2021-03-06 00:00:58

Benefits of studying in South Korea for foreign students

If your goal is to get a quality education, then seriously consider Korea. We will tell you why Korean education can be a great solution and how their system works.

South Korean universities are not the last in the list of the 50 best educational institutions in the world, graduates of Korean universities work in top global companies in high positions. The United States is the first country in the world in terms of the number of those who wish to continue their studies after graduation, while South Korea is immediately behind - in second place. Let's figure out how they do it.

Hierarchical system

Each school has a certain score in the ranking of the entire country. Leading schools are highly selective in their education. Many establishments are paid.

Depending on the rating of the school, the graduate opens up opportunities for higher education: the better the school, the more prestigious the university is ready to accept it for training.

High requirements for the student

The children are given voluminous homework assignments and are regularly tested to control the assimilation of the material. In addition, it will not work to write off: the students sit one at a time at the desk.

Every few months the child takes final tests, according to the results of which he can move to a "stronger" class or even school.

Upon admission to the university, the applicant also takes a test, to the points for which the points received during the years of schooling are added. In each university, among other things, there are internal exams, also in the test form + the applicant will have listening and a written assignment.

An interesting fact: during the exams, flights are canceled throughout the country, as the noise of the aircraft engine can interfere with the tasks.

Costly training

The country spares no money for education. Universities receive impressive scholarships, but they pay them only to a select few - the most successful and capable.

A year of schooling costs between $ 3,500 and $ 8,000, depending on the level of the school. The cost of studying at a university is from 10,000 to 15,000 dollars .

Citizens spend much more on education than the state itself, because schools are already paid. Parents set up a bank account in advance, in which they save for the education of the child. It is more profitable for foreign citizens to study in South Korea than locals.

A close-knit team is worth its weight in gold

Each class is managed by a selected headman who monitors attendance and reports to the teacher. Classroom cleaning falls on the shoulders of the students themselves, duty in the dining room too.

Students are entrusted with leading projects that contribute to team building. The teacher distributes teams chaotically, so academic rivals often have to work together, working for the common good.

In Korea, introverts will have a hard time: everyone is obliged to work in a student team. The opportunity to study remotely or in absentia is practically excluded here.

High competition

The education system in Korea is similar to the American one: for example, a student can enroll in additional courses online. It is difficult to get on a course with a well-known, honored professor.

The curriculum includes compulsory subjects and electives, each discipline has points that help the student rise in the ranking.

Interestingly, efforts are valued more than results. If the teacher finds out that the student has been preparing for the exam day and night, he will give a good grade.

The future career of a Korean depends on the rating received as a student, whether he will be able to receive a useful letter of recommendation.


If a university graduate had a high rating, he has every chance to immediately find a prestigious job, but not always - sometimes you have to compete for a good position in the desired place. Therefore, there is no question of dismissal, even if the employee is incredibly tired: it will be extremely difficult to find a new job due to high competition.

However, it is quite easy for a foreigner to find a vacancy here - foreign specialists are highly valued.

So why is education in South Korea so good?

  • Each institution maintains its own rating, so there is an incentive to try hard throughout the academic years;
  • The education system borrowed a lot from the United States (point-rating system, electives and faculties), while retaining its specificity;
  • A student in Korea must have leadership and teamwork skills;
  • Citizens of the country are forced to spend large sums on quality education, and a foreigner can receive a grant and study on a budgetary basis.
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Egor Eremeev
Current material has been prepared by Egor Eremeev
Education: Westminster University (Business & Management), London.
Egor studied and lived in the UK for 8 years and graduated from the university of Westminster. He is currently the co-founder and the director of business development at Smapse Education and personally visits foreign schools and universities, interviews students studying in those institutions.
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