2018-07-30 11:56:51

The best private schools in the world

The best private schools in the world

Today, a modern schoolboy is already well aware American schools and the rules of life, learning and behavior in them. Gradually the stereotype disappears that schools in the USA are exclusively antisocial characters, location in dangerous disadvantaged areas, constant disturbances and so on. Today, everyone knows that it is the US that is one of the flagships of the educational world: school and university education, in the ratings of the best university campuses and infrastructure equipment, among the successes of scientists around the world.

The main values ​​and merits of education in the US are its practical orientation, the ability to catch all the major modern trends and trends, excellent training in business areas, innovation. In the same Great Britain the classical education is more widespread with great attention to the theory - training in the US is more pragmatic, aimed at the practical application of knowledge and real skills.

Among the most popular educational destinations in the United States are private boarding schools (boarding schools) - among parents they almost catch up with British and Swiss hostels. Of course, the issue of remoteness often arises, but the flow of positive feedback and, in general, information about American schools only grows from year to year.

The specifics and distinctive qualities of American schools

Today in the US there are more than 30,000 private secondary schools: boarding houses, day-time residences, church parish institutions. Traditionally, schools are divided according to the type of training (joint or separate). Primarily in middle-class private schools children from upper middle class are trained: they are well-to-do, educated and intelligent people whose children are targeted and motivated to enter universities and build a successful career, including in the international community. Among the advantages of private schools in the United States are:

  • Excellent infrastructure and equipment, modern comfortable and spacious campuses
  • Balanced and quality educational programs effectively preparing pupils for universities
  • Strong teaching staff
  • Small classes (maximum in a private school - 15 people within one group)
  • A variety of extracurricular and facultative opportunities for the social, personal, creative and athletic development of the child.

Most American schools (unlike British boarding schools) are located near major cities: New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los Angeles. There is an opportunity to choose a school on the sunny coast of California, in Miami or Hawaii: so the child will have the opportunity not only to study at a prestigious school, but also to have a rest (which is not always possible in the UK with its changeable and cool climate).

Prestigious American education, as you might suspect, is not cheap - a year of study in a good private boarding school will cost 35-50 thousand dollars (already with accommodation and meals). Slightly cheaper is usually schools in the southern and central states (pay attention to Colorado, Tennessee, Florida), religious institutions (they receive strong subsidies from the church, so the year of study here costs about 20 thousand dollars).

Structure of school education in the USA

At school, American children spend 12 years:

  • Elementary school (5 years)
  • Elementary school, or junior school (up to grade 5-6) Harvard
  • Brown University.

Many parents from countries send their children to the US schools precisely because of the small number of students. In the United States - the state is the most multinational and culturally diverse - to representatives of any nationality are friendly and friendly, forming a warm and comfortable atmosphere for life and study.

Many large private schools in the US accept new students mainly in 9-10 class - again, for most parents this is a very convenient factor: not everyone is ready to send their child on such a distant independent journey from a small age. There are also convenient preparatory pre-university programs lasting 1-2 years: as a rule, such a period is quite enough (if the child already has good academic performance and knowledge), and the level of stress due to separation from the family and the familiar environment is significantly reduced.

The Best American Schools: Examples and Opportunities

There are special schools for pupils (both for American subjects and for foreigners) who are aimed specifically at increasing Performance and grades - for example, Blue Ridge School (Virginia), West Nottingham Academy (Maryland).

Most of the American schools work on the principle of joint education, but there are exceptions:

  • Georgetown Preparatory School - Male School (Maryland)
  • Miss Porter's School - Women's Boardinghouse (Connecticut)
  • Webb School - Separate education is introduced only in 9-10 class (California).

