
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) University of Munich Ludwig-Maximilian

ranked #54 in QS World University Rankings 2024
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Description of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) University of Munich Ludwig-Maximilian

University of Munich

The second largest university in Germany is the University of Munich Ludwig-Maximilian, abbreviated LMU. One of the most prestigious institutions of Germany. The German Universities Excellence Initiative has granted the University of Munich the status of "elite".

University of Munich

The second largest university in Germany is the University of Munich Ludwig-Maximilian, abbreviated LMU. One of the most prestigious institutions of Germany. The German Universities Excellence Initiative has granted the University of Munich the status of "elite".


LMU was founded in Ingolstadt in 1792. The original name is the University of Ingolstadt. Construction was carried out with the approval of the Diocese of Kimzi. The structure of this higher educational institution was reminiscent of the University of Vienna. Initially, the LMU was given only 4 disciplines:

  • Theology.
  • Art.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • Medicine.

Soon the Jesuit Order took control of the university in their own hands. Already in 1549 the whole professorial staff consisted of their participants. As for the members of the Order, they played an important role in the counter-reformation, suppressing the Lutheran movement that arose at that time. The University of Ingolstadt occupied an important place in the Catholic world until 1773.

At the end of the XVIII century the participants of the Order of the Jesuits, with the advent of the Enlightenment, withdrew from the management of a higher educational institution. As for the activities of the university, more attention was paid to the natural sciences, pushing the leading once religion and theology into the background.

Maximilian l, king of Bavaria, was afraid of attacking Ingolstadt from the French side, so he gave the order to transfer the university to Landshut, a city located northeast of Munich. Was LMU there for the next 26 years. By order of King Ludwig I, he was transferred to Munich. The name was given to the university in honor of these two kings - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

The work of LMU employees for the next generation was presented by a new faculty of natural sciences, which resulted from the merger of several departments. Soon there was a faculty of veterinary medicine. The first in the university history was the Nobel Prize Laureate, the Munich physicist.

During the arrival of the Nazis to power, the University of Munich, like other higher educational institutions in Germany, were influenced by Hitler's supporters. The rebel group in 1943 came out to protest against this regime. The Nazis did not ignore this and punished those who disagreed with the authorities (execution). Their memory was honored with two memorial plaques. Also in honor of the protesters were named several streets located within the campus, and in 1997 opened the hall Gedenkstätte Weisse Rose. It is located in the main atrium of the LMU.

Statistics of students at the University of Munich

About 50 thousand students are educated at LMU. The number of foreigners is approximately 15% of the total number of students. Approximately half a thousand students study at the University of Munich for exchange, for 1 or 2 semesters. As for the contest for 1 free place on the course in LMU, the administration of the higher educational institution does not disclose this information. Annually about 9 thousand people become students of the University of Munich.


The first stable nano-network was created by the University staff in 2012 using molecules of boric acid. The essence of the method consists in the reaction of molecular bonds forming a powerful carpet, having a thickness of one atom. In February 2015, LMU scientists developed the newest method for treating lymphoma. Studies of blood antibodies by Munich scientists have made it possible to increase the response of the human immune system to malignant blood cells.

Wolfgang Schnick, a physicist at LMU, conducted research that allowed them to invent a blue LED. It is for this that scientists from the United States and Japan received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the 2014th year. Werner Heisenberg is a graduate of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, author of the theory of uncertainty and quantum fluctuations. He worked on research in the middle of the last century. In 2015, this topic was dealt with by V. Mukhanov. This theory is of interest to many physicists, because it will explain the principles of the existence of the universe since its inception.

Scientists-physiologists have proved the influence of Trnp 1 protein on the formation of convolutions in the embryo. Further research in this area will help to learn more about the formation of diseases such as autism and epilepsy. Munich University is one of the best higher educational institutions in Germany, with which the scientific activity of 34 Nobel Laureates was associated.

Advantages of LMU

The largest German research centers conduct research activities at the University of Munich. Among them, such organizations as the Parmenides Center for the Study of Thought, the Center for Integrative Proteomics in Munich, the Initiative Group for the Study of Nano-Systems in Munich, Helmholtz Zentrum.

The LMU Faculty of Medicine allocates a large share of the budget, which allows it to occupy the leading place in medical research. In this education is not expensive. Throughout the world, education in medical programs is not an expensive pleasure. In Germany, higher education is free. Getting an academic degree in LMU is a huge step in the career of a future doctor.

