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Villanova University Summer Camp Julian Krinsky

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Description of Villanova University Summer Camp Julian Krinsky

  • Location: Villanova (a suburb of Philadelphia), Pennsylvania, USA
  • Dates: from June 24 to August 11
  • Age of students: 14-18 years
  • Type of accommodation: residence (board) or full-time (without accommodation)
  • Type of studying: mixed
  • Language of instruction: English.

The summer camps of the famous Julian Krinsky network (JKCP), including the popular Julian Krinsky Camp Villanova University - an excellent opportunity for students from all over the world to hold memorable, unique, comfortable and useful summer holidays! Here, every student will be able to fully reveal his talents and abilities, to improve the level of English and learn a lot about his favorite business or direction, to find new friends from all corners of our planet. Education in the summer camp Julian Krinsky Camp Villanova University is a combination of academic studies with electives, as well as a huge number of excursions, entertainment and leisure activities. No one will get bored of it! The entire learning process is conducted in a comfortable, interactive, dynamic and friendly atmosphere - students get new knowledge and perfect academic skills almost imperceptibly for themselves, without coercion and dull cramming. 99% of students of Julian Krinsky (JKCP) are satisfied with staying in summer camps of the network and recommend them to their friends, acquaintances and classmates! Julian Krinsky (JKCP) has been successfully working for more than 35 years, based on the campuses of the best educational institutions of the USA (schools, colleges and universities), including the popular University of Villanova (started in 1842).

A flexible schedule of classes will allow each student to create his own unique curriculum that fully meets his personal needs and interests - and a large selection of various interesting programs and electives will make staying in the camp especially useful and interesting. Separately it is worth noting the unique combined enrichment course, within which students will be able to choose 1-2 directions from more than 30 diverse thematic options: from design and art to modern business and business ethics!

The course's instructors are invited specialists who have extensive experience of working with foreign students and international groups and relevant accreditations, as well as the best teachers of the University of Villanova. More than 95% of them have an academic degree from the Master and above.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Villanova University Summer Camp Julian Krinsky

Program name
08.06.2020 - 21.08.2020
from 1725.00 $ / week
from 1725.00 $ / week
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Summer English Course + tennis

  • Age of students: 14-18 years
  • Small groups for classes
  • Minimum duration: 1 week.
  • 5 hours of education daily + weekly tournaments.

The combined course can also be visited by boarding students who choose to stay on campus, and full-time students who go to their families or host families after classes.

Students are expected every day for 5 hours of tennis exercises with professional, qualified and experienced teachers USPTA, USPTR and ITF. The founder of the network of summer camps Julian Krinsky is an experienced tennis player: he often comes to the guys, gives useful advice and master classes. Small groups and useful individual consultations, studying allow each student to progress as quickly as possible: the course is suitable for beginners and for more advanced athletes who want to improve specific game skills and strikes.

Students will be taught basic tactical and strategic methods of the game, strikes, attacking and defensive mechanics, develop overall physical strength and endurance, leadership skills, self-confidence and teamwork. Conducted useful lectures on a healthy, athletic lifestyle and nutrition, build your own body, a balanced diet and proper rest.

Each week there are tournaments (team and individual) between players with a similar level of skill: for this the university has 50 open and 28 indoor tennis courts with professional comfortable coverage and lighting.

08.06.2020 - 21.08.2020
from 1975.00 $ / week
from 1975.00 $ / week
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Summer English course + golf

  • Age of students: 14-18 years
  • Small groups for classes: the ratio of children to the instructor is 4: 1
  • Minimum duration: 1 week.
  • 5 hours of studying daily + weekly tournaments.

A special summer course is designed for children who want to learn how to play golf: the program is suitable for beginners who first took a stick in their hands, and for more experienced players who want to develop specific abilities, tactics and strikes.

Professional instructors with prestigious certificates PGA, USGTF and EGTF work with children. Small groups (1: 4 - the ratio of teachers and students) and individual consultations help students to progress as quickly as possible: for each student a unique, individual plan of classes and competitions is created. Every week the pupils will study the features of the blows, the tactics and strategy of the game, the features of the game in different fields, and on Fridays participate in tournaments with other players about their level. Much attention is paid to general physical development, to increase strength and endurance, self-confidence and one's own strengths and to bring up a desire for victory. In addition, children are told about the observance of sports mode, the rules of rest and nutrition, a healthy lifestyle.

In total 25 different open-air fields were prepared for exercises, as well as a professional indoor simulator in case of bad weather.

21.06.2020 - 01.08.2020
from 2250.00 $ / week
from 2250.00 $ / week
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Summer program for high school students

  • Age of students: 14-18 years
  • Minimum course duration: 1 week.

