2018-07-30 11:56:56

Learning English in England UK for foreign students

Learning English in England UK for foreign students

In the modern world, the study of English in England is one of the most demanded areas of education. Learning English in the UK is the best way to learn English at a decent level, not only receiving high-quality knowledge, but also an unforgettable experience of living in another country. In this article, SMAPSE experts will analyze the features of choosing English courses in England.

In the modern world, English education in England is one of the most popular and prestigious areas of education. Learning English in Britain is undoubtedly the best way to learn English at a decent level, not only receiving high-quality knowledge, but also an unforgettable experience of living in another country. It is the combination of teaching English and cultural and sightseeing programs that allows English language courses in the UK to occupy leading positions among language schools and centers of the world. Learning English in England takes place in a variety of ways: younger students are offered educational language programs within the language camps for children in the UK, older students will be interested in the variety of entertaining and interesting English language courses in England, London or other cities of the country, In-depth language courses with a bias in this or that area of English. Learning English in England allows those who want to have a great vacation, relax and at the same time get new knowledge and improve existing English skills, meet new people and touch a new culture.


English language courses in England for teenagers

Every year, hundreds of thousands of students from secondary schools, university students and just listeners from all over the world come to Britain to study English at language courses in schools or international language centers. Great Britain is the place where educational traditions have evolved over the centuries: when the first higher educational institutions (for example, Oxford or Cambridge universities ) appeared, the teachers began to create special educational methods, which were then used to teach English to foreign listeners. Of course, over the long centuries of teaching, these methods have been changed countless times, supplemented and improved, which allows us to state that the quality of the knowledge offered here is at the highest level and is highly effective. You can rest assured that you or your child will get the most from staying in England for English courses.

What is the main advantage of learning English on language courses in England? Of course, this is a complete immersion in the language and cultural environment: from the moment you arrive at the airport and before leaving, the student will listen to English speech, speak English, gradually getting used to and adapting, improving your speaking and listening skills. In the best language school in your country, a child speaks English only within the walls of an educational institution - as soon as classes are over, English ceases to occupy a dominant position in the child's priorities. While in England, he will have to find ways to speak only in English, which has a positive effect on the skills and level of English. In addition, the child will listen and remember the most correct pronunciation, i.e. classical British pronunciation. In the event that further enrollment is planned at any secondary or higher educational institution in the UK, the best choice will be to study the classical English language. It is not necessary to believe that teaching English at language courses in England is intended only for those with language already on "you." On the contrary, in Britain there is such a huge variety of different English courses, varying in intensity, duration, fullness, slant, etc., that even a lazy person will find interesting and fascinating English language courses. Programs also differ in cost and prestige: there are expensive and elite educational programs offered by leading language schools or universities in Britain, but at the same time there are a large number of options available. The quality of education in all schools is at a high level.

The process of choosing English language courses in the UK

To the services of foreign listeners and those who want to learn English in England, there are several thousand language schools and universities offering specialized language programs for foreign students from many countries around the world. Almost every language center or school offers a choice of several English language courses, differing in slant, intensity of classes and duration of the course:

  • The most common general English courses are standard and frequent choice of all those wishing to tighten their level of English or learn English from scratch without deepening into specific topics;
  • In-depth courses with a bias in any sphere or subject: it can be any science, programming, economics, law, business and others;
  • Business English courses are specialized specialized English language courses designed for businessmen and high-level managers experiencing the need for in-depth development of a particular area of ​​business, economics, etc.

With regard to the intensity of English language courses, in general, in England, there are 3 main types of curricula, differing in the number of classes and the length of the school day:

  • The standard course includes about 20 classes, students are engaged every day, from Monday to Friday, from 9am to lunch (13-14 hours), and then they are free to do what they like: it can be walks in the streets and city ​​districts, excursions to sights, acquaintance with the cultural life of the city and country, communication with new acquaintances and friends, visiting museums, galleries, theaters, etc .;
  • Intensive English course consists of 30 lessons, and the school day lasts no longer until lunch, but until 16:00. A greater number of study hours means an increased degree of immersion in the language environment, a greater load and, as a result, a much more effective learning process;
  • The course "Superintensive" assumes already up to 40 lessons, which last from 9 to 6 - just like a working day for an adult. There is much less free time for students, however, such language courses allow achieving incredible results in relatively short terms, increasing the level of English proficiency by a couple of points (judging, for example, in the IELTS international language test). Such language courses are most suitable for busy people who value their free time.

So far, SMAPSE experts have considered standard courses conducted in the classes and audiences of a language school or center. In addition, there is a special type of English language language courses that will suit younger students perfectly - courses in the form of a summer English children's camp, in which students not only engage in English with teachers, but also have fun. Language camps for children in the UK allow students to study English, combining their studies with a rich and interesting leisure and entertainment program, an important part of the entire English language course: teachers and camp staff organize various excursions and tours, sightseeing, visiting museums and theaters. In addition, students are invited to visit creative circles and sports sections.

Learning English in the UK in summer (the most popular period), as well as in winter, spring or autumn will be a useful venture for anyone who would like to:

  • Begin learning English from the very beginning or continue to improve your level of English;
  • To visit different new places, traveling with benefit and pleasure, that is, combining tourist activities with teaching English;
  • Get the skills of conducting business negotiations in English, both personally and by phone;
  • Prepare for the delivery of international language tests such as IELTS or TOEFL, as well as many others;
  • Prepare for admission to universities or high schools in England;
  • It's great to spend a vacation, having had a rest in a language camp for children and having got acquainted with set of new friends from different countries of the world.

