2022-08-23 14:37:49

Interesting facts about India

Interesting facts about India

India often appears in famous films, which is why the culture and way of life of the country's citizens is surrounded by stereotypes and prejudices. Many people think that India is an enlarged version of the locations from the film "Zita and Gita". When it comes to this Asian country, many people immediately think of slums, the Holi holiday, the Taj Mahal, as well as Bollywood - the local analogue of Hollywood. However, life in India is not so monotonous and may surprise many travelers who want to get to know the country better!


Snow in India

We are accustomed to the fact that Indian landscapes are accompanied by hot weather and bright sun. However, in some areas of the country, snow unexpectedly falls and does not melt for several days! The event for Indians is joyful, and for tourists who do not know about the peculiarities of the local climate, it is amazing.

Drought control

In the Himalayan villages in the summer, the climate is arid and hot, which affects the harvest and animals. To combat the power of nature, Indian engineers have developed special ice towers that melt in the heat and moisten the soil. They are created in the cold season and wait for warming to give all the water to the ground and moisten it.

Wedding tradition

Every Indian wedding can not do without a common photo, where the bride and groom are seated in the center of the frame, and they must sit on white chairs.

Snakes are a common occurrence

Tea plantations in India are a common thing, and tens and even hundreds of thousands of Indians work on them. Very often, during the collection of tea leaves, they stumble upon poisonous snakes that hide in the bushes from the heat or incubate eggs.

Wicker baskets

To carry fruits, vegetables and other products, the people of India still use baskets instead of plastic bags. Weaving is a popular craft, and in every market you can find a merchant who sells baskets of his own production.

Unusual raspberries

On Indian soil, a special variety of raspberries is common, the color of which is very different from the usual.

Manicure on one hand

Many Indian women and girls go for manicures, but paint their nails on one hand. The traditional cuisine of India does not provide for the use of appliances, so the dishes are eaten with their hands. Girls do not stain the nails of one hand, because they monitor hygiene and do not want their manicure to quickly lose its appearance. The nails of one of the two hands are often cut short and not painted, but on the second the length of the nails and the color of the varnish can be anything.

Gastronomic competitions

Local cafes and eateries do not lag behind world trends and offer their visitors to eat a huge portion of something in the allotted time and get a prize. Companies of people can offer a tray with 8 kilograms of dishes, which must be eaten in less than 40 minutes! If visitors manage, they will receive a prize. If eating all the food does not work, you will need to pay double the price for the dishes.

Buffalo and cows

Cows and buffaloes are sacred animals for the inhabitants of India, so they are free to walk around the cities, and no one has the right to scare them, force them to go out of their way or cause harm. If a cow blocks the road, Indians will just have to endure and wait for the animal to decide to clear the way.

Banana leaf instead of dishes

On the territory of the southern states of India, people do not use plates during meals - they honor the traditions of their ancestors and eat from banana leaves, on which dishes are laid out.

Caring for the environment

In recent years, Indians have come to realize how huge and populous their country is and what impact it has on the global ecology. They began to regularly go to subbotniks and clean vast areas of garbage in order to properly dispose of it and not pollute nature.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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