2022-11-01 21:27:18

How people drink coffee in different countries of the world

Coffee is one of humanity's most popular beverages, if not the most popular. For centuries, coffee has acted as a link between peoples and people - coffee beans were presented as gifts for establishing relationships, a cup of coffee is always offered to guests. Pleasure and a charge of vivacity from the drink can be received by any person, regardless of the country in which he lives, whose religion he professes and what language he speaks.

Coffee is loved to drink in many countries, and each has its own way of use. Travelers recommend familiarizing yourself with the rule of drinking coffee if you plan a trip to an unfamiliar country.


In Finland, coffee is a mandatory part of any working day. While working, every Finn has the right to take a coffee break, drink a cup of drink and be sure to eat it with a warm bun with cinnamon. The norm in the country is if a person drinks at least 10 (!) cups of kahvi per day - this is how coffee is called here.

Finland is considered the recognized leader in the consumption of kahvi in the world, and the locals could not do without the drink even during the Second World War. When the grain reserves ran out and no new supplies were made, the Finns tried to find any alternative to kahvi – brewing potato peels, pine bark and other products to find a similar taste.

If a Finn invites an interlocutor to visit for a cup of coffee, the refusal will be perceived as a direct insult. The interlocutor will have to share a pleasant break with the Finn, even if he has already drunk several mugs of kahvi.


Drinking coffee in Italy is considered a real art that has several rules. If they are violated, the guest of the country may receive a reprimand and disapproval of local residents.

By the word "coffee" Italians mean only espresso and no other types. Cafè normale, or "ordinary coffee", in establishments is served in a shot, and you need to drink it in a gulp and standing.

Cappuccino, brewed from espresso and foamed milk, Italians drink only at breakfast, which should take place no later than 11 am. If during the day the Italian wants to cheer up with a coffee drink with milk, he cannot drink cappuccino - he will brew a macchiato, which can be drunk both during the day and in the evening.

If an Italian comes to the institution and orders coffee, he will never take it with him, but will drink it on the spot. Travelers can order a takeaway drink, but risk facing the incomprehensible gaze of a local coffee lover.


Japanese kouii appeared in the country in the XVII century: then the island state was in voluntary isolation from the rest of the world, but sometimes traded. Dutch traders concluded a treaty with Japan and began to supply coffee to the country through Nagasaki Prefecture. Initially, the Japanese reacted coolly to the grain drink, but over time they fell in love with it.

In the first years of the twentieth century, kissaten began to appear on the territory of Japan - institutions where poets, artists, prose writers came, communicated and drank kouhii. In the 1980s, japan's economy began to develop at a fantastic rate, coffee houses began to open everywhere in the country, which was the beginning of a whole culture.

The Japanese like to visit coffee shops opened by international brands, for example, Sturbucks, but they have their own popular kissaten. The most famous brand is Douctor Coffee, where koukhii is sold in jars and prepared by vending machines. From the milk foam of the barista make unique images of animals - kittens, bear cubs, puppies, rabbits.


In 1946, Vietnam was experiencing the consequences of the First Indochinese and World War II, so there was a shortage of milk in the country. In Hanoi, there was a hotel in which the bartender decided to replace the milk in coffee with the beaten yolk of a chicken egg. The experimental drink was warmly welcomed by the guests, and the barista Nguyen Van Giang decided to open his own institution. Egg coffee was so liked by the Vietnamese that the drink acquired a national character and became the basis of the local coffee culture. Over time, the recipe for Cà Phê Trúng was refined, and now it includes cheese, butter, sugar, condensed milk and coffee itself. The resulting drink turned into a dessert and tastes like tiramisu.

Café Janga has not stopped its work until now and has become one of the attractions of Hanoi, where hundreds of tourists come every day. Baristas began to prepare egg coffee throughout Vietnam, but the best recipe can be tasted in the capital.


Malaysian coffee is called "kopi". The drink is prepared according to a unique technique, which is called "torrefacto". The recipe for the drink appeared in the century before last, but the locals are sure that their ancestors drank mines 500 years ago. The preparation of coffee by the torrefacto method involves roasting coffee beans with sugar and margarine. For roasting, an inexpensive and popular variety of Robusta is taken, and roasting softens its characteristic bitterness.

After the coffee beans are roasted, they are ground, placed on a fabric filter, boiling water is poured through the beans, and the resulting drink is filtered.

Kopi in Kuala Lumpur can be sampled by visiting traditional coffee shops or food courts of markets and shopping malls. Ordinary spears are served with condensed milk, and the option without milk and a lot of sugar is called "kopi-o".


Although the local recipe for the drink is called "Turkish coffee", it did not appear in Turkey. The method of preparation is one of the variations of Arabic coffee, which migrated to the cups of the Turks. The drink has become very popular in the country, all events in the life of the inhabitants of Turkey are accompanied by a cup of invigorating drink.

To prepare Turkish coffee, it is necessary to place finely ground coffee in a Turk, add sugar and cold water there. The ladle is placed on the fire and waits for the drink to rise. After the Turk is removed from the fire, waits a little, then repeats the process again.

Double cooking allows the drink to purchase foam of caramel shades on the surface. Some remove this foam, but the Turks leave everything as it is. When the coffee is ready, you need to wait 5 minutes for the grounds to settle to the bottom. At the final stage of preparation, cardamom or cinnamon can be added to coffee - these spices are very popular in the country. The remaining coffee grounds can be thrown away – or you can save it to guess!

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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