2020-08-21 12:14:21

National Museum of the Prado - the main repository of fine art monuments

National Museum of the Prado - the main repository of fine art monuments

The Prado National Museum is on a par with the Louvre, the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery and other important museums. Every day thousands of people come here to enjoy the beauty and grandeur of the works of world famous artists. The exposition includes a huge number of art monuments collected over a record few years. Velazquez, Bosch, El Greco, Murillo are the names that top the list of authors of paintings exhibited at the Prado National Museum. Even if world art culture is not topping your list of interests, visiting this place is a matter of honor.

Foundation of the Prado National Museum

The history of the collection began in the distant 16th century, when King Charles V wished to assemble a gallery for the nobility and a small number of paintings on religious themes for a wide range of spectators. The collection gradually grew until in 1785 a separate building was built for it in Prado Park, after which the modern museum was named.

The architect who was entrusted with the design of the building was Juan de Villanueva. The original function of the building is a museum of natural sciences. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was decided to transfer it to the Royal Museum of Painting and Sculpture, which opened its doors after the Napoleonic Wars - in 1819.

Exposition features

The total number of exhibits is 8000 paintings and 400 sculptures, which makes the Prado National Museum the holder of one of the largest exhibitions in the world. The exhibits are divided into groups, which are exhibited alternately, the rest of the time being located in the storerooms. About 2000 works are usually available for viewing.

Pearls of the collection:

  • Velazquez "Menina"
  • El Greco: Adoration of the Shepherds and Porter Caballero
  • Rubens "Three Graces"
  • Bosch "The Garden of Delights", "Carriage of Hay"
  • Works by Botticelli, Raphael and Titian
  • Engravings by Albrecht Durer
  • Goya's frescoes, "Portrait of the Family of Charles IV"
  • A copy of "Mona Lisa" by a student of Leonardo da Vinci
  • The statue of Orestes and Pylada from the times of the Ancient World.

Practical information for tourists

  • The entrance to the museum is paid, but there are free hours and even days - you can see the schedule on the museum website
  • Inside the Prado National Museum there is a cafe of the same name, a souvenir shop and a bookstore
  • You can enter the museum for free two hours before closing
  • To avoid queues, tickets can be purchased online.

Interesting Facts

  • Despite the majestic appearance of the building in which the exhibition is located, it has never been a palace
  • In terms of the total number of exhibits, the Prado National Museum bypasses the Louvre
  • The famous frescoes displayed in the museum, Goya painted on the walls of his Madrid home in a state of mental distress
  • During the wars of the 20th century, the exposition was transported to Switzerland
  • The museum is visited by 2 million people annually.

The object belongs to museums.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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