
Business courses in Cyprus for international students

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Education information

Business, professional courses in Cyprus for pupils and students (16+). We ask you to familiarize yourself with the educational institutions proven by our specialists, offering unsurpassed quality in the field of education and upbringing of character, discipline of students. This section offers comprehensive information about schools, international training programs, prices and reviews. If you have any questions, you can always consult our specialists. FREE services for enrollment in partner institutions, the number of places is limited. Assistance in the selection of institutions, advice on what documents need to be collected, what are the requirements for submission and the timing of enrollment.

Business and professional courses in Cyprus: features and benefits for foreign students

Language education in Cyprus is always popular among students of any age due to the high quality of English-language education. Business courses in Cyprus for foreign students allow to choose the best linguistic program, combine study and leisure. Business English courses in Cyprus are aimed at adult students planning to work in the business field, foreign guests employed in international companies and seeking to expand their business contacts.

The teaching methods were developed by leading teachers, qualified teachers and methodologists. All classes are conducted by native speakers, so during studying you will significantly improve the quality of speaking skills, get a lot of language practice.

The general block includes exercises for training oral and written speech, pronunciation, listening comprehension, grammar, and working out the correct construction of syntactic structures. The profile unit is focused on the development of business English and a number of professional skills:

  • the appropriate use of terminology and sustainable expressions accepted in the business environment;
  • conducting presentations, negotiations;
  • conducting interviews;
  • work with business correspondence, official correspondence;
  • knowledge of business etiquette.

Classes include 8-15 people. The teaching staff strives for a balanced approach: group types of work and individual instruction complement each other, allowing students to develop various language skills in independent exercises, dialogs, and project tasks. After completing the program and successfully passing the final test, students receive a certificate.

Education in Cyprus: extracurricular activities

Cyprus is a popular tourist and educational center: the island is in the world top in terms of hospitality, infrastructure development and comfortable stay. The warm Mediterranean climate and long beach season make it the best place for relaxation and learning. Students of language courses devote free time to shopping, excursions, sports tourism, parties - the most interesting tourist destinations in Cyprus:

  • cognitive (study of historical sights, architectural monuments);
  • gastronomic (visiting vineyards, oil workshops, cheese factories);
  • visiting religious shrines (monasteries, temples);
  • acquaintance with natural monuments.

For foreign students, language schools in Cyprus offer hotel accommodation in full or partial board. Comfortable classes are equipped with modern educational equipment.

Statistics of English courses in England

Programs Intensity Group Language requirements The minimum cost of the week
General English 15-20 8-10 Starter £240+
Intensive English Course 28-30 6-12 Beginner £310+
Super Intensive English Course 35-40 6-10 Beginner £350+
Exam Preparation Courses 20-25 6-12 Intermediate £355+
Business English 20-25 7-10 Intermediate £355+
Intensive Business English 25-30 7-10 Intermediate £380+
Academic English 20-25 6-12 Beginner £280+
English plus 10-15 5-10 Intermediate £355+
English for Work 25-30 10-14 Beginner £355+
Vacation English 10-15 5-10 Beginner £270+
One-to-One lessons individual 1 Starter £50+ - 1 lesson

Statistics of English courses in the USA

Programs Intensity Group Language requirements Cost of the week
General English 15-20 8-10 Beginner 375 USD+
Intensive English Course 28-30 6-12 Elementary 430 USD+
Super Intensive English Course 35-40 6-10 Intermediate 475 USD+
Exam Preparation Courses 20-25 6-12 Intermediate 525 USD+
Business English 20-25 7-10 Intermediate 525 USD+
English plus hobby 10-15 5-10 Intermediate 550 USD+
Study & Live in your Teacher's Home 25-30 2-3 Beginner 1,000 USD+
Vacation English 10-15 5-10 Beginner 415 USD+
One-to-One lessons individual 1 Beginner 70 USD+ - 1 lesson

Statistics of English courses in Canada

Programs Intensity Group Language requirements The minimum cost of the week
General English 20 10-15 Beginner 310 USD+
Semi-Intensive English 24 10-13 Beginner 340 USD+
Intensive English 25-30 10-13 Beginner 350 USD+
Academic English 25-30 10-13 Beginner 370 USD+
English for Business 25-30 10-13 Intermediate 380 USD+
English for Work 30 10-13 Intermediate 380 USD+
Cambridge Exam Preparation 20-30 10-13 Intermediate 310 USD+
IELTS/TOEFL/TOEICPreparation 20-30 10-13 Intermediate 310 USD+
One-to-One Lessons individual 1 Starter 85 USD+/lesson
Club 40+ 20+ 8-10 Starter 565 USD+
English Plus 20+ 8-10 Starter 450 USD+
Academic Semester/Year 20-25 10-15 Beginner 285 USD+
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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