The student community is developed. For foreigners it will be interesting to have a large Union of students from abroad. In addition to large communities, there are many small, local. Each student at the University of Maximilian and Ludwig has an excellent opportunity to learn absolutely free of charge one of the forty languages in the linguistic center. Education in Germany, according to the Constitution, is free. Students pay only the tuition fee, the cost of which can not exceed 117 euros for one semester.

Faculty of LMU

At the moment, the university offers applicants to become students of one of the 18 operating faculties.

  • Catholic theology.
  • Protestant theology.
  • Economy.
  • Management and business.
  • Medicine.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • Veterinary medicine.
  • Philosophy, the philosophy of science and religion.
  • Psychology and teaching sciences.
  • Studies of culture.
  • History and arts.
  • Linguistics and literature.
  • Biology.
  • Geological Sciences.
  • Chemistry and pharmaceutics.
  • Physicists.
  • Social Sciences.
  • Mathematics, computer science and statistics.

The University offers 95 bachelor's programs, 126 master's degrees and 27 doctor's degrees.

Requirements for applicants

Applicants wishing to become students of LMU, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements put forward by the administration of a higher educational institution.

A future student should know German at an advanced level, because all lectures in the bachelor's program are read only in German. Confirm the knowledge can such certificates: Goethe-Institute (2C), Telc (from C1), DSH (from 2), TestDaF (you need to type in each section 4+).

Certificate (or diploma), which will be equivalent to German documents. For bachelors it is Abitur, and for master's programs - Bachelor. For Russian applicants, the equivalent of Abitur will be a certificate of completion of two courses of the domestic university. After school such an applicant can not enter the university of Germany. But in the case of passing the courses Studienkolleg the graduate of the school can become a student of LMU.

It is necessary to write a motivation letter, where you need to write as much as possible, why the applicant chose exactly the University of Munich.

In the academic summary, the entrant must write about his scientific achievements, as well as list his personal qualities.

Cost of education

According to the Constitution of Germany, education in public institutions of higher education is free. Students can pay the tuition fee. In LMU, they are from 252 to 504 euros per year. For accommodation it will be necessary to allocate from 2400 to 4000 euros. The cost of health insurance is 600 euros. Other costs, including transportation, requirements for a national visa, start from 8 thousand euros per year. The minimum amount required for a student for a year of study at the University of Maximilian and Ludwig is 11 thousand euros.

Scholarships and grants

Bachelors and masters in this university do not receive scholarships. Only students studying for doctoral and post doctoral programs can apply for financial assistance from the university. As for the grant, it can be obtained from the company or the fund. However, free tuition for a bachelor's or a LMU magistracy is possible. For this, there are state grants in Germany, as well as grants for some specialties. A number of funds fund education for students in specific areas. And the cost of education can range from 43 to 100%.

International Exchange Programs and Internships

LMU has for many years cooperated with a large number of universities from around the world. During this time, he established contacts with 493 universities. A student at the University of Munich can go on an exchange program to any higher institution from the list. Among them there are a lot of universities in Europe and other continents:

28 from the USA;

66 from Asia;

12 from Australia;

8 from Africa.

Students of some Russian higher educational institutions can participate in the exchange program and learn at LMU. Munich University cooperates with the best universities of the Russian Federation, among them MGIMO, RNI MU. Pirogova, Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov.

Programs of double degrees

The University of Munich gives its students the opportunity to obtain a double degree. The implementation of this project is due to the cooperation of LMU with the best universities, among them:

Munich School of Management;

Bologna University;

University of the Sorbonne Pantheon;

University of Paris 1;

University of Pantheon Assas;

University of Pampau Fabra;

University of Lancaster;

Lyon Business School;

Munich Business School.

Students of the faculty of management can participate in the program of triple degrees. After graduation, students receive a master's degree Ms.

Application deadlines

For most programs, the deadline for submitting applications is relevant:

for the winter semester until July 15;

for the summer semester until January 15.

For some courses, the deadline for filing may be different.

The process of admission to the LMU

First of all, the entrant should contact the representatives of the admissions office of the University of Munich. They will provide advice on admission, will tell about all the nuances.

