
Eton College in England

The process of securing a place is highly competitive
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Description of Eton College in England

  • Location: Eton, Berkshire;
  • Age: 13-18 years;
  • Programs: High School, GCSE, A-level, Pre-U;
  • Number of pupils: 1300;
  • Year of foundation: 1440;
  • Type of study: separate, school for boys.

Eton College, the brainchild of the royal charter of Henry VI, was created in the 15th century in Eton as a private school for boys from simple families. Subsequently, her first 70 students had the opportunity to continue their studies at Cambridge Royal College. And today Eton College Private School is a school of separate education. Target audienct is boys 13 - 18 years old. Entry to the school takes place on a competitive basis.

Eton College is one of the most famous secondary education institutions in the world. He is called the forge of cadres for science, culture, politics of Britain. Eton College is the best of the 9 existing privileged British boarding schools. Graduates of the well-known schools in Britain are 19 prime ministers of Great Britain, well-known historical figures (Duke of Wellington, defeated by Napoleon's Waterloo), media magnates (for example, Harold Macmillan, owner of the world's oldest publisher). Also the legendary school was finished by the British Prime Minister David Cameron, princes Harry and William, writers George Orwell, Henry Fielding and others, actors (Hugh Laurie, known for the role of Holmes Jeremy Brett). The school is also proud of its graduates, who have made considerable progress in science. In the walls of the college academic knowledge was given to the father of macroeconomics John Keynes, geneticist John Gurdon, physicist Robert Boyle.

Today in college, which has brought up more than one generation of British aristocrats, foreign students are accepted. Here they receive modern education in a traditional English atmosphere.

The studying in Eton has a number of characteristics. The traditional school does not drill, does not train students. Here, only conditions are created for revealing talents, developing abilities and achieving outstanding academic results. Particular attention is paid to additional occupations. According to the leadership, they are of great importance in educating the change of cultural, political elite.

According to statistics, the school's academic load is lower than in other British boarding houses. Here, boys attend 35 40-minute lessons weekly. At the same time, the progress of international students is higher than in many schools in the country. The study takes place in the six-day mode. The most academically busy days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Admission requirements

The college accepts boys for education from the age of 13 years. To enter the college you need to register a student at the age of 10.5 years. At 11 he will have to pass preliminary testing. Its objective includes the definition of intelligence (test), interview, evaluation of the characteristics from the actual place of study. Only one third of applicants are successfully tested. They receive conditional places in the institution.

At the age of 13, boys take an entrance qualification exam. Having received high results, they confirm conditional places and become college students.

You can get a place in the school on a competitive basis. Students are winners of competitions for awarding a musical, royal scholarship.

A child can be enrolled at the age of 16. A special program operates for this purpose. Its participants are scholars of British schools.

For foreign applicants, the conditions for admission are very strict:

  •  The first requirement - the perfect knowledge of English (at the level of the native speaker), British literature.
  • The second is the availability of a set of thinking skills and certain skills necessary for effective college education. They are developed in British schools. It is impossible to qualitatively prepare for entering the college in native country. And in Britain, you can do it only in a specialized boarding school. The process of preparation begins at the age of 7 - 9 years old.

Academic Programs

Eton College is a classic British school. Here, the acquisition of education involves the study of ancient history, the Greek language, Latin, modern languages, mathematics, natural sciences, etc. Wide opportunities in the school are provided for the development of aesthetic subjects.

The training system is highly efficient. This is confirmed by the annual results of the examinations of the international students. So, according to A-level, at least 36% of graduates get an A *, 82% - A. According to the Pre-U program, more than 18% of students get the highest grade (A * +), 52% of boys pass the final examinations. 76% of children receive GCSE A *. 98% of graduates enter prestigious universities of the world. 30% of them choose Cambridge and Oxford.

Academic preparation includes 5 blocks (F - B). Each is designed for 1 year.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Eton College in England

Program name
Last booking 3 weeks ago
All year round
from 14167.00 £ / term
from 14167.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Secondary school - 9th year of study (13-15 years)

The 9th year of study, block F, involves studying English and literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, modern foreign languages ​​(a minimum of two to choose from), geography, history, theology, Latin. The program also includes subjects of practical and aesthetic cycles. The subjects are united in the MADPID block, which includes drama, art, music, ICT, physical education. Lessons are held three times a week, alternating. If you choose as an additional foreign Greek language, the MADPID program for a student is halved. Also, the students can optionally learn the Arabic, Mandarin, Chinese dialect. At the end of the year, each student is identified with a list of items to be passed for the GCSE.

