2018-07-30 11:56:57

Secondary education in Germany: private schools in Germany.

Secondary education in Germany: private schools in Germany.

The system of school education in Germany is one of the best in Europe and the world. Every year, children from all over the world seek to enter the schools in Germany, which is not surprising - a large selection of institutions and programs makes it possible to find suitable for anyone, even the most demanding students.

School education system in Germany.

The full program of school education in Germany takes 12-13 years. Secondary education is compulsory, schools are divided into public and private ones. Secondary education consists of two stages:

  • Primary school (6 to 10-12 years)
  • Secondary school (from 10-12 years to 18 years).

In primary school, education usually lasts 4 years, but there are institutions where the term is increased. Thus, children undergo primary school in the period from 6 to 10-12 years. Here their abilities and talents are revealed: from the zeal and diligence of the student, his future path and future largely depends. Primary school teachers are required to provide letters of recommendation for children passing to the first stage of secondary school with a detailed description of their talents and abilities. The secondary school is divided into two stages: the first and the second. In high school, children receive a fundamental knowledge base, and are preparing to enter adulthood. There are several types of institutions:

  • Public
  • International (including boarding schools)
  • Bed and Breakfast(s)
  • National

Private boarding schools in Germany

Private boarding schools provide all those who want an exceptionally high-quality training in world educational standards, graduates of boarding schools annually enter the best universities in Germany, Europe and the world. There are various types of programs available in the hostels, including:

Children live in the school year-round, going home only for vacations or weekends. All schools have at their disposal perfectly equipped modern campuses, where a whole complex of buildings and facilities is concentrated: educational, leisure, sports and others. The educational system is built on a comprehensive development and covers such aspects as:

  • Academic development
  • Sports education
  • Creation
  • Spiritual and creative development.

International schools are characterized by a softer requirement for the level of the German language and professional support courses for foreign students. For studying in boarding houses, as a rule, you need to have a fairly good level of German proficiency. In most private schools, instruction is provided by author's pedagogical systems:

  • Waldorf. The system of training assumes greater independence and self-development, assessments are not put up to the senior classes
  • Montessori. Children are taught to know the world on their own, the teachers indicate only the direction to the goal.

It is also noteworthy that the system of marks is different - figures from 1 to 6 are displayed, where 1 is the best indicator:

  • 1 - very good
  • 2 - good
  • 3 - satisfactory, at a sufficient level
  • 4 - mediocre
  • 5 - unsatisfactory
  • 6 - very bad.

Advantages of private boarding schools in Germany:

  • High quality of provided education
  • Comprehensive development of students: academic, spiritual, personal, sporting, creative
  • A wide variety of available programs taught by German, English, international or other standards
  • Active language development
  • Excellent equipping of campuses
  • A large number of extracurricular activities, active life
  • Fast and effective adaptation
  • Foreign students can get a diploma of the German Abitur
  • The opportunity to enter the best universities in Germany, Europe and the world.

Rankings of the best secondary schools in Germany

The best public boarding schools in Germany:

  • United Bonn-Boyel School (Bonn)
  • Gymnasium Ahern (Ahern, Baden-Württemberg)
  • College of St. Alloyzia (Bonn) 
  • Odenwald School (Heppenheim)
  • Gymnasium - Hagerhof Castle (Bad Honnef).

The best private boarding schools in Germany:

  • Brandenburg International School (Berlin)
  • Castle School Neubeuern (Rosenheim)
  • Private gymnasium-castle Torgelov (Torgelov am See)
  • School of Luysland (Grosse Braite)
  • St. George's School (Cologne)
  • Salem Castle School (Salem).

Tuition fees in boarding schools in Germany

The cost of education varies depending on the institution and starts from 20,000 euros per year. The price usually includes:

  • Educational program
  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Educational materials
  • Extra-curricular program (excursions, events).

Additional paid:

  • Flights
  • Transfer
  • Registration of visa and documents
  • Medical insurance
  • Pocket costs.

Admission process

For admission, a standard set of documents is required, as well as a certain level of academic knowledge and language proficiency (depending on which program the student is entering - German or English). A sample list of requirements and documents:

  • Passport and its copy
  • Table for the last 2 years of training
  • Certificates of knowledge of English / German
  • Recommendations from teachers of English / German, mathematics, class teacher and director
  • Motivation letter (not all schools)
  • Statement
  • Interview with an employee of the institution
  • Perhaps additional tests in mathematics and English will be assigned.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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