2021-12-26 21:05:17

TOP-5 best internships in most demanded companies for students

TOP-5 best internships in most demanded companies for students

In search of a job, you do not need to give up the opportunity to be an intern in one of the companies you like. Now many firms, from world leaders in cosmetic products, molecular biology to the social network Facebook or the beloved Walt Disney, are happy to accept interns who in the future may remain there forever and begin to build an international courier.

Yale University

Five years of work experience under your belt, and the work never fell in love? Don't worry, there's always a way out. It is worth a little to shake up your monotonous life and try, for example, to do an internship at Yale University.

The university is accepted regardless of the desired profession. The main thing is to prove and justify that the internship will be a useful experience for career advancement. In addition to understanding the tasks and active independent participation, you need to provide three essays and three letters of recommendation during the 6 months of the internship.

University of Okinawa

If science is life for you, then you will like it here. Here you can become an intern-researcher in the laboratory: the organizers will provide flight and accommodation, but for the experiments you will have to pay yourself. The internship usually lasts 2-6 months: during this time you will be able to improve your knowledge in your favorite field and get acquainted with Japan.


Disappear all day on social networks and even make money on it in the future? Sounds good! Facebook organizes internships for students who want to work with large amounts of information, analyze databases and learn design. 151 lucky people can make an international career (so many positions in the company are open to interns) in offices from London to Singapore.


Can you distinguish tint, concealer, highlighter, foundation from each other and even know which brand of them is better to take? Then this place is yours. In the center and branches of the world cosmetic brand, they can undergo an internship under one of the programs on the site. To become an intern, you need not only to have basic experience in the chosen direction, but also to know the necessary level of language (official in the state where the company is located) and apply. You can become an intern in France, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, USA and in 12 months to step on the first career stage.

EDF Energy

Electrical engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, metallurgy, nuclear physics are just a few of what you can try to learn as an intern at EDF Energy. Interns can create small projects, install new equipment or maintain equipment for 12 weeks of paid internship (£ 1375 per month).

Center for European Studies

The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies accepts those interested in European politics for internships. Interns will prepare conferences, do reports and analytics, work with issues of the European View magazine and databases. Those accepted for the internship are fully paid all expenses to Brussels and accommodation for 3-6 months.

Walt Disney

Disneyland for adults invites for an internship those who want to work in a well-known and beloved international company. Do you think everyone watched Walt Disney cartoons as a child? Now you have the opportunity to undergo a 6-12 month paid internship in this company as an intern. 108 positions are open to those who wish - from marketing to IT specialist - and many cities: London, San Francisco, Hong Kong, etc.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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