. New York is in the TOP 7 cities in the world in terms of the number of passengers on the subway. The Subway carries around 1.775 billion people a year. Moscow took the second place in this rating - in our capital, the metro transports 2.384 billion people a year, in first place is Beijing with a figure of 3.660 billion passengers annually.
  2. 40% of metro lines run on the surface, but this fact does not affect the speed of trains.
  3. On 42nd Street near Times Square is the legendary door that used to lead to the Nickerborker Hotel. The hotel was built in 1904 by the famous billionaire John Astor IV, who died on the Titanic. Due to poor management and financial problems, the hotel was closed 14 years later. Today the huge lobby of the once luxurious hotel is in disrepair.
  4. 42nd Street, better known as Times Square, is the busiest subway station.
  5. The New York metro, like the Moscow metro, has its own art objects. The Times Square Station features a porcelain and steel mural by pop art master Roy Lichtenstein in 1994.
  6. Americans, having laid all the New York subway tracks in one line, could get to Chicago.
  7. The secret entrance to the subway used to be in the famous Wullworth building, in one of the city's skyscrapers. Wullworth went down in history as the development site of the Manhattan Project.
  8. The longest metro line is Line A: its distance is 52 kilometers.
  9. South 4th Street Station was never used, and in 2012, the authorities allowed artists to paint the subway walls. Street artists painted it from floor to ceiling in just one night. The project went down in history under the name Underbelly.
  10. Brooklyn has a very special townhouse, which is actually a disguised subway entrance and ventilation shaft.
  11. "Rides of Nostalgia" is an annual celebration in the metro: on this day everyone can ride on old trains and take part in tea parties.
  12. The number of stops has grown since its inception from 28 to 469.
  13. At the metro entrances there is a special designation - green and red balls, which indicate which entrances work around the clock (green), and which only during the daytime (red).
  14. Station 191 is 54 meters below street level, the deepest station in the city.
  15. In 2008, to create an artificial reef, they decided to dump 44 subway cars into the ocean.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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