All year round
from 14167.00 £ / term
from 14167.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

10-11 years of study (blocks E-D) provide for the learning of compulsory disciplines and 8 additional subjects. At the same time, students must choose at least 1 foreign language and 2 natural sciences. The list of additional subjects is extensive. It includes drama, music, technology and design, art (ceramics, sculpture, painting), history, geography, theology, classical civilizations (Greece or Rome), Greek, Latin, modern languages ​​(Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, German , French), biology, physics, chemistry.

12-13 year of study (C-B) also have their academic characteristics. The first year students study 4 subjects. On the second, as a rule, the development of the chosen disciplines continues. But this is not a mandatory requirement. A number of disciplines are divided into 2 blocks. Their study is completed by the corresponding examinations (AS, A2). For most A-level subjects and all Pre-U disciplines, examinations are given at the end of Block B.

In the framework of the Pre-U program, college students study ethics, philosophy, religion as part of the perspective course, compulsory for all students, as well as biology, music, modern languages ​​(Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, French , Chinese), the history of art.

The A-level program includes the mastery of art, Latin, Greek, modern languages ​​(including Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese), industrial design, political science, economics, ancient history, English literature, music technology, theater, history, Geography, mathematics and higher mathematics, theology, physics, chemistry.

All year round
from 14167.00 £ / term
from 14167.00 £ / term
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

10-11 years of study (blocks E-D) provide for the learning of compulsory disciplines and 8 additional subjects. At the same time, students must choose at least 1 foreign language and 2 natural sciences. The list of additional subjects is extensive. It includes drama, music, technology and design, art (ceramics, sculpture, painting), history, geography, theology, classical civilizations (Greece or Rome), Greek, Latin, modern languages ​​(Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, German , French), biology, physics, chemistry.

12-13 years of study (C-B) also have their academic characteristics. The first year students study 4 subjects. On the second, as a rule, the development of the chosen disciplines continues. But this is not a mandatory requirement. A number of disciplines are divided into 2 blocks. Their study is completed by the corresponding examinations (AS, A2). For most A-level subjects and all Pre-U disciplines, examinations are given at the end of Block B.

The A-level program includes the mastering of art, Latin, Greek, modern languages ​​(including Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese), industrial design, political science, economics, ancient history, English literature, music technology, theater, history, geography, mathematics and higher mathematics, theology, physics, chemistry.

Accommodation, meals, prices

A private school offers accommodation in residences on campus. Day school does not provide. In the hostel, adolescents are under the supervision of the educator, teachers, staff. Each residence is designed for 50 residents. Foreign students are accommodated in single rooms. The interior of the room is free to create to your liking. Students of the 6th form are accommodated in single rooms with a personal kitchen.

Meals in the college are offered 3-times a day, boarding conditions. In half of the hostels there are own dining rooms. The rest of the international students eat in Bekynton, the main school cafeteria.

Subjects, specialties

Activities Eton College in England

Everyday life in the institution is diverse. A lot of extracurricular activities and activities are offered to the foreign students. The program is traditionally divided into three blocks.

Sport is available to every student. They divide classes into specialized and secondary. Classification is subject to the seasonal factor. Profile sports are tennis, cricket, athletics, hockey, rowing, rugby and football. In addition, cross-country, kayaking, croquet, chess, bridge, basketball, badminton, golf, fencing, triathlon, racquetball, polo, mountaineering, martial arts, windsurfing, gymnastics, water polo, wakeboarding, volleyball, table tennis, swimming , Squash, skiing. Sports training lasts from 1 to 3 hours a day. Classes are held daily.

Academic and creative circles are the second unit of the curriculum of the school. Students can optionally study astronomy, architecture, business, politics, photography, poetry, medicine, printing. Creative persons are invited more than 50 music circles and communities.

Enter the extracurricular program and entertainment. Students go to concerts in the evenings, visit excursions, play table games, bowling, paintball, participate in various quizzes, competitions. Interested pupils are invited to participate in the famous "Eton Rifles", the United Cadet Corps, founded in 1860.