Everything must be done consistently:

Collect the documentation. It is necessary to fill out an application form, a diploma and a certificate (more precisely, their translation into German), a motivation letter and an academic resume. It is necessary to provide a certificate of proficiency in German, sometimes English.

Sending documentation. Try to send a package of papers as early as possible so that the commission can review them. Documents that came to the university after deadline, do not participate in the competition.

The Admissions Committee reviews all applications for two months.

The last point is getting a visa. To do this, you need to contact the German Embassy. In this case, consideration of the application can take a long time, usually up to four weeks.


Munich is a big city, and the housing issue for students is considered no less important than entering a university. Find an inexpensive home is difficult. From 600 euros per month it is necessary to pay for a small apartment located on the outskirts of the city. This is a serious amount, especially for students from other, less developed countries.

It is much more advantageous to live in a hostel from a university. But to get a place there, it is worth to apply in advance, preferably immediately after enrolling in LMU. However, it is not so easy to get an opportunity to live in a hostel, because there are plenty of people who want to. Accommodation in student rooms with common facilities and kitchen will be from 270 euros per month. There are apartments and more expensive. There "all inclusive", and the residents have: separate bathroom and kitchen. But the price of such rooms will be from 350 euros per month.

In LMU there is a special organization that helps first-year students find housing. It's called Studentenwerk. It is recommended that each person applying to this specialized service.

Famous graduates of LMU

Thomas Mann is a Nobel laureate in literature. A well-known writer and essayist, whose works have become classics of not only German but also European literature.

Werner Geisenberg is a Nobel laureate in physics. His discoveries in quantum mechanics led to the discovery of allotropic forms of hydrogen.

Wilhelm Roentgen - received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of X-radiation. They are now known as X-rays, named after the discoverer.

Benedict XVI - The Pope (2005-2013). First Pope, renounced the throne from the XIII century.

Bertolt Brecht is a supporter of the "epic theater", a playwright, poet, art theorist.

Max Weber is a sociologist and philosopher. He created and developed a bureaucratic model of society. One of the founders of sociology as a social science.

Interesting facts about LMU

Adam Weispaunte, professor of the canon law of the University of Maximilian and Ludwig, became the founder of the occult movement of the Order of the Illuminati. The all-seeing eye is a well-known symbol of movement, in another way it is called a glowing delta. This sign can be found on a dollar bill.

The large-scale burning of books on Kyonikplatz was conducted near the main building of the LMU. And some students of this university took part in it. Cooks on Campus is a special program, the purpose of which is to exchange national recipes between foreigners.

Student visa documentation

To obtain a student visa, you need to collect a number of documents.

Applications in German for permission to stay (2 copies) and permission under the Law of Residence in Germany (also in duplicate).

3 color photos in the size 35х45 mm.

Passport with two copies of the page with personal data.

Russian passport and two copies of pages with personal data and registration stamp.

Documents confirming participation in the competition.

Motivation letter (language German or English).

A document on financial solvency, indicating that the student has from eight thousand euros a year.

Two copies of the diploma or certificate.

Biography of the applicant.

Certificate of language proficiency in the university.

Medical insurance.

If the applicant is under 18 years of age, a custody certificate should be added to the list of the above listed papers.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) University of Munich Ludwig-Maximilian

Program name
from 241.00 $ / year
from 241.00 $ / year
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

<p> Undergraduate program at the university is represented by the following main areas: </ p>

<ul> <li> English studies | Anglistik </ li>

<li> Antiquity and the Ancient East | Antike und Orient, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Archeology: Europe and the Middle East | Archäologie: Europa und Vorderer Orient </ li>

<li> Business pedagogy | Wirtschaftspädagogik </ li>

<li> Bioinformatics | Bioinformatik </ li>

<li> Biology | Biologie </ li>

<li style = "list-style-type: none;">

</ li> <li> Middle East | Naher und Mittlerer Osten </ li>

<li> Buddhism and South Asia | Buddhistische und Südasiatische Studien </ li>

<li> Geography | Geographie </ li>

<li> Geology | Geowissenschaften </ li>

<li> Germanistics | Germanistik </ li>

<li> Greek philology | Griechische Philologie </ li>

<li> The Ancient East | Alter Orient </ li>

<li> Egyptology and koptology | Ägyptologie und Koptologie </ li>

<li> Informatics | Informatik </ li>

<li> Informatics in the field of Media | Medieninformatik </ li>

<li style = "list-style-type: none;">

</ li> <li> Informatics and computer linguistics | Informatik plus Computerlinguistik </ li>

