2021-03-15 00:00:24

TOP-8 most asked questions by parents about English High School

Every parent dreams of giving their child the very best, including the best education, as well as international experience and communication skills in other languages. But sending a child abroad is always scary.

Where exactly should you study?

When the question arises about the place of the future education of a child in England, most often only one place comes to mind for parents - London. There are cultural attractions, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. However, parents tend to forget that there is also Cambridge or Oxford in England, where the best educational institutions in the world are located! In addition, Liverpool or Manchester can offer a great experience of English life for a child. And also it is worth remembering that in England there are female and male schools.

What about summer programs?

Summer programs and language camps are one of the most popular options for parents. For two to four weeks, the child travels, has fun with peers, at the same time taking the first steps towards British education and understanding whether such an education is right for him. Parents can choose a direction of recreation on the program, for example, focused on language immersion.

What about the cost?

The budget that will be required to send a child to the summer program depends a lot on the specifics of the program itself, the placement, the duration and, most importantly, the services included. Prices can start from $ 1000 for 2 weeks and go up to $ 8000 for the entire summer program. To clarify the features of the included services and the cost, it is worth contacting the college or school, and there you can also clarify the possibilities of applying for financial assistance.

How do I know my child will be safe?

Parents should carefully study the terms of the program, reviews of other parents on it. Then it's time to trust the program and understand that the child will be either under round-the-clock security or in a host family. In addition, most programs offer 24/7 emergency support.

Also, before the child leaves, it is worth making sure that he has received all the necessary vaccinations and that there is a supply of drugs that he must take.

Do all programs provide a basic curriculum?

Most often, the cost of the programs includes accommodation either with a host family or in a campus dormitory, meals and transfers to and from the school. This makes life easier for parents, but before paying it is worth contacting the school for full details of what is included. This is important, since there are programs in which only accommodation is included in the price, and the parent must take care of transport and food. And that's great too, because it will help your child learn how to plan a budget.

What kind of scams can be encountered?

When choosing a school, you should pay attention to both high-rated programs and low-rated ones. It is worth contacting the school directly and asking for more information. The institution should provide a courteous and detailed response or direct to their website. It is also worth paying attention to who and how answers phone calls, whether they give complete information on issues of interest. Among other things, you can ask your child to look online for children who have already gone to this school and ask their impressions.

How can you keep in touch with your child?

Modern technologies allow you to keep in touch practically around the clock from anywhere in the world. You can exchange messages with your child or call on FaceTime. However, it is worth remembering that the child came to England to study and communicate with native speakers, and communicating with his parents he will not receive either one or the other. It is best to set a time during the day when you call.

How can I help you get the most out of this experience?

Try to plan the vacation together so that it suits the needs and interests of the child and not the parent who stays at home. Help the child to get together, plan his vacation together.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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