2021-04-17 00:00:55

Pros and cons of a language camp for children

Parents, whose children are actively studying foreign languages, usually look at language camps abroad on the eve of summer. It turns out that the combination of business with pleasure: the child rests, socializes and tightens up the knowledge gained during the school year. There is an opinion that this method of language learning is the most effective. Is it really so?

The advantages of studying abroad

Let's talk about the advantages of foreign language schools.

Dive Wednesday

Every day the child will be surrounded by English, there will be no temptation to communicate in any other language. This is considered the most natural and effective way to learn, because here the teacher will not pretend not to understand foreign language.

Finding independence

It is important for a little person to get the experience of life without parents. He will have the opportunity to interact with other children, feeling more mature. There is no need to worry: in such places there are always curators and counselors who will look after the wards with all responsibility.

Broadening your horizons

Having visited abroad, your child will get acquainted with another culture and local traditions, make interesting acquaintances, having learned the diversity of this world, which contributes to the development of critical thinking. He will have pleasant, interesting memories and friends with whom he will continue to communicate.

Cons of Studying English Abroad

Tution fees

Although language camps are now quite popular, the price of such a trip is high. Usually, the cost includes transfer, accommodation, meals, medical insurance and, of course, training. You will also need money for unforeseen expenses and entertainment, because the child will certainly want it!

Separation from home

The child may become very bored with parents and friends. This is called such a capacious English word as homesickness . So before the trip, it is important to explain to the child that this is not for long, that you should enjoy this time. As a rule, the child stops longing pretty soon after getting used to the camp routine and getting to know the teachers and other children.

Ways to Effectively Study English Abroad

Organizing a trip is a good thing, but what else is important to consider so that everything is not in vain?


From 2 weeks or longer. On a shorter trip, the efficiency will be much lower, since the child will not have time to properly immerse himself in the environment.

Exclude communication in native language

Even if it is possible to start a dialogue in his native language, the child should give preference to English. This will greatly contribute to the skill of formulating thoughts in a foreign language.

Proper level

Programs are different and are designed for almost every level of language proficiency, however, a minimum knowledge of English is highly desirable. This will make it easier for the child to adapt to the new country.

Choosing a language camp

  • USA, UK, Australia, Malta - these and many other countries provide an opportunity to study English. Give your child the opportunity to choose the most interesting country for him.
  • Since the child should not be surrounded by native speakers, an international camp would be the best choice.
  • Pay attention to prices. You should not choose cheap programs, as teachers may not be competent enough. However, high cost is also not a guarantee of quality.
  • Make sure the camp is in a safe place. Chat with students of the chosen school, read reviews.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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