
Kingham Hill School

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Description of Kingham Hill School

  • Founded: in 1885
  • Location: Kingham, Oxfordshire, UK
  • Age of students: 11-18 years
  • Total number of students: 260 people
  • Type of education: joint (mixed)
  • Type of accommodation: residence (full or partial board), full-time (without accommodation)
  • Language of instruction: English.

Successful and popular independent boarding school Kingham Hill School (Private school Kingham Hill School) was founded in 1885 by the Anglican Church. This religion is still considered the main, official, but not planted - students from all over the world, of any nationality, culture, color and creed can learn here. The main investor at the base was landowner Charles Baring County: initially the school provided quality education for boys from low-income families and sought to educate their wards not only academically, but also spiritually, morally with religious deviation. Attachment to traditions and the age-old quality of education has remained to this day, but Kingham Hill School is not afraid to use new pedagogical methods and approaches, and is no longer strictly directed by the church school.

Today, about 280 people from 11 to 18 years old study here (Kingham Hill School operates on a mixed education system). Sufficient among students and foreign students (up to 20%): they are accepted from the age of 14, additional preparatory and supporting language programs are provided (for example, ESOL - the course "English as a second language").

Kingham Hill School offers several types of education:

  • GCSE (course 9-11 grades, completing a part-time secondary education program)
  • Pre-A-level (a one-year preparatory course for foreign students and those who want to hone their skills, deepen academic knowledge)
  • A-level (intensive course of preparation for the university)
  • ESOL (additional English language program for foreign students)
  • Summer English courses for students (a combined program combining English lessons, entertainment and excursions).

Comprehensive development of students is the main priority of Kingham Hill School. As the administration and teaching staff consider, the main thing is to form an independent, confident and happy personality, and then everyone will be ready to conquer new, higher and higher peaks.

The educational institution constantly undergoes strict and demanding inspections from independent organizations and supervisory bodies. So, the ISI commission (Independent Schools Inspectorate) at the last visit highly appreciated the work and organization of Kingham Hill School:

  • "Great": organization of out-of-class education
  • "Excellent": academic success of students, the level of education and development of students, work with parents, the conditions of education, care for students and safety, the quality of teaching, the quality of childcare
  • "Good": the quality and organization of the curriculum, the level of education and accommodation in the boarding school, the quality of school management.

Each student can count not only on the help of each teacher, but also his personal mentor: together with it an individual plan of studies is formed, key directions and priority disciplines are determined, any questions and difficulties are promptly solved. The mentor and school administration are constantly in touch with their parents: it often happens that even after the first trimester at school the student achieves much higher results than those he expected!

Academic successes of students visually demonstrate the quality and balance of programs, the professionalism of teachers:

  • annually 60% or more of graduates pass a difficult A-level examination to the highest A * -B scores
  • graduates enroll in the best universities in the UK and the world, including giants like Oxford and Cambridge.

Many graduates of the school have made a successful career and have become popular with recognized specialists:

  • musician Guy Pratt
  • Vice-Marshal of Aviation Malcolm Brecht
  • music producer Martin Glover
  • musician Alex Paterson
  • journalist and politician Baron Andrew Adonis and others.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Kingham Hill School

Program name
Last booking 5 weeks ago
All year round
from 10965.00 £ / term
from 10965.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year


A two-year course for students aged 14-16, completing a part-time secondary education program. The GCSE certificate gives you the opportunity to continue your studies on the Sixth Form's graduate programs and prepare to enter the university - that's why the curriculum includes a large number of subjects from a wide range of fields:

  • English
  • americanism
  • mathematics
  • theology (religious studies)
  • physical education and sport
  • natural sciences (physics, biology, ecology, chemistry)
  • Spanish
  • art and design
  • French
  • business courses
  • history
  • drama and drama
  • geography.

As a language support for foreign students, additional English lessons are offered on the ESOL system ("English as a foreign language"). This is the most practical-oriented course aimed at a comprehensive improvement of all the basic language competencies:

  • Grammar
  • Reading
  • Auditing (listening comprehension)
  • Vocabulary (active expansion of vocabulary)
  • Written speech
  • Oral speech (spoken English)
  • Phonetics (correct pronunciation, accent correction)
  • Improve communication skills.

After completing the ESOL course, the student passes an exam that confirms his progress and a new level of knowledge.

The cost of studying at Kingham Hill School depends on the chosen stage and age of the student, as well as on the chosen option of accommodation (the price is indicated for 1 person for 1 trimester, 1 academic year in Britain - 3 terms):

1) 7-8 classes: day form = 4775 £, full board = 6990 £

2) 9-11 classes: day form = 5460 £, full board = 8725 £

3) 12-13 classes: day form = 5460 £, full board = 9125 £.