The combined and balanced course is designed for high school students aged 14-18, who want to discover their personal potential, to develop unique abilities and learn more about the most interesting areas and activities. The program is available both for boarders (with accommodation on campus), and for children on a full-time basis.

The intensity of the lessons is 25 hours per week: for each week, students choose for themselves the two most priority areas of study, which are devoted to 12.5 hours of classes, respectively. Lessons are divided into morning (9: 30-12: 00) and afternoon, evening (13: 30-16: 00), there is also time for excursions, general leisure activities and entertainment - both on campus and outside. Students can choose the priority directions from a wide variety of lists:

  • Preparing for the SAT exam
  • 3D Art
  • Physics
  • Foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish)
  • Trading in securities
  • Creating video games, the history of video games
  • Robotics
  • English language and culture
  • Graphic design
  • Football
  • Business in the field of fashion
  • Urbanistics
  • Literary creativity and writing skills, writing stories and novels
  • Spanish Language and Culture
  • The photo
  • Basics of Drawing
  • Psychology
  • Engineering
  • Graphic design
  • Cooking
  • Biology
  • Martial arts
  • Tennis
  • Economy
  • Features of entrepreneurial activity
  • Digital music
  • Clothing design
  • Experimental Physics
  • Yoga
  • Algebra
  • Basketball
  • Painting
  • T-shirt design
  • Chemistry
  • Hockey on the asphalt
  • Business
  • Engineering as art
  • Music
  • Film production
  • Anatomy
  • French language and culture
  • Finance
  • Engineering: creative science
  • Fitness
  • Dances for beginners, amateurs and professionals
  • Fine arts and design
  • Web-design
  • Preparation for writing an essay for college
  • Video production
  • Basics of Calculus
  • DJ
  • Micro- and Macroeconomics
  • Chinese Language and Culture

An approximate schedule of the day for the students at the boarding house (with accommodation) looks like this:

  • 7:45 am the rise
  • 8:15 - breakfast 
  • 9: 30-12: 00 - morning session block
  • 12:00 - lunch
  • 13: 30-16: 00 - afternoon session block
  • 16:30 - free time and rest, games, individual consultations, entertainment, sports and creativity
  • 17:15 - evening gathering, preparation for entertainment during the evening
  • 18:00 - dinner
  • 19:00 - entertainment and leisure.
28.06.2020 - 04.07.2020
05.07.2020 - 11.07.2020
12.07.2020 - 18.07.2020
19.07.2020 - 25.07.2020
26.07.2020 - 01.08.2020
from 4500.00 $ / 2 weeks
from 4500.00 $ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

eSports Powered by NSG Academy

  • Age of students: 14-18 years (grades 9-12)
  • Dates: July 8-21, July 22-August 4 (arrivals for 2 weeks)

Electronic game, interactive sports in the modern world develops unusually fast and actively becomes a lucrative industry. Only in the USA for the year 2017 more than 1 billion dollars of prize money was paid at competitions and tournaments, and the amount of scholarships for more than 40 universities in profile specialties exceeded 7 million dollars! Many successful gamers continue their careers as developers, designers, testers and work in large international companies - now you have such an opportunity!

During the summer camp eSport students will get a full picture of the modern industry of computer and online games:

  • They will practice with the best players from all over the world, professional gamers, many of whom are already constantly working with top international companies;
  • Improve skills and abilities in a variety of games, they can pump out a personal hero;
  • Learn about their strengths and weaknesses, learn to highlight their dignity and receive information, how to develop lagging abilities, to hide the shortcomings of tactics or speed;
  • Explore both personal and team capabilities in a single eSport system;
  • Attend seminars with the best developers, designers, coders of the modern game world;
  • They will be able to plan their careers in the eSport world: they learn how the media is affected by the industry, what career opportunities are available for a young specialist, how to interest the top employer, what should be in the resume, etc.

The main areas of work for the summer camp eSport three:

  • Professional studying, combined with an interesting vacation;
  • A series of interactive lectures on the development of a modern gaming system and the latest techniques, trends, tools;
  • Tournaments and competitions (DOTA 2, Overwatch, Startcraft, Rocket League and others).

Daily seminars are devoted to research of different types of game sports: real-time strategy (RTS), first-person shooters (FPS), Mobile Online Battlefield (MOBA). Students of the summer course will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of the giants of the gaming industry:

  • Riot Games
  • Tencent
  • Activision Blizzard
  • Valve
  • Electronic Arts
  • and others.
05.07.2020 - 18.07.2020
19.07.2020 - 01.08.2020
from 4700.00 $ / 2 weeks
from 4700.00 $ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Summer Business School (Julian Krinsky Business School)

  • Age of students: 14-18 years (grades 9-12)
  • Dates: July 8-21, July 22-August 4 (arrivals for 2 weeks).

