2021-09-02 00:18:09

FAQ: How much does it cost to study in private schools in England UK?

FAQ: How much does it cost to study in private schools in England UK?

British educational system combines centuries-old traditions and innovative teaching methods. Thanks to an integrated approach, a high level of academic base and the prestige of educational institutions, England is becoming a world educational center for tens of thousands of foreign applicants and schoolchildren. Secondary education received in private schools in the UK becomes a solid foundation in further study.


Advantages of education in private British schools

  • high level of academic programs ensures successful admission to prestigious educational institutions of the country
  • ideas of multifaceted development are competently introduced into the educational process
  • high-class teaching staff provides an individual approach
  • multifaceted extracurricular activities comprehensively develop students
  • Full immersion in the language environment is the best way to learn English.

Tuition fees in UK private boarding schools

Free education in public schools can only be obtained by British citizens or children whose parents have received a residence permit.

For foreigners, paid tuition is provided, both accommodation and meals for schoolchildren are paid. The average price of a trimester in a private boarding school in England is £ 20,000. Preparatory programs will cost about £ 10,000-£ 7500 per trimester. Some educational institutions introduce a deposit payment system, i.e. it will be necessary to pay for the upcoming semester separately.

The price usually includes:

  • classes (without additional lessons outside the program)
  • accommodation (on school campus or in a host family)
  • nutrition
  • Educational materials
  • sports and creativity
  • some excursions and cultural events
  • cleaning services, laundry.

Many schools encourage successful students with scholarships, and, in addition to academic ones, achievements in sports and art are taken into account.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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