
Language test preparation abroad

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Education information

Nowadays, good command of foreign languages is essential for every professional in any field. Excellent results in languge exams and tests can open wide career prospects. SMAPSE offers you more than 100 best European schools, colleges and universities abroad that provide a wide ranhe of courses that will help foreign students to prepare for passing language exams and tests successfully. SMAPSE provides schools and colleges located in the USA, the UK, Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, etc.

Advantages of passing language tests and exams abroad

What are the advantages and benefits to pass language exams abroad?

  1. Pass the language exam abroad is very prestigious
  2. High scores are one of the necessary conditions for further education abroad
  3. A great opportunity to leave for permanent residence (for example, it is much easier to obtain a visa)
  4. You will get a unique opportunity to test your knowledge of the compliance with existing standards, usually put forward for entering universities and colleges
  5. The final certificate is your pass to a different, better life and the possibility of getting a prestigious and highly paid work

Therefore, the correct preparation for such tests is really essential. Advanced courses are aimed at excellent preparation of foreign students. All courses and programs consist of several blocks that develop writing, reading, listening, communication skills - everything important for passing language tests successfully.

Please, don't hesitate to contact SMAPSE experts, as they are always ready to help you.


What types of language tests are there?

How long are language test results valid?

What are the most popular tests for admission to educational institutions in English-speaking countries?

What is the difference between TOEFL and IELTS?

Which test is easier to take: IELTS or TOEFL?

What TOEFL score is required for admission to Ivy League universities?

Are there any courses abroad to prepare for language tests?

How long does it take to prepare for the TOEFL and IELTS language tests?

What are some alternatives to the international TOEFL and IELTS tests?

How many times can I retake TOEFL and IELTS?

Statistics of English courses in England

Programs Intensity Group Language requirements The minimum cost of the week
General English 15-20 8-10 Starter £240+
Intensive English Course 28-30 6-12 Beginner £310+
Super Intensive English Course 35-40 6-10 Beginner £350+
Exam Preparation Courses 20-25 6-12 Intermediate £355+
Business English 20-25 7-10 Intermediate £355+
Intensive Business English 25-30 7-10 Intermediate £380+
Academic English 20-25 6-12 Beginner £280+
English plus 10-15 5-10 Intermediate £355+
English for Work 25-30 10-14 Beginner £355+
Vacation English 10-15 5-10 Beginner £270+
One-to-One lessons individual 1 Starter £50+ - 1 lesson

Statistics of English courses in the USA

Programs Intensity Group Language requirements Cost of the week
General English 15-20 8-10 Beginner 375 USD+
Intensive English Course 28-30 6-12 Elementary 430 USD+
Super Intensive English Course 35-40 6-10 Intermediate 475 USD+
Exam Preparation Courses 20-25 6-12 Intermediate 525 USD+
Business English 20-25 7-10 Intermediate 525 USD+
English plus hobby 10-15 5-10 Intermediate 550 USD+
Study & Live in your Teacher's Home 25-30 2-3 Beginner 1,000 USD+
Vacation English 10-15 5-10 Beginner 415 USD+
One-to-One lessons individual 1 Beginner 70 USD+ - 1 lesson

Statistics of English courses in Canada

Programs Intensity Group Language requirements The minimum cost of the week
General English 20 10-15 Beginner 310 USD+
Semi-Intensive English 24 10-13 Beginner 340 USD+
Intensive English 25-30 10-13 Beginner 350 USD+
Academic English 25-30 10-13 Beginner 370 USD+
English for Business 25-30 10-13 Intermediate 380 USD+
English for Work 30 10-13 Intermediate 380 USD+
Cambridge Exam Preparation 20-30 10-13 Intermediate 310 USD+
IELTS/TOEFL/TOEICPreparation 20-30 10-13 Intermediate 310 USD+
One-to-One Lessons individual 1 Starter 85 USD+/lesson
Club 40+ 20+ 8-10 Starter 565 USD+
English Plus 20+ 8-10 Starter 450 USD+
Academic Semester/Year 20-25 10-15 Beginner 285 USD+
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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