2018-07-30 11:57:10

Study in France: information for foreign students

Study in France: information for foreign students

France is a European country that attracts foreign students with a developed culture, an active way of life, a modern and effective education system. The official language is French, but a large number of international schools teach in English. France is considered a good place to practice language skills - every year this country is visited by a large number of tourists, which supports the international environment. National diplomas and certificates are accepted and highly valued in all countries, and the learning experience abroad as a whole will open up new career opportunities.

The most popular cities for education and summer vacations:

  • Paris;
  • Nice;
  • Cannes;
  • Bordeaux.

Types of French schools

Types of educational institutions by type of visit and residence:

  • boarding schools
  • half-board (partial, flexible, weekly board)
  • day school.

Foreign students prefer to study in private boarding schools, no less popular day school - but in this case, parents of the student will have to take care of the place of stay of your child for the duration of the trip. Age restrictions may be established for residing on the campus of an educational institution based on the full board system.

Pre-school and secondary education in France

Pre-school education in France begins with 2-3 years, when children begin to visit kindergartens. For the first years, educators pay attention exclusively to the upbringing and development of the child, and in the older groups use education in the game to prepare the children for schooling.

The education system in French schools:

  • primary classes (6-10 years);
  • middle classes in College (11-15 years);
  • French Baccalaureate in Lycee (16-18 years).

Compulsory education is provided from 6 years of the program L'ecole elementaire, which includes 5 stages of primary classes:

  • cours preparatoire (preparatory course);
  • cours elementaire 1;
  • cours elementaire 2;
  • cours moyen 1;
  • cours moyen 2.

At age 11, students go to college, the duration of education is 4 years. A distinctive feature of the French education system is the reverse report of the classes: the student enters the 6th grade and studies 3 classes.

Education at College has several required stages:

  • 6th grade - the program includes compulsory subjects and the study of a foreign language;
  • 5th grade - additional physics and chemistry is introduced;
  • 4th grade - students begin to learn a second foreign language;
  • 3 class - students choose 1/3 directions: general education, professional, technical.

The last year of study is accompanied by the passing of the National Diploma; students who did not pass the final exam receive the Certificat Formation Générale as proof of their studies at the College.

Senior classes in Lycee are designed for 3 years. Learning stages:

  • 2nd class - students study under the general program;
  • 1st class - is divided into different areas: it helps to prepare for admission to the chosen specialization at the university (after completion of the test in the French language);
  • Terminale is the final year of study.

At the end of Lycee, graduates receive one of the diplomas, depending on the type of Lycee:

  • Diplôme du Baccalaureat General (General);
  • Diplôme du baccalauréat (technological);
  • Baccalauréat (professional).

Professional lyceums allow you to get an education in a short time, to confirm your professional orientation and start working. Confirmatory educational certificates are:

  • Certificate d'Aptitude Professionnelle;
  • Brevet d'Etudes Professionnelles.

Preparatory programs at international colleges and schools in France

French students immediately after graduation from Lycee can continue their studies at universities; foreign students who received secondary education in France also have the right to apply to the university and in case of sufficient points on the language exam and points in the certificate can be enrolled in the first year of the bachelor's degree.

For admission to the English-language program, students take linguistic exams: IELTS or TOEFL, if the program is conducted in French - DELF, DALF or TCF. In France, a large number of language schools, which offer short-term programs to prepare for tests and exams. Educational centers offer preparatory programs for students who lack academic or linguistic knowledge:

  • A-Level;
  • High-School Diploma + Advanced Placement;
  • International Baccalaureat;
  • Foundation .

The above programs include academic studies and language classes in the curriculum. Students who lack only linguistic knowledge can attend language schools to improve the level of knowledge of a foreign language.

Higher educational institutions of France

Popular destinations for higher education among foreign students:

  • management;
  • entrepreneurship;
  • fashion and design;
  • cookery;
  • international tourism.

Organization of education in French higher educational institutions:

  • License (Bachelor's) is the first stage of education, lasting 3-4 years. Graduates receive a diploma of DEUG - Diplôme d'études universitaires générales;
  • Master 1 (magistracy) - education lasts 2 years: students study theory, write final work and conduct research activities;
  • Doctorat (doctoral) - the result of education is the writing of the doctor's thèse doctorat.

Examples of popular universities among foreign students:

  • La Rochelle Business School (La Rochelle) - a private business school offers effective bachelor's and master's programs in English, special business courses for professionals and top managers, pre-university courses. The main specialties of bachelor's degree: international business, tourism, theory and practice of business. Tuition fee: bachelor's degree - from 8,300 € / year, magistracy - from 12,500 € / year.
  • Istituto Marangoni Paris (Paris) - Institute of Fashion and Design accepts foreign students for bachelor's and master's programs. Classes are taught in English + additional linguistic courses will be offered to students. Main specialties: fashion, design of women's clothing, men's clothing design, style and creative management, visual merchandising, fashion business, procurement technology (bayer's profession). The cost of education is from 15,000 € / year.
  • ESSEC Business School (Pontoise) - Higher School of Economic and Commercial Sciences. The educational institution is included in the world top rankings, students successfully study the following areas: logistics, audit, consulting, marketing, management, HR. Foreign students have the opportunity to obtain higher education and postgraduate (master's, doctoral). Approximate prices at different stages of education: bachelor's degree - from 10,800 € / year, magistracy - from 20,000 € / year, doctorate - from 2,400 € / year.

Linguistic programs in France for foreign students

Types of language courses in France:

  • General English;
  • common French;
  • preparation for language tests;
  • business English;
  • Business French;
  • Professional French;
  • French for teachers;
  • French for students over 40;
  • Spanish in Fashion;
  • french in fashion;
  • Portuguese in Fashion;
  • courses for corporate clients.

Examples of educational institutions:

  • Ecole des Roches (Verneuil-sur-Awre, suburb of Paris) - a prestigious private boarding school accepts foreign students without any restrictions on the age and knowledge of the French language (there is a special year program FLE (adaptation course) in the school). Educational programs: Ecole Primaire (primary school), Collège (high school), Lycée (high school), French language courses, French Baccalaureate, International Baccalaureate; The cost of education is from 12,200 € / semester.
  • Ermitage School (Paris) - included in the TOP-5 bilingual schools of France and the EU, the education is carried out in French and English. Available programs: International Baccalaureat, French Baccalaureat , A-Level. During extracurricular time a lot of attention is paid to creativity and sports. The cost of the semester is from 8,000 €.
  • OISE Paris (Paris) - a language center offering intensive French courses, preparation for the DALF and DELF exams, and for horseback riding enthusiasts with professional trainers. The program accepts students from 16 years old, the cost of education - from 1,239 € / week.
  • Riviera French Institute (Nice) - language school with summer programs: English and French for business, general English or French course for students with summer vacation and entertainment program. The minimum age of students is 8 years, the cost for 20 lessons is 749 €.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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