2018-07-30 11:56:39

The best tools for preparing for IELTS tests

The best tools for preparing for IELTS tests

During the preparation for the passing of the international English language exams IELTS many students are asked how to prepare most effectively. You can hire a tutor, sign up for expensive courses, but you can not pass the exams without independent daily work.

At the courses, the teachers will offer practical lessons to the students, help them to practice on the test probes. The teacher is able to identify the weak points of the student and strengthen training in this direction. With an individual tutor you can practice at your own training pace, not falling asleep on familiar topics and not trying to keep up with the best students. Independent lessons can not abolish these advantages, but they help to significantly improve the knowledge of the language. The main thing in this matter is correctly selected literature and teaching aids.

What do the practice teachers recommend for learning English at home? First of all, determine your level of knowledge and choose the appropriate books. Too simple a textbook will quickly get bored, and a complex level of submission of material will cause distrust to your own forces. It is better to take those benefits that experts recommend in the field of education. Or look for books published in printing houses at British or American colleges.

Experts often offer to choose those training kits that include CDs and provide for the possibility of listening.

«Longman Exams Dictionary»

On the Internet, you can find this useful dictionary for free and use it to increase the stock of English terms. The book is recommended for IELTS, because it contains titles and words from tasks or individual topics. Indication of misuse and the separation of words into colloquial and literary will help beginners to learn the basics of vocabulary. Separate chapters orient the students in writing essays and help understand the format of written questions.

"Insight into IELTS" Clare McDowell, V.Jakeman

The book was published in Cambridge University Press in 2008 and to this day is the most popular manual. The audio format allows you to prepare both in the classroom and at home. Each section begins with a story about what needs to be learned and done for successful testing. As test tasks are given the standard modules with questions and correct answers.

«101 Helpful Hints for IELTS» Garry Adams

About 170 pages of the book are divided into 4 sections and include practical testing and error analysis. The book is supplemented by audio. The authors tell in detail what are the features of each test, what skills are tested and what possible traps the student can get into.

"Cambridge IELTS Practice Tests" (textbooks 1 - 9)

A set of nine practical manuals contains examples of all kinds of tests and allows you to train in performing tasks of different types for a while. These are real tests of the past years, which makes them especially popular. Repeat on the exams, these questions will no longer be, but the logic and consistency will be the same. There is an audio CD. The benefits are recommended for self-study.

"How to hand over IELTS" E. Protasenya

Students who are experienced in self-learning do not appreciate the book very high, but the dictionary at the end is well thought out and provides the basic vocabulary required. Sometimes English teachers joke that IELTS tests give an idea not about knowledge of the language, but about knowledge of the IELTS tests themselves. The main thing in what the book will help is the idea of ​​the structure, questions, strategy of exams.

IELTS Preparation and Practice by Oxford University Press

The benefit is suitable both as an additional for attending courses, and for self-study. The book is made up by members of the examination boards that take IELTS tests. This is a set of practical tasks. Included tasks for reading and writing, listening and tests with answer keys. Audio records are provided for oral assignments.

IELTS Practice Tests by Longman Publishers

The book and audio CD specify the format of the exam, give the opportunity to pass 4 types of tests: listening, writing, speaking and academic reading. The manual examines in detail the most insidious questions and talks about the procedure for examinations. Calculated for a high level of knowledge and not suitable as a single benefit for a beginner.

Cambridge Grammar for IELTS with answers from Cambridge University Press

The complex is designed for self-study and consists of a textbook and three discs. The main emphasis is on improving listening and grammar skills. Contains explanations for the use of words and a dictionary of necessary terms. The level is Upper-Intermediate.

"Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS with answers" Pauline Cullen

A book for self-study, aimed at increasing the lexical stock. It is designed for advanced level. On IELTS it is possible to get 6.5 points or higher. It contains useful tips for memorizing and passing the exam. Helps to pay attention to keywords in phrases. It contains the basic English collocation.

"Cambridge Common mistakes at IELTS" Pauline Cullen

A book for intermediate level of English. Authors of the manual describe controversial cases of grammar. Publisher Cambridge University Press. The most frequently mistakes made in the tests are given with an explanation of the members of the IELTS examination boards.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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