2018-07-30 11:56:49

How to change school in England UK, USA and abroad: list, rating, prices, reviews

How to change school in England UK, USA and abroad: list, rating, prices, reviews

Often, foreign students in foreign schools need to transfer to another educational institution. The reasons for such a decision can be very different, and the transfer process itself is considered to be quite a troublesome business. Therefore, if you want to implement this procedure as competently and quickly as possible, it is best to seek professional help in this matter.

We will happily tell you what to do if you are wrongly picked up by the school in another agency or you did it yourself. We will in any case help you understand all the existing nuances and choose the right school.

How to change schools in England, UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Austria, Switzerland

In each of these countries the scheme of transition from one school to another is similar. Therefore, to change the current school, the pupil's parents should pay attention to some important points:

  • So, the first thing you should not forget: if you want to transfer a child from one foreign school to another, he must know the language of the country where the potential educational institution is located. The level of knowledge is checked, usually through testing or examination,
  • an important factor is the age of the child - it is not recommended to transfer the child to study abroad or between foreign schools before he reaches the age of 11-13. It is believed that during this period the pupils are most comfortable adapting themselves to the new conditions, and at a younger age it will be given them hardly in the distance from close people. However, this condition can be changed if, for example, the whole family moves abroad - then there will be relatives next to them that will help them get used to the new situation. There is also a small exception here: for example, inAmerica transfer between educational institutions is possible for children from the age of 5 years. Here, the accommodation is organized in a host family, and the child does not feel too lonely.
  • the next nuance - the schools you choose will be able to enroll your child if there are vacant seats, so the request for this topic in the administration of educational institutions should be made in advance ;
  • it is also worthwhile to plan the translation itself in advance. The most appropriate time for this is traditionally the end of the school year and the beginning of the summer holidays;
  • Finally, if the previous school and the new one are distinguished by academic bias (for example, humanities or mathematics), then your child will need to undergo additional tests in order to do so. A similar condition is when the state educational institution is changed to a private one.

Required documents

The process of transferring a child to a new school can begin only after the official confirmation of the institution that expresses consent to the enrollment of a new student. In order to start the process, a minimum package of documents is sent to the school's directorate several months before the start of studies, consisting of:

  • Parents' statements,
  • copies of parental passports and child's birth certificate,
  • copies of the medical record,
  • certificate of progress at the previous place of study (Including exams and tests);
  • test results for determining the language level.

Some schools add to this list recommendations from teachers or a list of rewards and accomplishments of the child related to extracurricular activities.

After sending the documents, the school commission decides on enrollment, and if the programs of the old and new educational institutions differed significantly, the student should undergo additional tests or an interview in a short time.

Possible difficulties in translating

The most important difficulty that a child can have when replacing a school and, of course, a country is a quick and successful adaptation to new conditions. In foreign schools, this nuance is treated very carefully, therefore, there is a specialist in each educational institution who can help the student with getting used to the new environment. In addition to the psychologist, the new pupil is also met by teachers - the first few weeks the child is paid a little more attention.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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