Methods of teaching English to students in schools in the UK

  • The main feature of absolutely all English language courses in Britain is, of course, the highest degree of interaction of the teacher with each student, which allows achieving effective learning by completely immersing students not only in the linguistic, but also in the cultural and academic environment.
  • English professional teachers have many years of rich experience in teaching English to foreign students; in many schools, real pedagogical teams gather and develop unique educational programs and techniques that include not only theoretical aspects of the English language (grammar rules, etc.), but and first of all practical aspects (that is, direct conversations in English).
  • Another advantage of teaching English on language courses is the lack of a generally accepted system for evaluating students: they will not receive fives or twos, as in the school (if only symbolic encouragement). And this is logical, because every student himself wanted to learn English in England on language courses, so he is completely interested in learning. This has a very positive effect on children, because they do not experience the pressure that they are made in the school on the scale of assessments - the main place is occupied by the knowledge and experience that the child will acquire in the process of teaching English.
  • The vast majority of English language courses in the UK assume almost the same emphasis on all the basic aspects of learning English: reading, listening, grammar exercises, and correct pronunciation. Despite this, there are also courses aimed at improving a particular aspect: for example, a student can perfectly know the theoretical aspects of the English language, have a rich vocabulary, but he simply lacks the colloquial practice - in this case, you can choose a language course aimed before all, to actively participate in conversations with teachers, peers, etc.

English language courses in England for students

There are several options for placement of students for the period of English language education at language courses in the UK. First, students can live in student dormitories, which in most cases are located on the territory of a language school or a center offering language courses. In this case, the children live with their peers in cozy common bedrooms, designed for 2 or 3 people (less often - one), which has everything you need for comfortable living, studying and relaxing. Students do not need to take the time to get from home to school and back - most likely, the hostel is located right on the campus of the school or in its immediate vicinity. This accommodation option is the most popular because it allows you to simultaneously get comfortable accommodation at an affordable price and communicate with students from around the world.

The second option when you study English in England is renting an apartment or a room. However, it is worthwhile to understand that the cost of rent in the UK as a whole is at a fairly high level: on average, a week should be paid from 100 to 250 £ for the most modest room. Please note that in the ads, the British write a cost per week, not a month. This option will allow affluent parents to provide the most comfortable living conditions for their child, but it is possible that living apart from their new comrades will not do him good.

Thirdly, students in English language courses who have come from abroad can rent a hotel room - this is very convenient for those who value personal space. In most cases, such a residence option will not allow you to fully understand the language environment, as in the case of renting an apartment or a room, but in both cases, nothing prevents you from quickly becoming friends with new people in the first days of education and not renting an apartment or room together.

Finally, the best option for students living in English language courses in Britain is to host a British host family. In this case, the student will receive from the trip to England the maximum benefit and fun. Most language schools and centers have their own lists of tested families who have the opportunity to receive foreign visitors while they study English. During his stay in a British family, the student will not only receive due care and care from the temporary "guardians", but will also develop his English skills, because in the family the conversations go not only on educational, but also on purely everyday topics. The student will be able to fully immerse himself not only in linguistic, but, above all, in the cultural environment, as he learns more about the traditions of the British, about their habits and hobbies. This type of accommodation favors the development of communication skills in English.

As for the nutrition of students in English language courses, in most cases it is organized by the language school or the center itself. There are 2 main options for catering:

  • an incomplete board (or half board, providing meals twice a day - the child gets either breakfast and dinner, or breakfast and lunch)
  • full board (which includes three meals a day - breakfast, lunch, dinner).

In addition, during excursions and trips, all students receive a special packed lunch box, in order to eat on the way.

Language courses in England: cost

The cost of English language courses in the UK is a major deterrent, because of which many parents believe that such courses are available only for the elite and wealthy people. Still, SMAPSE experts assure you that even with a relatively limited budget, it is absolutely possible to choose English courses in the UK.

First, you need to understand what specifically affects the final cost of language courses in English? The price depends on several parameters: first of all, it is the ranking of a language school or university, where English courses are conducted, as well as their geographical location. Thus, language courses in London are much more expensive than English courses of the same duration and on the same conditions, but, say, in Bath or even a suburb of London. Secondly, the cost is affected by the intensity of classes, that is, their number, as well as the duration. Not the least role is played by the type of residence of the student for the period of teaching English. Another important factor to be aware of is the number of students in the group. As a general rule, the fewer students a teacher has in a group, the higher the cost of English language courses, which is completely logical - the quality of teaching per person is increasing, the time given by the teacher to each student is also higher than, for example, in a group of 20 people. More information on the number of students in the groups you can find on the websites of language schools, educational centers and universities, as well as on SMAPSE website, however in most cases the optimal number of students in the group is 9-10 people. This parameter is most adjustable to the others: you can choose a simple school, but you can study with a teacher, or you can choose a large group, but in a more elite language school. SMAPSE experts will help you decide and choose the most suitable option for your child.

Among the most popular language schools in Britain offering English language courses, one can mention the Oxford Royal Balliol College (2 weeks course will cost you 4,300 £), the private school of Taunton (in which the English language educational week will cost you 1,200 £). In addition, there are options for teaching a family teacher at the school Home Language International (which costs about 650 £ per week of education).

Do not forget about the possibility of teaching English during the holidays! For this, there are summer children's English camps, among which, for example, PGL Boraton Park for 700 £ a week, a summer school in Berkshire, or a summer camp in Harrow (costing 3,000 £ for 2 weeks of studying English). Do not forget that you can always leave a request on the site, and SMAPSE specialists will contact you at any time convenient for you, to choose together with you the most suitable option for your child!

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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