<li> Informatics and mathematics | Informatik plus Mathematik </ li>

<li> Informatics and statistics | Informatik plus Statistik </ li>

<li> Art and Multimedia | Kunst und Multimedia </ li>

<li> Art, music, theater | Kunst, Musik, Theater, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Studies in Greece | Griechische Studien </ li>

<li> History | Geschichte </ li>

<li> Art History | Kunstgeschichte </ li>

<li> Italianistics | Italianistik </ li>

<li> Catholic theology | Katholische Theologie, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Books | Buchwissenschaft </ li>

<li> Computer Linguistics | Computerlinguistik </ li>

<li> Latin Philology | Latinistik </ li>

<li> Speech Therapy | Sprachtherapie </ li>

<li> Mathematics | Mathematik </ li>

<li> Meteorology | Meteorologie, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Musicology | Musikwissenschaft </ li>

<li> People's Economy | Volkswirtschaftslehre </ li>

<li> Neuro-cognitive psychology | Neuro-cognitive Psychology </ li>

<li> German as a foreign language | Deutsch als Fremdsprache </ li>

<li> General and Indo-German linguistics | Allgemeine und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft </ li>

<li> General and comparative literary criticism | Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft </ li>

<li> Orthodox theology | Orthodoxe Theologie, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Pedagogy | Pädagogik, Bildungswissenschaft </ li>

<li> Politics | Politikwissenschaft </ li>

<li> Jurisprudence | Rechtswissenschaft, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Prevention, rehabilitation and integration of hearing impairment | Prävention, Inklusion und Rehabilitation bei Hörschädigung </ li>

<li> Psychology | Psychologie </ li>

<li> Psychopathology / Clinical Neuropsychology | Psychpatalogie / Klinische Neoropsychologie, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Religious Studies | Religionswissenschaft </ li>

<li> Romanistics | Romanistik </ li>

<li> North America | Nordamerikastudien </ li>

<li> Sinology | Sinologie </ li>

<li> Scandinavia | Skandinavistik </ li>

<li> Slavic Studies | Slavistik </ li>

<li> Sociology | Soziologie </ li>

<li> Comparative Culturology and Religious Studies | Vergleichende Kultur- und Religionwissenschaft, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Statistics | Statistik </ li>

<li> Insurance and risk management | Insuarance and risk management, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Theatrical studies, theatrical art | Theaterwissenschaft </ li>

<li> Theology of Evangelism | Evangelische Theologie (Baccalaureat) </ li>

<li> Theoretical physics | Thepretische Physik, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Theory of Media and Communication | Kommunikationswissenschaft </ li>

<li> Pharmaceuticals | Pharmaceutical Sciences </ li>

<li> Physics | Physik </ li>

<li> Physics with in-depth study of meteorology | Physik plus vertieftes Nebenfach Meteorologie </ li>

<li> Philosophy | Philosophie </ li>

<li> Finno-Ugric Studies | Finnougristik </ li>

<li> Folklore, European ethnology | Volkskunde / Europäische Ethnologie </ li>

<li> Phonetics and speech processing | Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung </ li>

<li> Chemistry and biochemistry | Chemie und Biochemie </ li>

<li> Art education, pedagogy | Kunstpädagogik </ li>

<li> Business Economics | Betriebswirtschaftslehre </ li>

<li> Economic Mathematics | Wirtschaftsmathematik </ li>

<li> Economic science | Wirtschaftswissenschaft, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Experimental physics | Experimenralphysik, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Ethnology | Ethnologie </ li>

<li> Language, culture, literature | Sprache, Literatur, Kultur, only as an additional specialty (Nebenfach) </ li>

<li> Japanese Studies | Japanologie </ li> </ ul>

from 1000.00 $ / year
from 1000.00 $ / year
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

<p> Master's program at the University is represented by the following main areas: </ p>

<ul> <li> American history, culture and society | American History, Culture and Society </ li>