A two-week course at the summer business school of the Julian Krinsky Business School will help students to gain the necessary experience and knowledge to open their successful enterprise in the future, to build an international career and enroll in the most elite, demanded and prestigious universities in the world. The program covers all major areas and business models:

  • Enterprise risk management and management
  • Master-classes and lectures from leading businessmen of Philadelphia, the USA and the world (Wharton School of Pennsylvania University, Villanova University's Business School Applied Finance Lab, Ferrari Dealership, Five Below and others)
  • Creation and development of a personal brand
  • Creation of a case of successful sales
  • Mastering the basic and advanced tools for advertising and promotion in the style of Shark Tank
  • Creation of an investment portfolio and work with share packages
  • Principles of healthy competition
  • Work with investments
  • Work with stock markets and stock exchanges
  • Creating a unique and effective business plan
  • Studying of various strategies of business management
  • Financial management and reporting
  • Marketing and management
  • Business Etiquette
  • World economic trends.
07.07.2020 - 20.07.2020
21.07.2020 - 03.08.2020
from 4575.00 $ / 2 weeks
from 4575.00 $ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Summer Academy of Coding and Information Technology (Julian Krinsky Coding Academy)

  • Age of students: 14-18 years (grades 9-12)
  • Dates: July 8-21, July 22-August 4 (arrivals for 2 weeks).

Excellent opportunity in just two weeks to significantly improve the programming skills for high school students (14-18 years), wishing to enter the profile specialties in the most elite and prestigious universities in the world.

The first week is devoted to the development of core skills and the study of modern concepts in the development of software products and applications - students will work with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, create personal web pages. The second week is devoted to the creation of your own web application using the mastered tools (for example, the program for the delivery and ordering of food products and even a unique video player!). The summer course will help students to more closely study the modern industry and its trends, to understand personal career opportunities and ways of developing an international career.

28.06.2020 - 04.07.2020
05.07.2020 - 11.07.2020
12.07.2020 - 18.07.2020
19.07.2020 - 25.07.2020
26.07.2020 - 01.08.2020
from 2250.00 $ / week
from 2250.00 $ / week
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Summer Culinary School (Julian Krinsky Cooking School)

  • Age of students: 14-18 years (grades 9-12)
  • Dates: July 8-21, July 22-August 4 (arrivals for 2 weeks).

Julian Krinsky Cooking School is not in vain located in Philadelphia: it is a huge pot of different cultures and nationalities, so the culinary traditions are interwoven here in an amazing and interesting tangle, and the number of bars and restaurants in the city can amaze even the discerning traveler.

Students are led by professional chefs (most of whom run their own schools) - classes are held in equipped test kitchens, and products are mainly delivered from their own farm, so you can be sure of their quality and freshness. The course includes classes on a variety of culinary topics and areas:

  • Historical traditions of cooking
  • Fashionable culinary trends, tastes and combinations
  • Skills in working with a knife, different types of cutting
  • Steaming, diet cooking
  • Creating a specialty
  • Study of combinations and features of various ingredients, spices
  • Development of taste and olfactory receptors, feelings of taste and compatibility of products
  • Fusion kitchen
  • Final competition Top Chef style
  • Culinary business
  • Seminars on tasting
  • Modern nanotechnology and their use in the kitchen
  • Art of presentation
  • Skills of drawing up and preparing a personal cookbook
  • "Fragrances of the world"
  • Safety in the kitchen.
28.06.2020 - 01.08.2020
from 2250.00 $ / week
from 2250.00 $ / week
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Pre-med prep

  • Dates: June 28-August 1.

Based on the popularity of courses in anatomy and biology, the university has developed the Pre-Med Prep program. This is an ideal way to prepare students for the next steps in their medical career (intensive summer experience next year, autumn classes, internship). Learning objectives:

  • Thoroughly study of anatomy and physiology
  • Learn about the structure of cells, tissues, the basic functions of the body, the work of organs.

The practical program provides an opportunity to participate in various simulations, laboratory works, events and discussions, designed to improve understanding of many body systems - muscles, blood circulation, skeleton. This course covers various fields of medicine, medical professions. The course offers a full day stay and full board accommodation.

28.06.2020 - 01.08.2020
from 2250.00 $ / week
from 2250.00 $ / week
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Moneyball: Sports Analytics

  • Dates: June 28-August 1.

