2018-07-30 11:56:47

Organization of education in schools abroad

Organization of education in schools abroad

If you decide to give your child education abroad - this is already an important step towards securing his future. Modern education abroad is an opportunity to build a successful career in the international community, to become a popular and qualified specialist in its field, to master the subtleties of the chosen profession.

But every parent who made such a decision immediately faces a lot of questions: how to choose a school, how to collect documents, what terms of application, how to make a visa, etc. SMAPSE experts will help to organize admission and enrollment in the best schools of England, of the United States, of Switzerland, of Austria, of France, of Canada: all the difficult moments will fall on SMAPSE shoulders!

Assistance in organizing study abroad can be divided into several stages:

1) Choice of educational institution and program

At the first meetings SMAPSE specialist will find out your wishes, goals, requests and opportunities, clarify the level of knowledge and language level of the student - and already based on these criteria will select for you the country, city, educational institution and program. SMAPSE specialist always practice a personal approach - you can be sure that SMAPSE help in organizing the education will be personalized, focused exclusively on your requests and wishes.

2) Collection of documents

Each school has its own deadline for applications, and SMAPSE specialist will certainly clarify them for you. Usually the package of documents submitted to schools includes the following:

  • Passport (copy)
  • Language Test Certificate (IELTS or TOEFL)
  • A report card with grades from the previous place of education
  • A completed application (sample can be found on the site of the selected institution)
  • Motivation letter
  • Recommendations from teachers, class teacher, director.

Some documents may ask you in addition, but the overall composition is approximately the same for all schools in England, the USA, Switzerland, Austria, France, Canada. SMAPSE experts will tell you how to quickly and easily issue these documents for admission, specialist will carry out their professional translation and sending to school. Also SMAPSE specialist can tell you about the structure and features of a motivational letter: it is always written by the student in person, but huge work experience allows SMAPSE to give valuable recommendations on its composition and content.

3) Visa processing

After receiving an invitation from the selected institution, you can start the visa application process. SMAPSE experts can help you by writing to the Consulate or Embassy at a time convenient for you.

SMAPSE can also order other additional services: for example, to book comfortable air tickets, arrange transfers, pick up an acceptable option of accommodation, etc. E. SMAPSE experts strive to make your process of admission as easy as possible, taking the basic work with documents, communication with schools, transferring to oneself. SMAPSE note that the consultations and assistance in enrollment are absolutely free: with all the schools represented on SMAPSE portal, experts work as official representatives, partners, and not intermediaries - it helps you to save significant funds!

Ask for help in SMAPSE - and education abroad will become even closer!

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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