4) Pre-A-Level = £ 11100 / term

5) English for foreign students = £ 1350 / term.

All year round
from 11450.00 £ / term
from 11450.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year


Qualitative and effective preparation for the A-level course lasting 1 year: this is an ideal option for foreign students (who will be useful to adapt to new academic conditions) or for those students who are not fully confident in their abilities and want to increase the chances of good scores on exams.

The one-year course consists of an intensive course in English and an in-depth study of the main block of school academic subjects. Each student receives an individual mentor who helps him in all matters - including domestic matters, relating to the life-style of the boarding school in the British school community.

The cost of studying at Kingham Hill School depends on the chosen stage and age of the student, as well as on the chosen option of accommodation (the price is indicated for 1 person for 1 trimester, 1 academic year in Britain - 3 terms):

1) 7-8 classes: day form = 4775 £, full board = 6990 £

2) 9-11 classes: day form = 5460 £, full board = 8725 £

3) 12-13 classes: day form = 5460 £, full board = 9125 £.

4) Pre-A-Level = £ 11100 / term

5) English for foreign students = £ 1350 / term.

All year round
from 11450.00 £ / term
from 11450.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year


The two-year intensive course for university preparation is a true gold standard of British education: the A-level certificate with high scores is so valuable that it frees, as a rule, its holder from passing additional entrance examinations and tests at the university.

The program is academically complex and in-depth - a limited number of subjects (4-5 in the first year (AS-level) and 3-4 of them on the second) are studied practically at the university level. Free choice of disciplines (here there is no strictly defined curriculum) makes it possible to concentrate on the most priority areas of knowledge, to prepare as much as possible for the chosen faculty and specialty:

  • English
  • physical education and sport
  • applied business
  • psychology
  • art and design
  • physics
  • biology
  • philosophy
  • chemistry
  • theology (religious studies)
  • design and technology
  • music
  • product design
  • mathematics
  • drama and drama
  • history
  • economy
  • governance and policy
  • French
  • geography
  • Spanish.

The cost of studying at Kingham Hill School depends on the chosen stage and age of the student, as well as on the chosen option of accommodation (the price is indicated for 1 person for 1 trimester, 1 academic year in Britain - 3 terms):

1) 7-8 classes: day form = 4775 £, full board = 6990 £

2) 9-11 classes: day form = 5460 £, full board = 8725 £

3) 12-13 classes: day form = 5460 £, full board = 9125 £.

4) Pre-A-Level = £ 11100 / term

5) English for foreign students = £ 1350 / term.

Accommodation, meals, prices

In Kingham Hill, students are offered a full-time study form (only lessons, without accommodation), full and partial boarding - the last option is chosen by about 60% of students. The residences are surrounded by beautiful green gardens, lawns and walkways, picnics; the whole territory is carefully guarded - the security of the players is guaranteed in 24/7 mode.

In total there are 7 houses on the territory that are divided according to the sexual and age principle: in each house for 25-35 people live either boys or girls of similar age. The rooms are designed for 1-4 people (individual bedrooms are traditionally given to high school students on the Sixth Form). Once a week, students can make use of the free laundry.

The boarding meal is specially designed by a team of qualified chefs - a balanced, tasty and varied diet. Three times a day the students gather in a common spacious and bright dining room, and in breaks they can get useful snacks and snacks, there is always access to clean drinking water and other drinks. Most vegetables and fruits are bought in local farms, fresh seasonal products are actively used, and each dish undergoes strict quality control (as well as the process of its preparation).

In residences with students there are always teachers and teachers, many of whom live on campus. They monitor the observance of cleanliness, order and discipline, help with the solution of any problems and problems, create a friendly, family atmosphere.

Activities Kingham Hill School

For comprehensive, harmonious development of students, the administration of Kingham Hill organizes numerous events, entertainment, excursions, leisure and scientific circles.

Traditionally, for British boarding schools, great attention is paid to sports and physical development:

  • horseback riding
  • basketball
  • Pilates
  • swimming
  • general fitness
  • badminton
  • tennis (large and table)
  • squash
  • golf
  • volleyball
  • football
  • cricket
  • hockey
  • rugby.

A lot of clubs and clubs are available for those who prefer creativity or intellectual rest:

  • various scientific communities
  • musical groups, choirs, ensembles
  • choreography
  • gardening
  • different areas of art: painting, drawing, graphics, ceramics and sculpture, etc.
  • Mechanics
  • Animal Lovers Club
  • cookery
  • management and business sciences
  • Club of Debates and Public Speeches
  • embroidery, etc.