<li> English studies | English Studies </ li>

<li> Astrophysics | Astrophysics </ li>

<li> Biology | Biology </ li>

<li> Biochemistry | Biochemistry </ li>

<li> Geo and Palaeobiology | Geo- and Paleobiology </ li>

<li> Geology | Geology </ li>

<li> Geophysics | Geophysics </ li>

<li> Clinical and genetic epidemiology for professionals | Clinical and Genetic Epidemiology for Professionals </ li>

<li> Logic and philosophy of science | Logic and Philosophy of Science </ li>

<li> Media, Management and Digital Technologies | Media, Management and Digital Technilogies </ li>

<li> International Occupational Safety and Health | International Occupational Safety and Health (paid specialty) </ li>

<li> Management | European Master of Science in Management (paid specialty) </ li>

<li> Data Science | Data Science </ li>

<li> Neuroscience | Neuroscience </ li>

<li> Neuro-cognitive psychology | Neuro-cognitive Psychology </ li>

<li> The psychology of business excellence and education | Psychology of Excellence Business and Education </ li>

<li> Psychology of Education | Psychology: Learning Sciences </ li>

<li> Software Development | Software Engineering </ li>

<li> Socio-economic geography and longevity: monitoring, modeling and management | Human Geography and Sustainability: Monitoring, Modeling and Management </ li>

<li> Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | Theoretical and Mathematical Physics </ li>

<li> Pharmaceuticals | Pharmaceutical Sciences </ li>

<li> Physics | Physics </ li>

<li> Evolution, ecology and taxonomy | Evolution, Ecology and Systematics </ li>

<li> Economics | Economics </ li>

<li> Epidemiology | Epidemiology </ li> </ ul>

Accommodation, meals, prices

Dormitory there is
Cost of living $ 795-1,476 USD / month


Advantages of LMU

The largest German research centers conduct research activities at the University of Munich. Among them, such organizations as the Parmenides Center for the Study of Thought, the Center for Integrative Proteomics in Munich, the Initiative Group for the Study of Nano-Systems in Munich, Helmholtz Zentrum.

The LMU Faculty of Medicine allocates a large share of the budget, which allows it to occupy the leading place in medical research. In this education is not expensive. Throughout the world, education in medical programs is not an expensive pleasure. In Germany, higher education is free. Getting an academic degree in LMU is a huge step in the career of a future doctor.

The student community is developed. For foreigners it will be interesting to have a large Union of students from abroad. In addition to large communities, there are many small, local. Each student at the University of Maximilian and Ludwig has an excellent opportunity to learn absolutely free of charge one of the forty languages in the linguistic center. Education in Germany, according to the Constitution, is free. Students pay only the tuition fee, the cost of which can not exceed 117 euros for one semester.

Entry requirements, how to apply, what is required to enrol

Requirements for applicants

Applicants wishing to become students of LMU, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements put forward by the administration of a higher educational institution.

A future student should know German at an advanced level, because all lectures in the bachelor's program are read only in German. Confirm the knowledge can such certificates: Goethe-Institute (2C), Telc (from C1), DSH (from 2), TestDaF (you need to type in each section 4+).

Certificate (or diploma), which will be equivalent to German documents. For bachelors it is Abitur, and for master's programs - Bachelor. For Russian applicants, the equivalent of Abitur will be a certificate of completion of two courses of the domestic university. After school such an applicant can not enter the university of Germany. But in the case of passing the courses Studienkolleg the graduate of the school can become a student of LMU.

It is necessary to write a motivation letter, where you need to write as much as possible, why the applicant chose exactly the University of Munich.

In the academic summary, the entrant must write about his scientific achievements, as well as list his personal qualities.

Scholarships Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) University of Munich Ludwig-Maximilian

Scholarships and grants

Bachelors and masters in this university do not receive scholarships. Only students studying for doctoral and post doctoral programs can apply for financial assistance from the university. As for the grant, it can be obtained from the company or the fund. However, free tuition for a bachelor's or a LMU magistracy is possible. For this, there are state grants in Germany, as well as grants for some specialties. A number of funds fund education for students in specific areas. And the cost of education can range from 43 to 100%.

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

Review about Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) University of Munich Ludwig-Maximilian

Margaret lengete
How do I get a chance to join your university
Margaret Lengete, hello! Please contact the LMU selection committee. Unfortunately, we are not working with this institution.
Interested in entering this university.
Margaret lengete
Yes i am interested in joing this university
Good afternoon! Please contact the LMU selection committee. Unfortunately, we are not working with this institution.
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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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