Among the most prestigious and productive schools, the graduates of which reach the best universities of the world as easily as possible:

  • Phillips Andover Academy
  • Lawrenceville School
  • The Taft School
  • Deerfield Academy
  • Lakeville
  • Groton School
  • Choate Rosemary Hall
  • Phillips Exeter Academy
  • St. Many schools are known not only for the quality of their academic training, but also for unique interesting optional classes - we will give a few examples:
    • Hawaii Preparatory Academy : attention to the exact sciences, the study of marine biology on the real coast and real examples (eg, study of sea turtles)
    • Wilbraham & Amp; Monson Academy : the foundations of entrepreneurship - the school even developed its own series of board games!
    • Cranbrook School: one of the strongest hockey teams in the country
    • St. Johnsbury Academy: here the lessons of theatrical and dramatic mastery are led by invited specialists working on Broadway
    • Webb School: the study of paleontology at the university level
    • Trinity College: the study of astronomy and astrophysics - for this there is even an own observatory and telescopes
    • Deerfield Academy: "American Eaton " - educates representatives of business and political elite, The campus itself resembles a closed elite club for the elite.

    What are the advantages of American schools?

    As already mentioned, teaching in an American school is not only academic but also an active extra-curricular , Facultative development, including personal development, education of valuable moral qualities. Much attention is traditionally paid to improving academic skills - "learning to learn":

    • Competent expression of their thoughts and point of view - both verbally and in writing
    • Leadership
    • Teamwork
    • Independence
    • Responsibility for words, actions, decisions taken
    • The correct distribution and organization of their time
    • Effective And polite communication
    • Quick and competent notes
    • Working with a variety of sources
    • Oratory skills, the ability to present their work or research, etc.

    The whole day of an American schoolchild is painted literally by the minute: with Young children are taught to appreciate their own time, do not waste it in vain, correctly allocate hours of wakefulness and keep up as much as possible.

    Among the differences is also a small number of children in the class - this encourages the constant active work of each student, individual attention from the teacher. Teachers in America communicate with children almost on an equal footing, constantly summon them to discussions and discussions, call for their personal opinions to be expressed - the viewpoint of each is considered unique and valuable, respected and accepted.

    It is worth noting the amazing combination inherent in American boarding schools - quite strict discipline, coupled with a benevolent and moderately free, liberated atmosphere. Informal communication and friendliness on the part of teachers are combined with a strict daily routine, intensive lessons, high standards for academic achievement and attendance. Each student is assigned an individual tutor who carefully monitors progress and success in the extra-curricular field, meets with his client at least once a week, keeps in touch with his parents. Violation of school rules and regulations is punished severely: at first it may be just leaving after lessons, and then an exception without the right to restore. Violations can be different:

    • Smoking, use of alcohol or drugs
    • Disobedience and violation of rules, lack of desire for study
    • Bad attendance and absenteeism
    • Low achievement, lack of discipline, failure to complete homework
    • Violation of school rules and daily routine, incorrect behavior during trips and excursions
    • Rudeness and rudeness, disrespect for other students, teachers, administration, etc.

    How to enroll in an American school : Requirements for applicants

    We always recommend starting the process of preparation and receipt as soon as possible, at least 1-1,5 years before the expected start of training. Necessary and important steps:

    • Visit the campus with an introductory visit, talk with the admission committee, teachers, director, acting students
    • Good level of English (usually this is the certificate TOEFL , IELTS , SELP). Most schools have supportive courses for foreigners, but the initial good preparation is very important: without this, it will not be possible to effectively absorb the training course.
    • Pass SSAT testing in selected subjects (not always required, but in large private schools almost exactly)
    • Provide a characterization and report card with grades from the previous school (for the last 2-3 years)
    • Prepare recommendations from teachers (usually 2-3, in the priority of the teacher of English and mathematics)
    • Pass a personal interview or interview (personal or by Skype)
    • Submit a motivation letter / essay (the student himself writes in English), tell about his goals, aspirations, hobbies.
    • [ 999.243]

      In the best schools the competition is almost a mandatory condition: 10-20 people from different states and countries apply for each place. That is why it is important to pay attention to the correct and accurate filling of questionnaires, collection of documents, timely dispatch, etc. - trust this question to the professional educational agents of Smapse.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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