The list of excursions is diverse: trips for the whole day (usually on weekends) or for several hours will help students to get acquainted with the amazing original culture of Great Britain:

  • Windsor Castle (residence of the British royal family)
  • capital London: sightseeing tour, walking through the central part, shopping, cruises on the Thames, riding the London Eye, viewing important cultural and historical attractions
  • Oxford and its legendary university
  • Holiday Bath
  • theme park Thrope
  • large amusement parks
  • Nature Reserve and Cotswold Park and much, much more.

In the evenings discos and bright, noisy holidays, the Talent Show and the Karaoke Evenings, joint screenings on the big screen are held here. A popular scout squad operates, it is possible to educate in the United Cadet Corps: these classes help you learn to navigate the terrain and survive even in the wild, shoot and swim, improve physical training, strength and endurance. You can even learn how to fly a plane! Community service works are also common: students often work in charity, volunteer.

Thanks to the established international connections of the school administration, students have the opportunity to travel abroad, participate in educational exchanges: the USA, Switzerland, Zambia, France, Spain, Greece, Austria and other countries of the world.

Facilities and equipment at Kingham Hill School

The campus is located in the heart of the United Kingdom - in the county of Oxfordshire, near the town of Kingham. Only 40 kilometers separate it from the legendary Oxford, Cheltenham and Stratford-upon-Avon (the birthplace of the great Shakespeare) are also located near, and it is possible to get to London's capital in about 2 hours. It is a safe, quiet and calm, very green and well-groomed area, where students will not be distracted by the noise of a big city or wide roads.

The total area of ​​the Kingham Hill campus is over 38 hectares! This is a real campus where for pupils there is absolutely everything for comfortable living, effective teaching, development and pleasant pastime:

  • modern educational buildings with spacious auditoriums, lecture halls (equipped with interactive whiteboards and other equipment)
  • music rehearsal studios
  • studio design and fine arts
  • the newest scientific and practical laboratories for experiments and research
  • large multi-purpose sports complex
  • pool
  • fitness rooms with fitness zones
  • dance studios
  • classes for practicing dramatic art
  • numerous playing fields and playgrounds - both for individual lessons and for team games
  • cricket fields
  • tennis courts
  • squash courts
  • stables and riding arenas
  • a big library
  • student's cafeteria
  • excellent computer equipment (software is constantly updated) and access to the fast internet
  • medical center (qualified nurses are on duty 24/7)
  • living rooms for relaxation and communication
  • own farm, where students learn to care for animals, observe environmentally friendly production.

Most of the buildings were built at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries: keeping their majestic architecture (the main building is very similar to the classical ancient castle), the administration makes them as modern and adapted to the educational requirements of the XXI century. So, since 2013 the school has created a single digital information space: each student of Kingham Hill has access to a common education base with a variety of materials, creates a personal electronic portfolio and online schedule.

Admission dates and extra charges

The cost of studying at Kingham Hill School depends on the chosen stage and age of the student, as well as on the chosen option of accommodation (the price is indicated for 1 person for 1 trimester, 1 academic year in Britain - 3 terms):

1) 7-8 classes: day form = 4775 £, full board = 6990 £

2) 9-11 classes: day form = 5460 £, full board = 8725 £

3) 12-13 classes: day form = 5460 £, full board = 9125 £.

4) Pre-A-Level = £ 11100 / term

5) English for foreign students = £ 1350 / term.

The indicated cost is not included and is paid additionally:

  • Registration fee = £ 150
  • Deposit confirming the place on the course = 700 £
  • Examination Boards
  • Deposit for tuition (= 1 trimester cost)
  • Additional academic and language classes (optional)
  • Additional leisure activities and excursions (optional)
  • Guardianship (registration with the agency + guardian services)
  • Air tickets in both directions
  • Transfer in both directions
  • Compulsory medical insurance
  • Personal pocket expenses
  • Visa fees and services, translation and certification of documents = from £ 100
  • Consular fee (paid at the Embassy).


  • Registration fee (for a programme/course) 150 GBP
  • Deposit for a course/programme 10250 GBP
  • Application Fee 750 GBP

Entry requirements, how to apply, what is required to enrol

The school does not belong to the category of strictly selective ones and presents fairly standard requirements to its applicants: it will be necessary to present information from the previous place of eduaction(report card with grades, characteristics and letters of recommendation), and to have a personal interview with a representative of the admissions committee.

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

Review about Kingham Hill School

This will be the 3rd year My Grandson has been a weekly boarder at Kingham Hill School. He is extremely happy boarding he has made some lovely friends, and doing very well in all classes. All the teaching Staff are very caring they genuinely care about all the students. Being a parent I found The headmaster Mr Seaward is very approachable as is all the senior staff. I feel very privileged that my grandson attends Kingham and am very grateful for all the hard work and care that all the staff show to the students. I highly recommend this School. Kingham Hill is an amazing school
Elena Krupysheva
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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.
Official representatives. Free admissions support

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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