  • Eton College is one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world.
  • The school has an exceptional quality of education. It is conditioned by stimulating eaching, first-class resources and ambitious requests motivated to the achievements of students.
  • In the college, foreign students are provided with ample opportunities for training within the framework of an individual approach. For each mentor a personal growth program is prepared. Its implementation is monitored, adjusted if necessary.
  • Training in the school of Eton is comfortable and safe. 24-hour adult control is organized here. Teachers closely monitor the development of pupils both in the classroom and in everyday life. At school, students are offered organized leisure activities in accordance with their individual interests. For the safety of adolescents, the Internet is filtered, at night access to the network is blocked.
  • The prestigious school is conveniently located. From Heathrow to it is only 30 km. The campus stands on the picturesque bank of the Thames. The windows of the auditorium offer a view of the Windsor Castle.
  • Eton College has a special atmosphere. Elite school fully confirms its status.
  • In a private boarding school students can become scholars. Scholarships compensate from 50 to 100% of the cost of studying. The academic, sporting, creative achievements of students are financially encouraged. One of the grants is established by the Tsukanov Family Foundation, aimed at gifted academically and / or musically children from the post-Soviet space.
  • Eton College is a democratic school. Young men of any nationality, religion can study in it.
  • The institution has rather strict discipline rules. In particular, there is a ban on the use of alcohol and drugs. Misbehavior and violence are also blamed. Sanctions can be applied variously, up to an exception without the right of restoration on a course.
  • This is a real educational state with its dress code (famous dress coats, waistcoats, striped trousers and snow-white ties), laws, spoken vocabulary, exclusive sports games.

Facilities and equipment at Eton College in England

The school owns dozens of historic buildings and modern facilities. It owns the artificial lake Eton Dorney and Queen's Eyot.

Eton College is distinguished by a high level of development of academic, other internal infrastructure. The classrooms and laboratories of the school can compete with those in the best universities in the world. The computer class is equipped with powerful machines with advanced software, including tools for automatic design and image processing. In the design department there are modern machines, there are all necessary tools and consumables (plastic, metal, wood) for the work.

The school has its own music school. Its infrastructure is represented by study rooms, rehearsal rooms, concert and organ halls, a recording studio, a rock studio, an electrical board room for developing electric guitar playing skills.

There is a full-fledged theater in the school. It is designed for 400 spectators, equipped with a rotating proscenium, an orchestra pit, and fire bars. Also in the theater there is a rehearsal room, a dressing room, a workshop, several make-up and dressing rooms. The equipment is represented by advanced lighting and sound reproduction systems. For chamber performances in the theater there are 80-seat Empty Space and 100-seat Caccia Studio.

The pride of the school is its libraries. They can boast an outstanding printed fund, advanced electronic resources, video libraries, computer equipment. Also in the libraries of Eton College are kept rare folios and ancient manuscripts.

The electronic technologies of the school deserve special attention. Tablet computers and laptops here are important tools for the learning process. For operation, Microsoft Windows operating systems are predominantly used. Studying in art, design, and music technology is done using the Macintosh. Wi-Fi is available throughout the campus, in each residential and training room.

Eton's sports infrastructure is also impressive. The institution is rightly proud of its rowing canal on the artificial lake Dorni in the 400-acre park. This building in 2012 was recognized as the best among the Olympic facilities. Eton College students on the rowing channel are engaged in triathlon and classic rowing.

International students can also use the resources of the TVAC complex. The huge track and field athletics arena includes closed, open tracks, several gyms and gyms, 4 courts for racquetball and squash, basketball, badminton, netball courts, football fields, swimming pool.

There is a medical institution in the infrastructure of an elite college. The therapy center is located directly on the campus. In addition, each residence has a medical cabinet.

Admission dates and extra charges

The school year is divided into three terms. Autumn begins on September 3, spring - January 7, summer - April 15. The autumn trimester provides a 10-day vacation (late September and late November), as well as a long vacation (half-term) in late October. During the spring and summer trimesters, approximately every three weeks, students are also provided with a mini vacation. The longest vacation lasts 6 weeks. The school year ends on June 26.

Additional fees:

  • registration fee - 300 pounds (not refundable);
  • administrative fee - 650 pounds (fee per seat, non-refundable);
  • deposit - 1,250 pounds (returned at the end of school);
  • additional activities and leisure activities (sports lessons, additional excursions, some exams - 400-1000 pounds);
  • pocket money;
  • air travel;
  • visa processing, consular fees;
  • early termination of training without early notice - 9,182 pounds;
  • extramural fee - 9,182 pounds per trimester.


  • Registration fee (for a programme/course) 400 GBP
  • Deposit for a course/programme 3000 GBP

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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