Moneyball is a week-long program introducing young people to the principles of sports statistics and analytics. This course is ideal for curious students interested in statistics and data analysis. Students applying for this program must have strong mathematical skills and an interest in sports. Summer experience will serve as an introduction to the world of sports statistics, computer science research, teach participants critical thinking skills, key data analysis. The program offers a day stay and accommodation option.

Accommodation, meals, prices

Students of summer programs live in the residences of the university: they are mostly cozy double rooms, recently renovated and include all the necessary furniture (beds, bookshelves and cabinets for things, desks and chairs) and lighting, air conditioning. The bathrooms are shared, in sufficient quantity are located on each floor.

The boarding food is specially designed for intensive work on summer courses. The menu is varied and changing every day: fresh, appetizing dishes, pastries and hot coffee, smoothies, homemade ice cream, vegetables and fruits are served on the tables (using the buffet system).

Residences are literally a couple of steps from lecture rooms, a student coffee shop and a canteen, a bookshop. With the students there are always teachers: they provide comfort and safety of the pupils in the 24/7 mode, monitor the observance of cleanliness, order and discipline, help to resolve any arising issues.

Activities Villanova University Summer Camp Julian Krinsky

The cost of each program already includes a basic excursion program - weekly students will have 1 trip for several hours and 1 for the whole day - as well as leisure and entertainment activities. Usually excursions are held on Saturday, the students even have a choice in which direction to go! For students prepare comfortable tourist buses and professional guides accompanying the guys during the trip and telling a lot of interesting facts and stories:

  • New York
  • Washington
  • Baltimore
  • New Jersey and the local famous beaches
  • Rafting trip
  • Visiting major thematic, ecological parks, amusement parks (Six flags, Great Adventure)
  • Dorny Park
  • Visiting local attractions and most interesting places, institutions, monuments of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania
  • Liberty Bell
  • The Franklin Institute
  • A huge urban Philadelphia Aquarium
  • Museums and art galleries
  • National center of the Constitution
  • City ​​zoo of Philadelphia.

In the evenings and on weekends, students are expected to have a rich, varied and interesting entertainment program, which is prepared for them by educators and invited specialists, teachers:

  • Sports games and tournaments, friendly matches and sports days, the Olympic Games
  • Evening Casino
  • Walks around the city and dinners at local restaurants
  • Discos and dancing evenings
  • Themed parties and holidays
  • Talent show
  • Evening table games
  • Joint film screenings, including in the open-air cinema
  • Pizza Party
  • Evening Karaoke
  • Trips to major IMAX and 3D cinema theaters
  • Visit the Fireworks Show
  • Festival of street dance
  • Visits to theaters, to comedy performances in local clubs
  • Visit to rock concerts and music evenings
  • Bowling tournaments
  • Shopping in the best shopping centers in Philadelphia (for example, King of Prussia).

Facilities and equipment at Villanova University Summer Camp Julian Krinsky

On the campus of the prestigious, large University of Villanova, there is everything that the students can need during their studies and leisure. A spacious campus is located just 12 kilometers from the center of Philadelphia (Villanova is a quiet, cozy suburb of the metropolis) and has been successfully developing, expanding and modernizing since 1842:

  • Historical and ultramodern buildings
  • Cozy, green park areas, glades and lawns
  • Well-developed sports infrastructure: gyms, indoor and outdoor grounds for team games, individual education
  • Science Center
  • Spacious common dining room
  • Own cinema room
  • Library
  • Dance classrooms
  • Studios for sports and creativity
  • Cozy residences for living.

Admission dates and extra charges

The cost of staying in the camp depends on the chosen program, its subjects, intensity and duration.

The course price already includes:

  • Studying on the selected program
  • Accommodation and meals - residence, full board (for resident programs, not daily)
  • All necessary teaching aids, books and materials for classes
  • Initial knowledge level testing
  • Firm certificate at the end of the course
  • Cultural and sports events, entertainment, excursions (minimum 2 per week - for a full day and for several hours)
  • Group transfer (Philadelphia airport, on Saturdays).

Paid additionally:

  • Registration fee
  • Additional academic and language classes (optional)
  • Additional leisure activities and excursions (optional)
  • Air tickets in both directions
  • Transfer in both directions (individual or unset dates / times)
  • Accommodation at the weekend
  • An additional package of services for students - transfer and escort, laundry services, bed linen and towels
  • Compulsory medical insurance
  • Personal pocket expenses
  • Visa fees and services, translation and certification of documents
  • Consular fee (paid at the Embassy).


  • Registration fee (for a programme/course) 100 USD
  • Transfer (return)
  • Study materials
  • Visa fees
  • Flight tickets
  • Medical insurance
  • Pocket money

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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